46 Inspirational Quotes by Women
Find wisdom and be encouraged by these inspirational quotes by women. Words to inspire and uplift you that will add a positive thought to your day.
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Inspirational Quotes by Women
Down through the years, I turned to the Bible and found in it all that I needed
Ruth Graham
Poems for Women
Surround yourself with people you enjoy being with and with those that appreciate you for who you are.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems Of Encouragement
What a truly wondrous process, so much life within a seed when it is cared for and tended.
Joyce Rupp, Prayer Seeds
Dare to be more, to risk more, to inspire others, to live life to the fullest by doing your best.
Catherine Pulsifer
Inspirational Poems
In the storms of life, do you bend like a tree in the wind or do you snap like a weak branch?
Catherine Pulsifer
The Oak Tree Poem

To what greater inspiration and counsel can we turn than to the imperishable truth to be found in this treasure house, the Bible?
Queen Elizabeth II
Quotes About The Bible
Joy cannot be held hostage to fear, pain, anger, disappointment, sadness, or grief. At the end of any given day,
he amount of joy you experienced is the exact amount of joy you
chose to experience.
Kay Warren
Just For Today Poems
Remember, like the snowflake, that each one of us is unique and that truly is a plus!
Catherine Pulsifer, Unique
Poems About Snowflakes
A grandmother's wisdom comes from a lifetime of listening and understanding.
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma Poems
Read quotes and books that inspire you they will refresh your mind that is so true. Don't focus on negative news it will only make you blue.
Catherine Pulsifer, Watch What You Read
Poems About Reading
Focus on your potential and the people who are not intimidated by your light!
Lisa Kardos, Optimize for Victory
Oh, Harvest Moon, inspire our hearts anew, a symbol of unity and dreams pursued.
Catherine Pulsifer, Blessed Light
Harvest Moon Poems
Life isn't meant to provide a continuous whirl of flash and excitement - just a few well-placed sparks to brighten our horizon, sail the trade winds of our memory, and leave a perfect afterglow in our hearts.
Gina Mohammed, Ph. D.
It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.
Maya Angelou
Forgiveness Quotes
People rise to the occasion without hesitation when they feel inspired and challenged.
Lorii Myers, No Excuses
Poems About Challenges
You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.
Oprah Winfrey
Success Poem
In realms untamed by reality's hand, a world of beauty blossoms and expands. With every thought, infinite possibilities grow, imagination, the source from which wonders flow.
Catherine Pulsifer, Spark Of Creation
Poems About Imagination
A sister like the stars in the sky always shining brightly but never to far.
Catherine Pulsifer, What A Sister Is Like
What Is A Sister Poems
If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us; for no age is so apt as youth to think its emotions, partings, and resolves are the last of their kind. Each crisis seems final, simply because it is new.
Mary Anne Evans (pen name - George Eliot)
Of all the wonderful things in the wonderful universe of God, nothing seems to me more surprising than the planting of a seed in the blank earth and the result thereof.
Julie Moir Messervy
God's Garden Poem
Joy is a state of heart and is the only one of these three states - happiness, peace, and joy - that you and you alone can control.
Ellen Miller, The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends
Poems About Happiness
Trust God to take care of you in all circumstances. Do you realize what the enemy will lose if you surrender and trust God?
Beth Moore

Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons.
Mother Teresa
Quotes About Blessings
Prayer should not be a structured and complicated conversation. It should be a simply and spontaneous conversation between heavenly Father and His sons and daughters.
Euginia Herlihy
Prayer for Today
For noble virtues, mere talk shall never do, mere promises have no power to imbue.
Catherine Pulsifer, What Speaks Louder
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Poems
Hope, freedom, sunlight, knowledge come not to wealth alone; he who looks far for blessings will overlook his own.
Sarah Knowles Bolton, Blessings Near At Hand
Poems About Contentment
Keep the spirit of Christmas alive - show your love and kindness too - to everyone and all you do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Keep The Spirit
Christmas Poems
Worry retards reaction and makes clear-cut decisions impossible.
Amelia Earhart
Worry Poems
As the radiant bow that scattereth all our faithlessness with proof of a seedtime and a harvest, so the rain upon the roof.
Mrs. F. B. Gage, The Rain Upon The Roof
Poems About Rain

Something only becomes a failure when you completely give up.
Tina Smith
Failure Quotes
Those who live to help others gain confidence or to overcome obstacles
are those whose character shines in unselfishness.
Kate Summers
Poems About Helping Others
When life is getting you down,
And you feel as if you might drown.
Hold on tight, and start to fight,
And eventually you won't want to frown...
Julie Hebert, Life Getting You Down
Letting Go Poem
In spite of the cost of living, it's still popular.
Kathy Norris
Poems About Life
My house eternal in the heavens is lighted by the smile of God
Phoebe Cary, Reconciled
A granddaughter is a precious gift that gives meaning to joys of life.
Catherine Pulsifer
Birthday Poems For Granddaughter
Figure out what will make you smile, and make that feeling true.
Life will take you everywhere, if you only allow yourself to.
Julie Hebert
Smile Poem
Stand still and hear God speaking to your soul...
Remember, time is His; He’s in control!
Greta Zwaan, Time Belongs To God
Poems About God's Timing
You must begin to intrinsically think of yourself as a success in order
to become more successful in the future. If you decide that you
will find somehow or some way to achieve your goals, then you
will move forward in your life and experience a large
number of successes.
Linda Garrison
It is only when you can get clear on who you are and
who you want to be in the world, that you can be anchored to
your own truth.
Janeen Latini, Love to Lead, Lead to Love

Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it.
Ellen Glasgow
Attitude Quotes
Anytime we set out on a journey we usually have a map or a GPS. But for the journey of life have faith in the words of the Bible, and use it as your guide.
Catherine Pulsifer
Unlike intuition, inspiration doesn't happen out of the blue, creative minds actively seek inspiration and there is always this need for something inspiring, so just like a physical or bodily need,
inspiration is a mental need and when this internal need for creativity meets an external object, an inspiration happens.
Saberi Roy
Creativity Quotes
And as uncomfortable and draining as conflict can be, conflict in and of itself isn’t really the problem. It’s how we handle it that matters.
Amy Gallo, HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict
Start your week by reading some inspirational quotes that will encourage and motivate you to have a great week.
Catherine Pulsifer
A sister knows you in ways and at a level that no other person can -
not your parents, your spouse, your children, not even your closest
woman friends.
Catherine Pulsifer
Colleen Sell, A Cup of Comfort for Sisters
Sister Poems
You can never tell when you send a word like an arrow shot from a bow. By an archer blind, be it cruel or kind, just where it will chance to go.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
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