8 Wishing Poems

Be inspired to take action by these wishing poems. Good advice, stop wishing and start doing - truly encouraging words. Wishing never accomplishes anything but doing - taking action that is when things get accomplished. We hope the poems encourage you to turn your wishes into goals and move forward with purpose and a vision!

Israelmore Ayivor said in his book, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion, "There are three categories of people exist in the world; 'the wanters', 'the wishers' and 'the makers'." Which are you?

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  1. Stop Wishing
    Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2011

    If you want something go out and get it,
    Stop sitting and wishing you had.
    It's time to make dreams a reality,
    And stop waiting for things to go bad.

    We have everything we need,
    To make our dreams come true.
    We have endurance and determination all within ourselves,
    It's time to put them to good use.

    So what will your first order of business be?
    Will you plan your journey all out?
    The first thing you probably should do,
    Is figure out who could give you some help.

    As we are very capable of achieving our goals,
    A little help is never a bad thing.
    Sometimes a little help is just what we need,
    To get us into full swing.

  2. How many times have you or your friends said the words, I Wish. Rather than wishing, start doing! Set a goal, take action, just do it.

    The Poet is trying to encourage and make us realize we just have to take that first step, not worry about the next one, just one step at a time. And, she gently reminds us to accept the help of others! Share these verses with someone you know who needs to stop wishing and start doing!

    Poems Of Encouragement
    Poems Of Encouragement

  3. As It Is
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    I might wish the world were better,
    I might sit around and sigh
    For a water that is wetter
    And a bluer sort of sky.
    There are times I think the weather
    Could be much improved upon,
    But when taken altogether
    It's a good old world we're on.
    I might tell how I would make it,
    But when I have had my say
    It is still my job to take it
    As it is, from day to day.

    I might wish that men were kinder,
    And less eager after gold;
    I might wish that they were blinder
    To the faults they now behold.
    And I'd try to make them gentle,
    And more tolerant in strife
    And a bit more sentimental
    O'er the finer things of life.
    But I am not here to make them,
    Or to work in human clay;
    It is just my work to take them
    As they are from day to day.

    Here's a world that suffers sorrow,
    Here are bitterness and pain,
    And the joy we plan tomorrow
    May be ruined by the rain.
    Here are hate and greed and badness,
    Here are love and friendship, too,
    But the most of it is gladness
    When at last we've run it through.
    Could we only understand it
    As we shall some distant day
    We should see that He who planned it
    Knew our needs along the way.

  4. If you feel like there's something out there<br> that you're supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it. Wanda Sykes
    Motivational Poems

  5. Get It Done
    Poet: Unknown

    It isn't the job we intend to do,
    or the labor we've just begun.
    That puts us right on the balance sheet;
    it's the work we have really done.

    Our credit is built upon things we shirk;
    The man who totals the biggest plus,
    is the man who completes his work.

    Good intentions do not pay bills;
    it's easy enough to plan
    To wish is the play of an office boy,
    to do the job of a man.

  6. Positive Poems
    Positive Poems

  7. Wish Thee
    Poet: Ida Scott Taylor

    I would not ask for thee a fadeless summer —
    When all is bright;
    Nor that eternal day surround thee,
    Without a night;
    For if our summer lasted all the year,
    No vernal Spring in beauty would appear.

    I would not ask for thee a life of pleasure —
    Without a care;
    Nor that thy path be strewn with roses,
    Through meadows fair;
    For if our days were only happy days,
    And if our ways were only pleasant ways,
    Our lives in dull monotony would run —
    Without the peace that comes when toil is done.

    But I would wish for thee a Heavenly measure
    Of shade and shine;
    Enough to make thee grasp the closer
    The Hand divine,
    Enough to bend thee to His sovereign will —
    Whate'er His mandate, be it good or ill.

  8. New Years Wish
    New Years Wish

  9. Wishing and Hoping
    Poet: John Kendrick Bangs

    We can't get our every wish
    By the act of wishing,
    But even though there are no fish
    There's some fun in fishing.

    So when things are far from bright,
    And I'm merely groping
    Through the darkness of the night.
    There is joy in hoping.

  10. Poems About Hope
    Poems About Hope

  11. Wishing And Dreaming
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    A wish is like a dream
    you would like to see come true
    But like everything in life
    it is all up to you.

    Like everything in life,
    our actions will see
    What we become,
    what we will be.

    To have dreams is
    a great thing
    But turning them into a goal
    results they will bring.

    So wish and dream
    but action take
    And you will find a dream life
    you will make.

  12. Poems About Dreams
    Poems About Dreams

  13. Three Wishes
    Poet: John Kendrick Bangs

    If some good fairy came to me
    And said she'd grant me wishes three,
    I'd make the first "a heart a-thrill
    With pity for my neighbour's ill";

    The second, "strength to do my part
    To bring peace to his troubled heart";
    And third that "I should have the mind
    To be of service to my kind."

    I would not ask for love or gold,
    Or laurels woven for the bold,
    For in that sort of human pelf
    I'd rather win them for myself.

  14. Poems About Helping Others
    Poems About Helping Others

  15. Oh, I Wish
    Poet: Rossiter Johnson

    Oh, for a lodge in a garden of cucumbers!
    Oh, for an iceberg or two at control!
    Oh, for a vale that at mid-day the dew cumbers,
    Oh, for a pleasure trip to the north pole.

    Oh, that this cold world were twenty times colder!
    (That's irony red-hot, it seemeth to me,)
    Oh, for a turn of its dreaded cold shoulder!
    Oh, what a comfort an ague would be!

    Oh, for a grotto, frost-lined and rill-riven.
    Scooped in the rock under cataracts vast!
    Oh, for a winter of discontent, even!
    Oh, for wet blankets judiciously cast!

    Oh for a soda-fount spouting up boldly
    From every hot lamp-post against the hot sky!
    Oh for proud maiden to look on me coldly,
    Freezing my soul with a glance of her eye!

    Then oh for a draught from a cup of "cold pizen!"
    And oh for a resting-place in the cold grave!
    With a bath in the Styx, where the thick shadow lies on
    And deepens the chill of its dark-running wave!

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