Follow Your Own Path Poems
You can follow your own path in life, following your dreams not following someone else's path for you. Let these short poems remind you that to be happy you need to determine and take responsibility for your destiny, for your goals, and for your achievements in life.
In the book, You Can Have It If You Really Want It, Jide Adeniba says, "What people say does not determine your life, it is what you say that matters." Don't
let other people set your life direction. You know your passion, the things you love to do - follow the direction you feel not what others feel.
Similarly, Scott Allan, in his book Drive Your Destiny, states: "We can focus on our own path and choose to ignore the noise in the world." Our culture today
puts unneeded stress on people about what they should and should not be doing. You know yourself, follow your heart not what the world says!
But, Hal Elrod says it best: "If I could go from being found dead, told I would never walk again, going broke ... to creating the life I’ve always wanted, then there are no legitimate excuses for you not to overcome any limitations that have held you
back from achieving everything you want for your life. None."
Short Poems & Quotes /
Poems About Life
Follow Your Own Path
Follow Your Dream
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Do not go where others go
Do not feel pressured so
Set your own goals and proceed
Then you will succeed.
When you follow your dream
It will boost your esteem
The secret to success you see
Is to do what you love, will make you happy.
Poems About Dreams
Chosen Path
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2012
There are many people,
In the world today.
Some are born to help others,
And others stray away.
There is good and bad,
In every part of life.
We all have to choose our side,
And hopefully one without strife.
But once you know your way,
And you start your chosen path,
Life will become clearer,
And you'll experience less wrath.
So stay true to who you are,
And follow all you're dreams.
And don't be scared of the unknown,
Be a part of the winning team.
Graduation Poems
Find Your Passion
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In life, there are many who offer advice
Many times there are trying to be nice
But in your heart you know
Sometimes the advice doesn't flow
With the things you long to do.
Find your passion, think about things
Follow your heart and life will bring
A life that satisfies you
And success in all you do.
Living Life Poem
Don't Compare Yourself
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Don't compare yourself to what others do
Live your life and follow through
What others say and what others do
That doesn't mean that is for you!
Just because one person loves a thing
That doesn't mean you have the same feeling
Discover your gifts, be true to you
Don't work a job that makes you blue.
Life will reward you when you walk your own way
Life will be exciting each and every day
Find a way to do the thing you love to do
Don't compare yourself to the other fellow!

Attitude Poems
A Path
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God designed a path for you
You will find it within what you love to do
He gave you a gift, unlike others, have
He works for you on your behalf.
If you follow His plan
You will find success, you can!
We all have a purpose, never doubt
Believe this, and all will work out.
He made you unique with a special talent
He wants you to use it not keep silent
Your path can find much happiness
You just have to show your readiness.
So follow the path and let God assist
In helping you find your bliss.
Life is too short for wasting your days
God will help you in many ways.

Christian Poems
Follow The Path Of Purpose
by Orison Swett Marden
There is an infinite distance between the
wishers and the doers.
A mere desire is lukewarm water,
which never will take a train to its destination;
the purpose must boil, must be made
into live steam to do the work.
Who would ever have heard of Theodore Roosevelt
outside of his immediate community if he had
only half committed himself to what he had undertaken,
if he had brought only a part of himself to his task?
The great secret of his career has been
that he has flung his whole life, not a part of it,
with all the determination and energy and power
he could muster, into everything he has undertaken.
No dillydallying, no faint-hearted efforts,
no lukewarm purpose for him!
Every life of power must have a great master purpose
which takes precedence of all other motives, -
a supreme principle which is so commanding
and so imperative in its demands for recognition
and exercise that there can be no mistaking its call.
Without this the water of energy will never reach the boiling point,
the life train will not get anywhere.
The man with a vigorous purpose is a positive,
constructive, creative, force.
Life Journey Quotes
Your Special Talents
by Orison Swett Marden
Can you do the thing that no one else can do,
or can you do a thing in a way that no one else can do it?
Are you ingenious, always on the lookout for new devices,
improved methods, up-to-date ways of doing things;
in short, are you a man of ideas?
Do you think to some purpose, or do you merely dream?
Are you alive to the tips of your fingers, or do you only exist?
It is the exceptional man that forges his way to the front.
There is always a place for him.
No matter how many are out of employment, he is always in demand.
There is a standing advertisement for him all over this broad land.
A man who is original and progressive in his methods,
who leaves a beaten track to push into new fields,
who is constantly on the alert for the
slightest improvement in his way of doing things,
is a man who succeeds.
It is astonishing what a tremendous difference
there is between the earning power of a man who does things pretty well,
and of one who does them as well as they can be done;
between that of a careless, incompetent employee and
one who is painstaking and thoroughly competent.
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Life is too short not to follow your own dreams, and walk your own path. When you live your life working at something you love it is no longer work. So set your goals, take action, and move towards the life you want to live!
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