12 Journey With Jesus Poems

A collection of poems reflecting on the blessings of walking with Jesus.

Walking with Jesus isn’t about knowing the way—it’s about trusting the One who leads.

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Updated February 22, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Walking with Jesus is more than just a path we take—it’s a way of life. His love leads us, His grace strengthens us, and His wisdom guides each step. Imagine what it would have been like to journey beside Him, to hear His voice, to witness His kindness firsthand. What a blessing that would be!

But even today, we are not alone. Through faith, we can still walk with Jesus, following the example He set so long ago. These poems remind us of the beauty of that journey—the trust, the love, and the peace that comes from walking with Him every day. May they encourage you to keep moving forward, knowing that with Jesus by your side, you are never lost.

  1. Fishburgers

    Greta Zwaan, © 2011

    The fish burgers he carried as he dashed to the top of the hill;
    His mother had packed him a basket, his appetite to fulfill.
    He was young, he was strong, he was healthy; he was eager to follow the crowd,
    He had heard of this fellow called "Jesus" and how hearts were swayed, hearts were bowed.

    He needed a personal experience -"Never believe all that you hear."
    He figured he'd use his own judgment as he pushed through the crowd and drew near.
    WOW! There were thousands of people! The most folks that he'd ever seen,
    This Jesus had them all seated and slowly he crawled in between.

    That many people! Yet, silence. Not a soul uttered a word!
    The only one speaking was Jesus, for no other sound could be heard.
    It's late; he should eat his lunch now, he should leave and be on his way;
    Yet something compelled him to listen, to hear what Jesus would say.

    Then he heard Him question those seated, "Did anyone here bring their lunch?"
    He offered his fish burger basket, but it couldn't feed this huge bunch!
    But Jesus blessed it and broke it - everyone ate and was filled -
    All from his basket of burgers! He was astonished and thrilled!

    He'd sat at the feet of the Master! He'd given Him all that he had,
    And, oh, what a great transformation occurred in the heart of this lad!

  2. There is always a friend that one never loses, and that friend is Jesus. There is wondrous peace, power and solace to all who call His name.
    Poems about Following Jesus

  3. The Heart Of God

    Poet: W. E. Littlewood

    There is no love like the love of Jesus,
    Never to fade or fall
    Till into the fold of the peace of God
    He has gathered us all.

    There is no heart like the heart of Jesus,
    Filled with a tender lore;
    Not a throb or throe our hearts can know
    But he suffered before.

    There is no voice like the voice of Jesus;
    Ah! how sweet its chime.
    Like the musical ring of some rushing spring
    In the summer-time!

    O might we listen that voice of Jesus!
    O might we never roam
    Till our souls should rest, in peace, on his breast,
    In the heavenly home!

  4. In His Steps

    Greta Zwaan, ©1994

    In His steps I long to walk, a strong and vital bearer,
    To give the message to the world, that Jesus Christ is fairer.
    Fairer than the clear blue sky, fairer than the flower,
    Always giving of His love, awesome, Holy power.

    His gentle manner, loving touch, His total care and teaching,
    To the deepest soul of man, His love is ever reaching.
    No hurts so strong, no fear so great, that He cannot subdue it,
    No soul so deeply steeped in sin, that He cannot renew it.

    Compassion, love and gentle care are attributes we savour,
    When walking in the light He gives, when living in His favour.
    Don't feel discouraged when you've failed, and life falls down around you,
    Renew your pledge and try again, for Christ's love will surround you.

    He fills the gap, forgives the sin, He brings hope and renewal,
    Remember, it's for you He died, you are His precious jewel.
    Yes! I can walk beside my Lord! His faith will give me power,
    It's by His grace and through His love I'm guided every hour.

  5. The King Of Love

    Poet: Henry W. Baker

    The King of love my Shepherd is,
    Whose goodness faileth never;
    I nothing lack if I am his,
    And he is mine forever.

    Where streams of living water flow
    My ransomed soul he leadeth,
    And where the verdant pastures grow
    With food celestial feedeth.

    Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
    But yet in love he sought me,
    And on his shoulder gently laid,
    And home rejoicing brought me.

    In death's dark vale I fear no ill,
    With thee, dear Lord, beside me;
    Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
    Thy cross before to guide me.

    And so, through all the length of day,
    Thy goodness faileth never;
    Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise
    Within thy house forever.

  6. Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise Within thy house forever.
    Heaven Poems

  7. When?

    Poet: Susan Coolidge

    If I were told that I must die tomorrow,
    That the next sun
    Which sinks should bear me past all fear and sorrow
    For any one,
    All the fight fought, all the short journey through,
    What should I do?

    I do not think that I should shrink or falter,
    But just go on
    Doing my work, nor change, nor seek to alter
    Aught that is gone,
    But rise and move and love and smile and pray
    For one more day,

    And, lying down at night for a last sleeping,
    Say in that ear
    Which harkens ever: "Lord, within thy keeping
    How should I fear?
    And when tomorrow brings thee nearer still,
    Do thou thy will."

    I might not sleep for awe; but peaceful, tender,
    My soul would lie
    All the night long, and when the morning splendor
    Flushed o'er the sky,
    I think that I could smile, could calmly say,
    "It is his day."

    But if a wondrous hand, from the blue yonder,
    Held out a scroll
    On which my life was writ, and I with wonder
    Behold unroll
    To a long century's end its mystic clew,
    What should I do?

    What could I do, O blessed Guide and Master,
    Other than this?
    Still to go on as now, not slower, faster,
    Nor fear to miss
    The road, although so very long it be,
    While led by thee.

    Step after step, feeling thee close beside me,
    Although unseen,
    Through thorns, through flowers, whether the tempest hide thee
    Or heavens serene,
    Assured thy faithfulness can not betray,
    Thy love decay.

    I may not know, my God; no hand revealeth
    Thy counsels wise;
    Along- the path a deepening shadow stealeth;
    No voice replies
    To all my questioning thought, the time to tell -
    And it is well.

    Let me keep on, abiding and unfearing
    Thy will always,
    Through a long century's fruition
    Or a short day's.
    Thou canst not come too soon, and I can wait,
    If thou come late.

  8. A Message Of Love

    Poet: Unknown

    I am only a little poem,
    Five minutes will read me through,
    But I come in the name of Jesus
    With a message of love to you.
    You may not see how you can spare the time
    My few short lines to trace;
    But if never again till the judgment-day,
    There I'll meet you face to face.......

    Read the complete poem, A Message of Love

  9. But I come in the name of Jesus With a message of love to you.
    Poems About God's Love

  10. 'Tis I; Be Not Afraid

    Poet: Amos E. Flint

    Consoling words the Savior speaks
    To all who are dismayed,
    And whispers to the lost he seeks,
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    When threatening clouds obscure our view
    And storms our path invade,
    There comes a voice that can subdue -
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    Oh, who could bear life's stormy doom,
    Or heal the deep wounds made?
    None save whose voice comes through the gloom,
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    When black the threatening skies appear
    And death hides in their shade,
    There's only one who calms all fear:
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    When in the hours of lonely woe
    We need a friend's kind aid,
    Then comes a whisper sweet and low,
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    He who has helped us hitherto,
    When foes have been arrayed,
    Speaks softly all the journey through,
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    That voice leads home, apace, to God
    The wand'rers who have strayed,
    And, pleading, calls to those who plod,
    "'Tis I; be not afraid."

    'Tis sweet to look beyond all pain,
    Where glories are displayed,
    And count our days eternal gain
    Where none shall be afraid.

  11. All The Way

    Poet: Clara M. Brooks

    All the way through life's dark journey
    Wandered I alone and sad;
    Filled with pride and fond ambition,
    Naught of joy or peace I had.
    Then there came a gentle whisper,
    "Wanderer, no longer stray.
    I will satisfy your longings
    If you'll follow all the way."

    Read the complete poem, All The Way

  12. I have made my choice forever; I will walk with Christ my Lord
    Poems about Faith

  13. Jesus, I'll Go Throught With Thee

    Poet: Mrs. E. E. Williams

    I have made my choice forever;
    I will walk with Christ my Lord;
    Naught from him my soul can sever,
    While I'm trusting in his Word.
    I the lonely way have taken,
    Rough and toilsome though it be,
    And although despised, forsaken,
    Jesus, I'll go through with thee.

    Though the garden lies before me,
    And the scornful judgment-hall;
    Though the gloom of deepest midnight
    Settles round me like a pall,
    Darkness can affright me never;
    From thy presence shadows flee;
    And if thou wilt guide me ever,
    Jesus, I'll go through with thee.

    Though the earth may rock and tremble,
    Though the sun may hide its face,
    Though my foes be strong and ruthless,
    Still I dare to trust thy grace;
    Though the cross my path o'ershadow,
    Thou didst bear it once for me,
    And whate'er the pain of peril,
    Jesus, I'll go through with thee.

    When the conflict here is ended,
    And the weary journey done;
    When the last grim foe is conquered,
    And the final victory won;
    When the pearly gates swing open,
    And an entrance full and free
    Shall be granted to the victors, -
    Jesus, I'll go through with thee.

  14. Nothing To Do

    Poet: Unknown

    Nothing to do in this world of ours!
    Where weeds spring up with fairest flowers,
    Where smiles have only a fitful play,
    Where hearts are breaking every day.

    Nothing to do, thou Christian soul!
    Wrapping thee round in thy selfish stole;
    Off with the garments of sloth and sin!
    Christ thy Lord hath a kingdom to win.

    Nothing to do! There are prayers to lay
    On the altar of incense, day by day;
    There are foes to meet within and without;
    There is error to conquer, strong and stout.

    Nothing to do! There are minds to teach
    The simplest form of Christian speech;
    There are hearts to lure with loving wile
    From the grimmest haunts of sin's defile.

    Nothing to do! There are lambs to feed,
    The precious hope of the church's need;
    Strength to be borne to the weak and faint;
    Vigils to keep with the doubting saint.

    Nothing to do! And thy Savior said,
    "Follow thou me in the path I tread."
    Lord, lend thy help the journey through,
    Lest, faint, we cry, "So much to do!"

  15. Singing For Jesus

    Poet: Frances Ridley Havergal

    Singing for Jesus, our Saviour and King,
    Singing for Jesus, the Lord whom we love;
    All adoration we joyously bring,
    Longing to praise as we'll praise Him above.

    Singing for Jesus, our Master and Friend,
    Telling His love and His marvelous grace;
    Love from eternity, Love without end,
    Love for the loveless, the sinful and base.

    Singing for Jesus, and trying to win
    Many to love Him, and join in the song;
    Calling the weary and wandering in.
    Rolling the chorus of gladness along.

    Singing for Jesus, our Life and our Light,
    Singing for Him as we press to the mark;
    Singing for Him when the morning is bright,
    Singing, still singing, for Him in the dark.

    Singing for Jesus, our Shepherd and Guide,
    Singing for gladness of heart that He gives;
    Singing for wonder and praise that He died,
    Singing for blessing and joy that He lives.

    Singing for Jesus, Oh, singing for joy!
    Thus will we praise Him and tell out His love,
    Till He shall call us to brighter employ.
    Singing for Jesus forever above.

  16. Singing for Jesus, Oh, singing for joy!
    Praise God Poems

  17. Talk With Jesus

    Poet: Unknown

    May you talk with Jesus!
    Lord, let me talk with Thee of all I do,
    All that I care for, all I wish for, too.
    Lord, let me prove Thy sympathy, Thy power,
    Thy loving oversight from hour to hour!

    When I need counsel let me ask of Thee:
    Whatever my perplexity may be.
    It cannot be too trivial to bring
    To One who marks the sparrow's drooping wing;
    Nor too terrestrial, since Thou hast said
    The very hairs are numbered on our head.
    Are those I love the cause of anxious care?

    Thou canst unbind the burdens they may bear.
    Before the mysteries of Thy word or will
    Thy voice can gently bid my heart be still,
    Since all that is now hard to understand
    Shall be unravelled in yon heavenly land;

    Do weakness, weariness, disease, invade
    This earthly house, which Thou thyself hast made?
    Thou only, Lord, can'st touch the hidden spring
    Of mischief, and attune the jarring string.

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Journeying with Jesus means never walking alone—His love lights the way, His strength carries you through.

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