12 Appreciation Poems
Let these short poems remind you to be appreciative of your friends and family each and every day. Don't wait until they are no longer with you to express your appreciation and
love for your friends and family.
These poems will remind you of just that point.
Share our collection of poems with the people in your life that you appreciate.
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Friendship Poems
Appreciation Poems
I Appreciate You
Poet: Catherine Pulisfer
For all the things you do
I appreciate you.
For your caring thoughtful ways
I appreciate you.
For the lazy care-free days
I appreciate you.
For your smile when I am down
I appreciate you.
For the laughter, acting like a clown
I appreciate you.
For the love, you show to me
I appreciate you.
For your encouragement and support
I appreciate you.
Thank you, love you, you're the best
and I appreciate you!
Thanks And Appreciation
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In this season of thanks and appreciation,
We gather 'round with joy and jubilation.
With grateful hearts, we share our blessings,
Embracing moments that life is professing.
The air filled with love, warm and inviting,
As we reflect on all worth treasuring, enlightening.
Thanksgiving's spirit ignites our souls' elation,
An optimistic celebration of gratitude's sensation.
So Often
Poet: Catherine Pulisfer
So often we take our family and friends for granted
Not intentionally but as a matter of fact
But we never know what tomorrow may bring
And our actions do have an impact.
Tell them you appreciate them
But don't just say it
Do something nice
Plan something sweet.
Appreciation spoken
Appreciation shown
Makes people feel special
And lets your feelings be known.
People in your life to appreciate:
Poems about Family
Thank You Friend Poems
Pastor Appreciation Poems
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Thank You Poems for Volunteers
A Legacy
Poet: John Greenleaf Whittier
Friend of my many years!
When the great silence falls, at last, on me.
Let me not leave, to pain and sadden thee,
A memory of tears.
But pleasant thoughts alone
Of one who was thy friendship’s honored guest
And drank the wine of consolation pressed
From sorrows of thy own.
I leave with thee a sense
Of hands upheld and trials rendered less -
The unselfish joy which is to helpfulness
Its own great recompense.
Give To Your Friend
Poet: Author Unknown
My wild Irish rose
The sweetest flower that grows
You may search everywhere
But none can compare to my wild Irish rose
My wild Irish rose
The sweetest flower that grows
Someday for my sake she may let me take
A bloom from my wild Irish rose
'Tis better to buy a small bouquet
And give to your friend this very day,
Than a bushel of roses white and red
To lay on his coffin after he's dead.
more appreciation quotes
It Is Worth While
by J. R. Miller
It is worth while to be a friend.
It is to come into people's lives with hallowed influences,
And then never again to go out of them.
For to be a friend at all is to stay forever in this life.
God never takes from us a friend he gives.
Therefore the privilege granted to a few rare spirits
Of being a friend of many people is
One of earth's most sacred gifts.
Kindness During Life
Poet: Unknown
I would rather have one little rose
From the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers
When my stay on earth shall end.
I would rather have one pleasant word
In kindness said to me,
Than flattery when my heart is still
And life has ceased to be.
I would rather have a loving smile
From friends I know are true,
Than tears shed round my casket
When this world I’ve bid adieu.
Bring me all your flowers today -
Whether pink, or white, or red;
I’d rather have one blossom now
Than a truckload when I’m dead.
Now Is The Time
Poet: D. F. Hodges
Now is the time; ah, friend, no longer wait
To scatter loving smiles and words of cheer
To those around whose lives are now so dear.
They may not meet you in the coming year.
Now is the time.
Ah, friends! dear friends, - if any such there be, -
Keep not your loving thoughts away from me
Till I am gone.
I want them now to help me on my way,
As lonely watchers want the light of day
Ere it is morn.

Train of Life Poem
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
With thankfulness here in my heart
For all you provide and impart.
Your generous spirit, ever so strong
Helping us find where we belong
The times when you lend us a hand
Assuring us of your understanding and stand.
You have been our loud cheerleader
Unwavering even during bad weather.
From deep within I want to show my appreciation
For all you have helped in our situation.
Thank you for always being there,
Showing us how much you care.
Thank You Poems
Memories of Tomorrow
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
These are the memories of tomorrow,
Smile of friend we meet today,
Sympathy to soothe our sorrow,
Roses blooming by the way;
Little jests to cheer the living.
Little deeds of kindness done.
Thought to them shall we be giving
When the years have wandered on.
What seems slight to us at present
Will grow big in other days;
Memory will make it pleasant.
We'll retread these happy ways.
We shall sigh to greet the brother
That today we hurry by;
Joys we share with one another
We'll remember, you and I.
Little pranks that we are playing.
Little songs that now we sing,
Orchard lanes that we are straying
Will come back, and with them bring
Par more gladness, far more sweetness
Than we seem to find today.
We shall see them in completeness
When the present slips away.
Gentle skies that float above us,
Babies romping 'round the floor,
Friends who show us that they love us,
Roses blooming at the door;
Hours now dark with care and sorrow.
Love that comes to dry the eye
Are the memories of tomorrow
We shall treasure, you and I.
Thinking Of You Poems
Your Helping Hand
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Giving thanks for your helping hand,
For never making any demands.
Compassion, kindness given free,
Everyday blessings to me.
I will be ever grateful
You show love never hateful.
Appreciation to you from my heart,
For helping me get a start.

Gratitude Poems
Poet: William Judson Kibby
Life's a bully good game with its kicks and cuffs
Some smile, some laugh, some bluff;
Some carry a load too heavy to bear
While some push on with never a care,
But the load will seldom heavy be
When I appreciate you and you appreciate me.
He who lives by the side of the road
And helps to bear his brother's load
May seem to travel lone and long
While the world goes by with a merry song,
But the heart grows warm and sorrows flee
When I appreciate you and you appreciate me.
When I appreciate you and you appreciate me,
The road seems short to victory;
It buoys one up and calls "Come on,"
And days grow brighter with the dawn;
There is no doubt or mystery
When I appreciate you and you appreciate me.
It's the greatest thought in heaven or earth--
It helps us know our fellow's worth;
There'd be no wars or bitterness,
No fear, no hate, no grasping; yes,
It makes work play, and the careworn free
When I appreciate you and you appreciate me.
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We hope these poems have reminded you of how important it is to express appreciation to others. It is important for the special people in our lives and an attitude of appreciation can make a difference in our own lives.
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