90 Knowledge Quotes
May these knowledge quotes inspire you to continue learning no matter what your age. Are you like a sponge, soaking up as much good knowledge as you can?
No matter what your age, or what your education, there is always knowledge to be
learned. As you learn your knowledge increases and your understanding is
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Knowledge Quotes
Acquire thoroughly. - This puts the knowledge in. Review frequently. - This keeps the knowledge.
Unknown, Seven Good Rules
Poems About Knowledge
Adventure and knowledge hand in hand we find, books we read, truly expand our minds.
Catherine Pulsifer, Expand Our Minds
Poems About Books
Even if you plan to become a practitioner rather than a researcher—say, a nurse, social worker, or school principal—knowledge of strong research methodologies and legitimate ways to collect and analyze data is essential for keeping up with advances in your field.
Paul D. Leedy, Practical Research
- "Be curious always, for knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it."
Sudie Back
This quote emphasizes the importance of curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge. It suggests that knowledge doesn't come to you passively; you must actively seek it out and be curious about the world around you. In other words, to gain knowledge, you must take the initiative to explore, learn, and inquire, as it won't come to you without your efforts.
In institutions of learning we strive, to fill our minds with knowledge wide
Catherine Pulsifer, Education's Wilds
Poems About Education
As we learn we will see the rewards. Failure can give us knowledge with determination restored.
Catherine Pulsifer, Look For The Lessons
Poems About Learning
Knowledge of a person's likes and dislikes in a friendship is paramount to understanding what common grounds can be used to build a meaningful relationship.
Victoria L. Adenson
If you intend to start a garden, knowledge of planting techniques and relationship gardening are a must in order to prevent wasting your time.
Mary S. Scotsburn
For when we help each other, our knowledge we do part.
Catherine Pulsifer, Help Build Confidence In Others
Grandparents have pieces of knowledge that no one can replace.
Catherine Pulsifer, Grandmother and Grandfather
From textbooks old to teachers wise and kind, knowledge is the treasure you shall find.
Catherine Pulsifer, Education Is A Jewel
Learning Quotes
In middle age life can be grand, it gives us knowledge we may not have had.
Catherine Pulsifer, Middle Age Is Grand
Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
John Locke
Quotes about Reading
John Locke's quote underscores that reading provides the raw materials of knowledge, but true ownership and understanding of that knowledge come through thinking and reflection. In other words, it's not enough to passively consume information through reading; it's the process of actively engaging with and processing that information in one's thoughts that leads to a deeper and more personal grasp of the material. Knowledge is truly acquired when it becomes a part of one's own understanding through critical thinking and reflection.
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.
Robert Frost
Fire and Ice Poem
The more I know I know I know
I know I know the less.
Unknown, I Know
"Adversity brings knowledge, and knowledge wisdom."
The library is where knowledge can be found, a place of quiet, you'll hear not a sound.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Library
Poems About Libraries
May the knowledge you learn be your guide, and, always remember these years with pride.
Catherine Pulsifer, Studies Paid Off
The entire object of true education is to...not merely learned, but to love knowledge
John Ruskin, Thrist After Justice
To a teacher who's been kind and true - you gave us knowledge that will help us soar, advice and guidance and so much more.
Catherine Pulsifer, You're Number 1
Goodbye Poems For A Teacher
No matter what faces you today use your knowledge to find your way - do the best that you can do
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Let What If
If Poems
Knowledge shows us what was previously concealed, education is a gift, life secrets it reveals.
Catherine Pulsifer, Education Is A Gift
Quotes About Education
Our life journey is full of errors, mistakes, and failures. But learning from these leads us down the road to success and happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer
On wings of knowledge now you will fly, following your dreams as they soar so high.
Catherine Pulsifer, Congrats To You Son
The question now is whether you have an intentional and proactive plan to take those life lessons and that wisdom and pass it on to your children, grandchildren, great grandchildren
Jeff Rogers, Create a Thriving Family Legacy
Jeff Rogers' quote highlights the importance of passing on life lessons and wisdom to future generations. The question raised is whether individuals have a deliberate and proactive strategy to ensure that the valuable knowledge and insights they've gained are shared with their children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. It emphasizes the idea that we should actively plan and make efforts to transmit our experiences and wisdom to the younger generations for their benefit and personal growth.
A library is treasure chamber of knowledge.
Lailah Gifty Akita
Quotes about Library
Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
He who knows, and knows he knows - He is wise - follow him.
Arabian Proverb, Men Are Four
Wisdom Poems
We thank you from the bottom of our heart for the knowledge, you do share and impart.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Special Thank You
Teacher Appreciation Poem

Many of the finer things are to be found in books if we profit by the opinions of learned people.
Unknown, Books
In this sphere of letters, a kingdom unfolds, where knowledge finds solace and wisdom molds.
Catherine Pulsifer, Education's Sanctuary
Poems About Literacy
I read each day and learn - knowledge that brings returns.
Catherine Pulsifer, I Read
Poems About Reading
It’s been a long study filled ride through tests of knowledge, teachers supplied. But the ending’s celebratory, there’s no mistake
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Graduation Glee
Here's the knowledge I did accrue, after twelve long years of schooling true. My successes and failures truly shaped me
Catherine Pulsifer, A Milestone In My Life
Defeat brings a lesson, it gives a chance to rebuild, a chance to start again, with the knowledge of what does not work.
Leon Brown
Leon Brown's quote conveys that defeat, though challenging, offers valuable lessons. It provides an opportunity to rebuild and begin anew with the knowledge of what doesn't work.
Flood me with knowledge, drench me in light. Please keep me eager just to do my share. God - let me be aware.
Miriam Teichner. Awareness
The higher education of women means more for the
future than all conceivable legislative reforms. Its influence does not stop with the home.
David Starr Jordan
Gain knowledge and courage, seek wisdom and light, lest you miss the fleet chance when it looms into sight
David V. Bush
Opportunity Poem
In whatever light we regard the Bible, whether with reference to revelation, to history, or to morality, it is our invaluable and inexhaustible mine of knowledge and virtue.
John Quincy Adams, The Bible
Poems About The Bible
John Quincy Adams' quote highlights the Bible as a source of profound knowledge and virtue. Regardless of how one views the Bible, whether as a religious text, a historical account, or a guide to moral principles, it is described as an invaluable and boundless reservoir of wisdom and virtuous teachings. The quote underscores the idea that the Bible holds enduring significance for its potential to offer valuable insights and guidance in various aspects of life.
- "Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information on it."
Samuel Johnson
It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
This quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. underscores the distinction between knowledge and wisdom. It suggests that knowledge is associated with sharing and speaking, as it represents what we know and understand. In summary, it is saying knowledge is the source of information and wisdom is the result of active listening and contemplation.
Knowledge is not power. The implementation of knowledge is power.
Larry Winget
Some teacher his devotion lent that you might wiser grow. And ever watched with kind intent your footsteps, sure but slow
David V. Bush, Go Show Your Gratitude
Defeat can be a disappointing thing but always remember lessons it brings
Catherine Pulsifer, Win or Defeat
Poems About Winning
Grandparents are, without a doubt, some of the world’s best educators.
Charles W. Shedd
The most important thing is the determination you bring.Knowledge is good but determination is like food.
Catherine Pulsifer, Your Determination
God gives all love and knowledge, a conscience to teach the way
J. J. Thorne, Sister and Brotherhood
... if you don’t also have the support of your subconscious beliefs, then you will remain frustrated in your efforts to succeed, no matter how much knowledge you have or how much effort you put in.
Julie Ann Cairns, The Abundance Code
You can lose your job, you can lose material items, but you can never lose
your knowledge. The money we invest in ourselves to further increase our
knowledge is truly an investment in our future.
Catherine Pulsifer
Better to be a little wise than in knowledge to abound
George Macdonald, Better Things
This quote means that it is better to have a small amount of wisdom than to have a lot of knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge in a practical and effective way, while knowledge is simply the accumulation of information. It is more important to have the ability to use what you know than to simply know a lot of things.

Who does not make a mistake? What is important is the lesson they take.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Lesson
Poems About Mistakes
Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you have traveled
Mom ... No matter how old I am I always remember what you taught me the values, the rights and wrongs
Byron Pulsifer, Number 1 Mom
Knowledge, after all, is not the greatest thing, in life; it is not the "be-all" and the "end-all " here. Life is not a science.
George Henry Lewes
"We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot
be merely a degree or a skill - it demands a broader vision, capabilities
in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot
have constructive progress."
Li Ka Shing
Learning Quotes
This quote suggests that simply having knowledge, like a degree or a skill, isn't enough.; we need a wider perspective and the ability to think critically and logically. In other words, it's not just about what you know but how you use that knowledge.
It goes without saying children need their education to give them a good foundation for life. The experiences we have in school will follow us throughout our lives.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About School
My church inspires me and fills my heart with the certain knowledge of God's unconditional love for all of us.
Anna Holling Cerena
....knowledge by itself is useless unless that knowledge is put into action.
Byron Pulsifer
Minds are a golden treasure, unlimited resource; a great expanse of knowledge, a strong and vital force.
Greta Zwaan, Dreams
The core of a mentoring relationship is more about a mutual search than about imparting wisdom. As a collective pursuit, mentoring works best when
mentors are focused on building, not on boasting.
Chip R. Bell, Managers As Mentors
Mentor Quotes
- "All men by nature desire knowledge."
If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.
Chinese Wisdom
"Knowledge exists to be imparted."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Best efforts will not substitute for knowledge."
W. Edwards Deming
- "Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification."
Martin Fischer
Desiderata Poem
"I knew as I moved toward the lifestyle of simplicity,
that I would face obstacles and setbacks as I journeyed towards
this goal. Did I have the energy, the knowledge and the
resources to face these obstacles?"
Catherine Pulsifer
... teaching itself requires knowledge of planning and the use of strategies that ... support new ways of expert learning and being, and new kinds of knowledge that can be transferred and performed.
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm; Rachel E. Bear; Adam Fachler, Planning Powerful Instruction
"When we make college more affordable, we make the American
dream more achievable."
Bill Clinton
I am a firm believer in sharing and passing on our knowledge.
Kate Summers
"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it."
Sir Winston Churchill
"The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder
and mystery. There is always more mystery."
Anais Nin
This quote suggests that having knowledge should never take away the sense of wonder and curiosity. In fact, it reminds us that there will always be more things to discover, no matter how much we already know. So, knowledge and wonder can coexist, and learning new things is ongoing in life.
When I consider the power of thoughts to transform the world, I realize that thinking matters... This thought is a seed of the legacy of wisdom we want to pass down to our kids.
Rachel M. Rasmussen, Escaping the Ordinary Life
"Knowledge is the antidote to fear."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."
Anton Chekhov
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
No one is exempt from the rule that learning occurs through recognition of error.
Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetics
Poems on Life Lessons
This quote suggests that everyone, without exception, learns by recognizing their mistakes or errors. In other words, learning often involves realizing where we went wrong and using that awareness to become better.
"It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward.
Ignorance is never better than knowledge."
Enrico Fermi
Misunderstanding Quotes
- "Desire is a treasure map. Knowledge is the treasure chest.
Wisdom is the jewel. Yet without action they all stay buried."
Live to learn and learn to live; if you want to increase knowledge. You must get ere you can give.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Wishing
"Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly
open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge."
Author Unknown
Quotes About Schools
"Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go
of something every day."
Author Unknown
"In today's knowledge-based economy, what you earn depends on
what you learn. Jobs in the information technology sector, for example,
pay 85 percent more than the private sector average."
Bill Clinton
"If a man empties his purse into his head,
no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always
pays the best interest."
Benjamin Franklin
Literacy is the bridge to knowledge, that opens doors to endless possibilities.
Catherine Pulsifer
Quotes About Literacy
We believe that education is key: the more knowledgeable we become about our beaches and coastlines, the deeper our bond with them and
the more firm our willingness to protect these endangered natural habitats.
Orrin H. Pilkey, The World's Beaches
"If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new
Susanne K. Langer
Question Quotes
Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
Hugh White
Knowledgeable through experience, seasoned observation and technical expertise, a coach provides
that critical perspective that turns ability into accomplishment.
Ashton Eaton
"Give me a non-fictional book, and I would absorb the knowledge
it contained like a sponge."
Catherine Pulsifer
Book Quotes
With a thirst for knowledge, we'll never tire, learning's flame burning, rising higher and higher
Catherine Pulsifer, Find The Keys
As knowledge increases, wonder deepens.
Charles Morgan
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