7 Poems About Honesty
Be encouraged by these poems about honesty. Let them remind you of what honesty means and how we can see it in a person.
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Poems of Encouragement
Poems About Honesty
An Honest Man
Poet: John Imrie
Show me the man of true and honest heart,
Who, for the sake of gain, will not depart
From paths of rectitude, and then I can
Shew you God's noblest work —
An honest man!
Temptation's darts do not disturb his mind,
True to himself he 's true to all mankind,
By honest toil he earns whate'er he can.
And proves himself to be —
An honest man!
Truth is his watchword — lips that speak no guile,
His face illumm'd with an honest smile,
Looks eye to eye with ours, nor fails to scan
The traits and signs which mark —
The honest man!
God bless the honest man whose bosom thrills
With love and sympathy for others' ills,
And "robs " himself of ease if so he can,
With woman's tenderness, display —
"The man!"
The world is full of sin, and vice, and crime.
But honesty will stand the test of time;
Truth, Virtue, Charity, shall lead tlie van, —
God's name is honour'd by —
The honest man!
Poems About Truth
Dark and Weary
Poet: Will Carleton
The way at times may dark and weary seem,
No ray of sunshine on our path may beam.
The dark clouds hover over us like a pall.
And gloom and sadness seem to compass all.
But still, with honest purpose, toil we on;
And if our steps be upright, straight, and true.
Far in the east a golden light shall dawn,
And the bright smile of God come bursting through.
Christian Poems
Being Honest
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
One character trait I admire
Is an honest man
You never have to wonder
Where they stand.
You may not agree with
All they have to say
But you never have to wonder
If they will change their way.
Being honest sometimes is
Not what people want to hear
But by being honest you never have to think
About what you said in fear.
Honesty is a good way
To live your life each day
Because you never have
To think what did I say!

Poems About Character
The Lonely Fight
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
It's easy to be right when the multitude is cheering,
It is easy to have courage when you're fighting with the throng;
But it's altogether different when the multitude is sneering
To fight for what you know is right with no one else along.
It's easy to be honest when the multitude is gazing.
It is easy to be truthful when the crowds are standing by;
But it's altogether different when there is no spotlight blazing
To stand alone for what is right and never cheat or lie.
An Honest Heart
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
The various paths they all may try
To gain a living, or secure
The honors that may never die,
I cannot see. Of this I'm sure,
If guided by an honest heart,
A soul from vicious passions free,
Each will in life act well his part,
And gain a blessed eternity.
Poems About Gods Blessings
Four Things
Poet: Henry VanDyke
Four things a man must learn to do
If he would make his record true:
To think without confusion clearly;
To love his fellow-men sincerely;
To act from honest motives purely;
To trust in God and Heaven securely.
Quotes on Honesty
The Twin Followers
Poet: Eugene Field
Two ragged holes beam sadly out
Below the suburbs of this vest,
Like guardian angels of unrest,
They follow him for e'er about.
No picture could the public scan,
With half the greedy, fixed intent.
That on those dual holes is bent,
Those trade marks of an honest man.
How came those hungry holes both there?
Ah, ask the hours of toil and pain.
The pencil, lamp, and woven cane.
The creaky, rusty, office chair!
Why, everyrthing is new at first
And framed to stem the tide of life,
But all must yield at last to strife.
And even pants at length will burst.
And so, O honest holes, we greet
You with a proud and hearty grace;
Good welcome to the resting place.
Thrice welcome to the royal seat!
In all the turmoil, all the strife.
There are no teachers half so true,
To teach us what we learn from you.
The steam realities of life.
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May these poems remind you that honesty is always the best way to be!
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