65 Just For Today Quotes
There are days when we just have to take one day at a time. Let these just for today quotes encourage you to take just this one day and live it to the fullest.
Don't spend time worrying about tomorrow, and don't spend time thinking about the past, just take today and
do your best.
Short Poems & Quotes
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Just For Today Quotes
... rise and move and love and smile and pray for one more day.
Susan Coolidge, Unity
Just For Today Poems
Let us find our sweetest comfort in the blessings of to-day, with a patient hand removing all the briers from the way.
Mrs. May Riley Smith, If We Knew
Positive Poems
- You do not need to let anything get you down, but if you are down you certainly need not let anything keep you down.
Norman Vincent Peale, The Positive Principle Today
Poems of Encouragement
If today you're on the rout, keep plodding. Other days are coming yet when you'll win, that you can bet.
David V. Bush, Keep Plodding
Don't Quit Poem
Man is not content today, he lives with troubled aim; a-thinking 'bout the troubles past
- and those which never came!
David v. Bush, Troubles That Never Came
Christian Poems
- God - let me be aware. Let me not stumble blindly down the ways, just getting somehow safely through the days...
Miriam Teichner, Awareness
Prayer For Today
Words are many and easy to say but what matters most is what you do today.
Catherine Pulsifer, Words Are Many
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Poems
If I today a friend could find amid the labor and the stress. Some toiling brother, kindred mind.
Uknown, If I Could Make A Friend
Friendship Poems

We must live today. We can not bring back yesterday, we can't change anything in the past.
Catherine Pulsifer
Let me so live each passing day, that when the sun has slipped away I may know I've shared the road, and helped to carry another's load.
Unknown, Twilight Reverie
Poems About Helping Others
Let the lives that we live be worth living; let the days that we spend be well spent
Unknown, Living
Living Life Poem
- Strength for to-day is all that we need, as there will never be a to-morrow. For to-morrow will prove but another to-day,
with its measure of joy and sorrow.
Mrs. M. A. Kidder, Strength
Poems About Strength
May each day you awake - be a day that is great.
Catherine Pulsifer
Today is yours: how you may use today
Unknown, Today Is Yours
Poems About The Future
Yet still once more I turn the leaf, and mean to walk the better way; I struggle with old unbelief, and strive to reach the perfect day.
Unknown, Turning Over The New Leaf
- Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out to tomorrow.
Jerry Spinelli
I know not what this day may hold nor if the path be steep to climb, my faith in God will keep me bold to face this life, one day at a time.
Unknown, My Faith In God
Faith In God Poems
Today is a new day. Let's not mess it up... at least until after the first cup of coffee.
Funny Good Morning Quotes
Every day is a fresh beginning, every morn is the world made new
Susan Coolidge, New Every Morning
Morning Prayer Devotion
- This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good...
Dr. Heartsill Wilson, A New Day
A New Day Poem
Look forward not back, be happy, not sad for this day, be thankful and be glad
Catherine Pulsifer, Never Take For Granted

- You can't cheat time. You can't put off today what you can do tomorrow without a cost.
Jeremy Lubremeyer
Each day is just another reason to smile!
Somya Kedia
Smile Quotes
- Just for today focus on the possible solution to any problems that arise. Once you start focusing today, you will find it easier tomorrow and the next day.
Sam Fickinsen
Today is the day that we, will live out and choose our route. But tomorrow or yesterday, are either done or not played out.
Julie Hebert, Two Days of Every Week
Inspirational Poems
- When the day has ended, dare to feel as you've done your best.
Dare to be the best you can...
Steve Maraboli, Dare To Be
Be The Best Quotes
Cherish today with a smiling start. Help other people with a loving heart.
Catherine Pulsifer, This Day Is Here
Good morning world what shall I do today
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Waste Your Days
Life Is Too Short Poems
- Today before you complain about life – think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Author Unknown, Feeling Frustration
Poems About Frustration
New mercies, new blessings, new light on the way; new courage, new hope, and new strength for each day
Frances Ridley Havergal, New Year In Christ
TODAY — Forego a grudge.
Author Unknown
Forgiveness Poems
- The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up.
Robert Tew
Never Give Up Poem
This new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on the yesterdays.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanksgiving Poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youger than You.
Dr. Seuss
Do we take the time today to appreciate and spend time with those that have influenced and supported us during our life?
Catherine Pulsifer
Train Of Life Poem
- Let your dreams of tomorrow turn into your goals of today.
Catherine Pulsifer
With love as a guide, every day is a fresh beginning
Unknown, Listen My Soul
Poems About Listening
To start today and every day with a smile to display. See how many you can give away make a difference, smile today!
Catherine Pulsifer, Start Your Day
Smile Poems
- Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.
George Washington
Procrastination Quotes
So may each day be a better day, each year a better year, and while the days and years recede, may life grow rich and fruitful.
George L. Perin, Hope
Ask yourself the question, at the end of your life what will you consider to be a successful life? Then ask yourself are you living that life today.
Catherine Pulsifer
Success Poem
- Today before you think of saying an unkind word–
think of someone who can’t speak.
Author Unknown
Kindness Poem
You will regret wishing your life away. So don't wait, today life is great.
Catherine Pulsifer, We Can't Wait
Poems About Waiting
I will laugh and sing my way along, I'll make the most of what is mine to-day
Edgar A. Guest, A Vow
Poems About Living A Simple Life
- Today, know that God is bigger than your past, your disappointments, and your problems.
Joel Osteen, Fresh Start
Poems About God
Are you willing... To bear in mind the things that other people have to bear on their hearts...Are you willing to do these things for a day?
Henry VanDyke, Ready To Keep Christmas
Christmas Card Poem
You cannot grow unless you are willing to change. And you will not change unless you change something you do every day.
John Maxwell
Quotes About Growth
Never fail with careful thought, to think before we speak.
J. J. Thorne
Thoughtful Quotes
More Inspiring Quotes For Today
Let these quotes add a positive thought that you can apply to your day. Remember you can live only one day at a time. So just for today
focus on your day and find the positive! Life is too short to focus on the negative.
You deserve to have a good day today. Not because of some universal law that necessitates good things happening to worthwhile people, but because we all do.
Heidi Priebe, This Is Me Letting You Go
Good Morning Poems
A lesson is learned every day, what lesson did you learn today? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's great, take what you've learned, don't let it wait.
Catherine Pulsifer, Lesson Learned Every Day
Poems on Life Lessons
Tomorrow's a stranger; Today is a, friend.
Everett W. Hill, The Moments You Spend

Make hay while the sun shines...do not put it off to-day, thinking to-morrow will do.
David J. Cable
This brings a wish your way - Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.
Irish Blessing
Irish Blessing Quotes
What we do today determines if a memory will be okay.
Kate Summers, Each Day That Passes
Poems About Memories
Today the skies are clear and blue, tomorrow clouds may come in view, yesterday is not for you; do it now.
Unknown, Do It Now
Motivational Poems

May God's wisdom guide you on your way today and every day.
Kate Summers
Good Morning Quotes
...a new day is here, squeeze a laugh from it instead of a tear.
Herbert Kaufman, Why In The World
Poems About Laughter
It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow, that weigh a man down.
George MacDonald
Every single day we should ask, ourselves an important question. What goals will we complete today
Julie Hebert
Poems About Goals

The memories of yesterday remind me of the importance of making memories today.
Catherine Pulsifer
It's today that I am livin', not a month ago.
Havin'; losin'; takin'; givin'; as time wills it so.
Douglas Malloch, Today
We shall do so much in the years to come, but what have we done today?
Nixon Waterman
Start today follow your heart. Map out your own journey. Have the adventure of a lifetime.
Melody Beattie, Journey to the Heart
Adventure Quotes
Live life today as though today were all.
T. N. Hanson
Short Inspirational Quotes
- Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays.
Quotes to Live By
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