31 Justice Quotes
Justice quotes highlight or explains issues of ethics, honor, and morals. Each quotation reflects the views of what it means to exact justice for all, views on the motivation for how the world should be and act, and on the
overarching principles of justice and ethics in every facet of life.
As one author notes, in today's environment concerns surrounding ethical behavior and issues of morality are even more challenging then there were in days gone by. It is our hope that all of these writings both inspire and lead to beneficial behaviors.
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Justice Quotes
To take ethics — or the investigation of what ought to be — seriously is to engage head on with the question of value.
Christopher Panza; Adam Potthast, Ethics For Dummies
Poems About Justice
... because the surrounding non-Christian culture is hostile to Christian moral values, so anyone who teaches biblical ethics is likely to be criticized by unbelievers.
Wayne Grudem, Christian Ethics
Christian Poems
- Social justice demands that the mass of our people should be given access to clean, safe energy. Environmental justice demands that this should take the form of renewable energy ...
Environment Quotes
The faith that life on earth is being shaped to glorious ends; that order, justice, love.
George Eliot, Our Finest Hope
Anyone who really understands the beauty and tranquility of gardens will always do justice to each plant's needs.
Victoria L. Adenson
Garden Poems

Justice begins with our awareness of the present moment ... and shows up in the love we bring to our interactions with others and our responses to the social challenges of our time.
Rhonda V. Magee, The Inner Work of Racial Justice
Short Love Quotes
Nothing can make injustice just but mcercy.
Robert Frost
Fire and Ice Poem
The wheels of God’s mercy and justice move quietly and silently, but they do move.
Billy Graham
Truth and justice are eternal, born with loveliness and light
Unknown, As Pebbles In The Sea
Judging Others Poems

Without justice, there is no life; without a purpose for life, there is no justification.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Poems About Life
We cannot do wrong and feel right, nor can we give pain and gain pleasure, for justice avenges each slight.
Alice Cary
Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.
Martin Luther
Bible Verses about Peace Of Mind
The truth is large; no man hath seen the whole; larger than words; it brooks not the control
Samuel Valentine Cole, Truth Is The Sun
Poems About Truth

Each person has a significant role to play in helping to stop unnecessary and ill-advised rumors or gossip.
Byron Pulsifer
There's a kindness in His [God] justice which is more than liberty.
Faber, Come Nearer Jesus
Each of us will one day be judged by our standard of life - not by our standard of living
William Arthur Ward, One Day
Monitoring the regulation-writing process and implementing a policy are important to creating and maintaining social justice.
Richard Hoefer, Advocacy Practice for Social Justice
False allegations, wrongful convictions, excessive punishments, miscarriages of justice are often wholly the result of human failings, not flaws in the
impersonal machinery of justice.
Preet Bharara, Doing Justice

Justice exacted within one's mind is the absence of substantial truth for the many.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Truth Quotes
When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.
Steve Maraboli
Addressing climate phenomena is the way to ensure justice for humanity.
Ban Ki-moon
Sustainable development is at the heart of climate justice—protecting the planet, now and for generations to come.
Gro Harlem Brundtland

Ethics are important because they give direction to people and societies who have some sense that they cannot flourish without being moral.
Scott Rae, Moral Choices
Life Journey Poems
... the fight against climate change is fundamentally about human rights and securing justice for those suffering from its impact—vulnerable countries
and communities
Mary Robinson, Climate Justice
Community Quotes
... the Bible gives us not just a naked call to care about justice, but gives us everything we need—motivation, guidance, inner joy, and power—to live a
just life.
Timothy Keller, Generous Justice

Devoted though we are to prosperity and freedom, we can’t quite shake off the judgmental strand of justice. The conviction that justice involves virtue as well as choice runs deep.
Michael J. Sandel, Justice
Never have we been so bombarded with such sticky ethical dilemmas.
Joni Eareckson Tada, Life in the Balance
Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
Matthew 12:18 (HCSB)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible

Through kindness, and thus through affection, honesty, truth, and justice toward everyone else, we ensure our own benefit.
Piero Ferrucci, The Power of Kindness
Kindness Quotes
There is enough for all. The earth is a generous mother; she will provide in plentiful abundance food for all her children if they will but cultivate her soil in justice and in peace.
Bourke Coekran
Earth Day Quotes
The frequency and consequence of ethical questions are far greater today than in the past.
Cennydd Bowles, Future Ethics
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