Keep Going Poems
Be encouraged by these short poems that remind us to keep going. Verses that will remind you to stick to it with persistence and perseverance. In trying to reach our goals all of us at one time or another have faced roadblocks and obstacles.
But as the verses will reflect it we persist and persevere we can reach success.
One of our favorite quotes about keep going was said by John Daly, "In life, you have got to make the best of every situation; you have to keep going."
Share these poems of encouragement with those who are discouraged to remind them to keep going!
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Poems Of Encouragement
Keep Going Poems
Poet: Frank L. Stanton
If you strike a thorn or a rose.
Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows,
Keep a-goin'!
Taint no use to sit and "whine"
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook and keep on tryin'
Keep a-goin'!
When the weather kills your crop.
Keep a-goin'!
When you tumble from the top,
Keep a-goin'!
S'pose you are out of every dime,
Gettin' broke ain't any crime;
Tell the world you're feelin' prime —
Keep a-goin'!
When it looks like all is up,
Keep a-goin'!
Drain the sweetness from the cup.
Keep a-goin'!
See the wild birds on the wing!
Hear the bells that sweetly ring!
When you feel like sighin' — sing!
Keep a-goin"!
Don't Quit Poem
Look Back
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
Look back in history and you'll see
Many people kept goin' even when they hit a tree
They never gave up. They stuck to it,
They persisted never throwing a fit.
Imagine if they just gave up
We may not have inventions, not even a cup
They persisted and preserved without any scoff
And it has resulted that we folk are now better off
So if you're discouraged, research and find
The people who kept going even when in a bind
The key to their success is a simple one
They kept moving forward until they were done.
The second key to their success is clear
They believed in themselves, they had no fear
Even if they failed they kept moving forward
They could see the success they were moving toward.
In reaching your goals you may find
That some things may take a bit of time
But have confidence and believe
That you have it in you to succeed!

Poems About Perseverance
Sailing Boat
Poet: Patience Strong
I watched a little sailing boat
With crimson wings outspread-
So small - and yet so switch and sure,
It plunged its way ahead-
Through wind and spray and driving rain
Towards the harbour light-
Unshaken by the blinding storm -
Like some great bird in flight...
And so it is in human life
With all its squalls and gales-
It's not the storm that matters,
It's the way we set our sails-
Enables us to steer our course
Through hardship and distress-
And reach the peaceful harbour
Of a well-deserved success.
Find more poems about life to encourage you to keep going no matter what the challenges or issues you are facing. Be like the sailboat moving steadily forward.
Throw In The Towel
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
You want to throw in the towel
You say with a growl
Why bother to keep tryin'
It just feels like it's dyin'
But what if the next try
The results you will come by
If you throw in the towel now
You will never get a chance to bow
You have to try and learn
Your persistence will earn
A way around the troubles you face
And you will find success you'll embrace
more encouragement quotes
The Lights of Life
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
The lights of life - green and red
Red to stop and green to go ahead
Do we pay attention to when the light is red
Or do we just stop and go to bed.
The red light of life you see
Is just a way to stop and be
It doesn't mean that you'll never go
It only means that you proceed a bit slow
The green light of life you see
Are things working out, we are so happy
But in life, the light is not always green
Things sometimes can fall in-between
So when the light moves forward to green
Keep going ever so keen
But don't give up when the light is red
Otherwise, your dreams and goals will be dead.
Find a way to turn the light to yellow
You may have to adjust and be a bit more mellow
But focusing on that light of green
You will succeed and your work will be seen.
We all have times in our lives when we feel like the light is red and we cannot keep going. Read a success poem to encourage you to keep moving forward. Some of
the most successful people faced many roadblocks and red lights but that did not stop them.
Go Right On Working
Poet: Nixon Waterman
Ah, yes! the task is hard, 'tis true,
But what's the use of sighing?
They're soonest with their duties through
Who bravely keep on trying.
There's no advantage to be found
In sorrowing or shirking;
They with success are soonest crowned
Who just go right on working.
Strive patiently and with a will
That shall not be defeated;
Keep singing at your task until
You see it stand completed.
Nor let the clouds of doubt draw near,
Your sky's glad sunshine murking;
Be brave, and fill your heart with cheer,
And just go right on working.
Never Give Up Poem
Press On
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
Press on, press on to virtue,
Until the goal is won;
Nor linger with the farewell beams
Of the departing sun.
Move limb and heart; go forth
With majesty and might;
And never tire and never faint,
At daybreak or at night.
Press on, press on to virtue;
The prize you'll win at last,
If with a courage unsubdued,
And firm truth buckled fast,
In Heaven's high name you go.
As sure as morn succeeds
The night, so sure on Glory's page
Will burn Faith's noble deeds.
When setting goals we sometimes get discouraged and feel like giving up. Read these poems about goals to encourage you to keep going in the direction of your goal.
Just Keep On Going
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Defeated we want to quit
But let them tell you a secret:
Defeat brings a chance to learn
Don't fall into the defeatist pattern.
Learn where you went wrong
Then get back on the road and go along
You will find that as you keep going
Success will start showing.
Say no to the defeatist attitude
Hang on with fortitude
Keep going learning along the way
And success will be yours some day.
It is those who stop and do no more
Those who quit and don't try to score
They are the ones that accept defeat
Over and over defeat they repeat.
So keep your head up high
Don't get discouraged, don't sigh
Just keep on going, with a focused goal
Let the roadblocks and challenges roll.
Try Try Again Poem
When My Ship Comes In
Poet: Edward S. Rand
For summer and winter are one to me,
And the day is bright, be it storm or shine;
For far away, o'er a sunny sea,
Sails a treasure-vessel, and all is mine.
I see the ripples that fall away,
As she cleaves the azure waves before;
And nearer, nearer, day by day.
Draws the happy hour when she comes to shore.
"But what if she never comes?" you say,
"If you never the honor, the treasure, gain?"
It has made me happier day by day.
It has eased full many an aching pain,
It has kept the spirit from envy free,
Has dulled the ear to the world's rude din.
Oh! best of blessings it's been to me,
To look for the hour when my ship comes in.
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We hope these short poems encourage you to keep going, don't quit. Will leave you with this quote to think about said by Sylvester Stallone:
"I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going."
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