How Did He Know Me
An inspiring poem about Jesus and how he knows each and every one of us. May the verses of this Christian poem inspire you.
Christian Poems
How Did He Know Me?
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 2001
I saw Him walk along the shore, alone, He journeyed slowly;
In dark brown sandals, long gray robe, stooped, like the meek and lowly.
His mind seemed oh, so far away, His burden almost felled Him,
He looked quite strong and in control; what inner source compelled Him?
The contradiction of great strength, the burdened look of sorrow,
What grief could stoop a man so low? The troubles of tomorrow?
From whence came He? What was His name? And just where was He headed?
I wondered, did He want to go, or was His journey dreaded.
I could not turn my eyes away, His presence kept me near Him;
I felt no danger watching there, I saw no cause to fear Him.
A drawing power I'd never known, a longing just to meet Him;
Perhaps to help Him with His load or maybe just to greet Him.
I didn't think He'd noticed me, I'd hid myself discreetly;
I wasn't spying, just intrigued, spell bound and drawn, completely.
Yet when He turned and came my way, His steps a little lighter,
His shoulders were not quite so stooped, perhaps His burdens lighter.
As He drew nearer where I was, I wondered if He saw me;
Amazed, I heard Him call my name, His power just seemed to draw me!
I questioned, "Sir, You knew my name, but this is our first meeting."
He stopped, smiled and shook my hand, a warm and friendly greeting.
"I knew you 'fore you drew first breath, I've always walked beside you,
Most of the time 'twas unawares, but I was there to guide you.
I saw you when your pain was deep, too deep for you to master,
I helped you through that terrible grief when you faced great disaster.
"I pondered that He knew so much, and then, the veil was lifted;
Twas Jesus I was speaking to! The Holy One, most gifted!
The One who's burden had been mine, who knew my heart's condition;
Who, on the cross had set me free, that was His earthly mission!
And when I recognized His face, immediately, He vanished,
Yet loving radiance stayed behind, and all my grief was banished!
Yes, I have walked the shores with One who strengthened me that hour,
Who filled me with His tender love; His grace and Holy power.
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