Learning Quotes
A collection of learning quotes; as the old saying goes, learn one new thing a day, every day. We hope these quotes inspire you to learn every day.
To move ahead we need to be continually learning. Some people think if they get to a certain age there is no longer a need to learn, however, we think
learning actually helps keep you young and it certainly exercises the brain.
Learn each and every day - imagine if you just learned one new thing a day
how much knowledge you would have gained by the end of the year.
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Learning Quotes
We want to contribute, feel fulfilled, and grow and learn every day. We long to thrive.
Susan Fowler, Master Your Motivation
Poems about Learning
Success is not the teacher, wise an' true, that gruff old failure is
Edgar A. Guest, Hard Knocks
Think about it, we learn more from our failures than we do about our successes.
When we fail we stop and look at what went wrong, what we could have done better
and then apply our newfound knowledge and start again. But when
we are successful there is not the same analysis done. Wise words by Edgar A. Guest!
There isn't a true Christian alive today that maintains that continuous learning about God's intentions in their life isn't necessary.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Oh, the joyous chorus education brings, a world filled with knowledge without strings. Encouragement to learn and talk aglow, building strong skills we didn't know.
Catherine Pulsifer, Encouragement To Learn
Poems About Education
Oh, books of mine! .....As when on Learning's way I started to find the sweetest sweets in thee!
Howard Carleton Tripp, My Books
Poems About Books
A friendship is not stagnant. It requires continuous learning about each other's growth, issues, and concerns as life unfolds along the way.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Mary S. Scotsburn's quote beautifully illustrates the dynamic nature of friendship. It suggests that a true friendship isn't something that stays the same; instead, it needs ongoing effort and learning. This quote reminds us that strong friendships require care, attention, and a willingness to adapt together through life's ups and downs.

Always....be smart enough to continue learning.
Unknown, Always Be
No matter your age, there's always more to learn, new ideas and perspectives waiting to turn.
Catherine Pulsifer, Knowledge Through Reading
Poems About Knowledge
Catherine Pulsifer's quote conveys an important message about lifelong learning. This quote inspires us to keep our minds curious and eager to learn throughout our lives. It reminds us that learning isn't limited by age; it's a continuous journey of growth and understanding.
For wisdom comes to those who quest so never more to settle for less.
Byron Pulsifer, Does Wisdom Come
Success awaits at every turn - stay strong and continue to learn.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Graduate Today
Graduation Poems For Daughter
The act of learning does not occur in a vacuum; it occurs through fully living a life of varied experiences melded into positive behaviors.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
If we do not apply what we learn then the knowledge has no value. Putting it into practice completes the learning cycle.
Living our lives and apply what our education to reflect a positive life
are truly good principles of learning.

"To learn, we must be willing to make mistakes, and we must be willing to own our mistakes and learn from them."
Oriah Mountain Dream, The Invitation
Poems About Mistakes
The purpose of life is clear to see, to learn and grow, build grace and be
Catherine Pulsifer, The Purpose
Use your mind, grow your mind, and grow your life’s experiences through learning.
Matthew D. Mohr
Quotes About Growth
In the library's books, you will find information to expand your mind
Catherine Pulsifer, Expand Your Mind
Poems About Libraries
Your efforts have brought you to this very day, your studying and learning have paved the way.
Catherine Pulsifer, Congratulations On Your Graduation
Graduation Poems For Son
Some may feel sadness in their defeat but what's been learned can never be beat
Catherine Pulsifer, An Opportunity To Reload
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
B.B. King
People who move toward the church do so for two major reasons: to learn about God and to find some guidance and direction for living.
Harold Percy
One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it.
This quote emphasizes that gaining knowledge is just one part of the equation. To use what you've learned effectively, you need a good dose of common sense. It's like saying that for every unit of learning you acquire, you need ten units of practical wisdom to put that knowledge into action.
What a gift to learn and experience ...I have such gratitude.
Catherine Pulsifer, Every Day I Wake
So learn all you can while you're in school don't worry about being so cool.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Good Foundation
Poems About School
Looking back on our school years I think we can all see reflections of this quote. It is
sometimes more important to be cool than to be educated.
Aspiring for goals that we set, but content when life meets unexpected turn; for it is then, in those moments, we truly appreciate our life and learn.
Catherine Pulsifer, Life Of Contentment
I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences.
Queen Latifah

A lesson is learned every day - What lesson did you learn today?
Catherine Pulsifer, Lesson Learned Every Day
Poems on Life Lessons
So word by word we learn to spell, and line by line to read quite well.
Unknown, How It Is Done
Poems About Reading
Becoming proficient in reading is done by taking one word at a time and so is with any challenge in life - one day at
a time, one step at a time until we experience how to face anything that life throws at us.
Find a little nook where you can sit and read a book - you can learn many things
Catherine Pulsifer, Find A Nook
Quotes about Reading
It's a lifelong journey, a path unending, each stage brings chances for learning and mending.
Catherine Pulsifer, Each Stage
Through trials we grow, learning to endure, transforming setbacks into successes sure.
Catherine Pulsifer, Blessings Abound
Each day you prepare lessons that you teach
You inspire me, and my potential to reach.
Catherine Pulsifer, Merry Christmas Teacher
Christmas Poems for Teachers
God has not given us vast learning to solve all the problems, or unfailing wisdom to direct all the
wanderings of our brothers lives, but He has given to every one of us the power to be spiritual, and by our spirituality to lift and enlarge and enlighten the lives we touch.
Phillips Brooks
Wisdom Poems

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in.
Morrie Schwartz
Learn where you went wrong - then get back on the road and go along
Catherine Pulsifer, Just Keep On Going
Grandparents want to keep learning? Spend time with your grandchildren they will teach you more than you want to know.
Catherine Pulsifer
To constantly improve my mind.- to strive through effort hard to find...is my goal.
Unknown, Aim, Goal, Creed
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Mahatma Gandhi
Quotes About Education
You learn so much from taking chances, whether they work out or not. Either way, you can grow from the experience and become stronger and smarter.
John Legend
John Legend's quote reminds us that taking risks can be a valuable part of learning. We gain important lessons that help us develop and become more resilient and knowledgeable. This quote encourages us to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. It's like saying that even when things don't go as planned, we still gain something precious from the experience.
Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.
Amit Ray
"Education and training does
not stop when you finish a great education,
life is a journey of learning."
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Journey Poems
"Learning never takes place while you're talking."
Andy Stanley
Let him learn to stand in the storm; let him learn compassion for those who fail.
Unknown, Give Me A Son
Knowledge Quotes
How difficult it is for a parent to watch their child struggle. But by doing so it teaches
them the knowledge and understanding they need as they grow. And every parent's prayer is that
the child can turn his experience into compassion and be willing to help others in their struggles.
When I look up from thee to God, and see His glory in the sod. My heart in sweet tranquility would learn from thee "humility!"
John Imrie, To The Pansy
If you’re told to learn a task, and you should begin it, do not tell your teacher, "Yes, I’m coming in a minute."
Phoebe Cary, No Time Like The Present

The more you learn, the more you earn.
Warren Buffett
So learn the lesson now, that some never learn. Waiting patiently, will allow you your turn.
Julie Hebert, Life Is Patience
The way to learn to do things is to do things. The way to learn a trade is to work at it.
F. M Fradenburgh, Advice For Going Forward
Graduation Poems
F. M. Fradenburgh's quote emphasizes the importance of practical experience in learning. It's like saying that if you want to become good at something, you can acquire the knowledge, but you have to put into practice what you learn.
Each young person must be taught the difference between right and wrong and this teaching must be consistent.
Byron Pulsifer
If a person continues to learn and grow, they in a sense are regenerating themselves into a new person.
James Fullerton, Choose Happiness
Having started, learn your business thoroughly from the ground up.
Marshall Field, For Opportunity
Opportunity Poems
The rose bush can this lesson well unfold: strive to excel in being good and wise.
Howard Carleton Tripp, A Lesson From The Rose Bush
"Parenthood is one area of our life that is so wonderful,
yet so humbling because it is a constant learning process."
Larry Hagner, The Dad's Edge
At every stage of a child's development, a parent becomes an expert by the time the stage is finished. And as every parent
knows they are continually learning as the child enters the next stage. The accomplishment of being an expert arrives when
we become grandparents, but there is always something new to learn!
Let us never cease loving and learning
Unknown, Living
"If you accept
failure as an opportunity to learn,
it will
change your whole perspective. Some people allow failures
to stop them from ever attempting anything new. Rather than learn and
move on, these people get stuck forever."
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Failure
Learning to be content with yourself will develop your tolerance of others.
Elizabeth Caroline, 7 Keys To Happiness
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Dr. Seuss
Quotes About Literacy
You can find anyone that will tell you what you want to hear, but the only one worth valuing is the one that tells you what you need to learn.
Shannon L. Alder
We all have friends that just tell us what we want to hear, but we all need friends that are
honest with us and have the ability and skill to tell us areas where we can improve ourselves.
You, my teacher, have been all these things so much learning you did bring
Catherine Pulsifer, There Are People
Teacher Appreciation Poem
"Some solutions are passed down from our families and
some are ones we have learned since we have
simplified our life."
Catherine Pulsifer
One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm. Don't let challenges upset you.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life wasn’t meant to be easy, a time to lay down and rest, life’s a process of learning with many a trial and test.
Greta Zwaan, It's Not About You!
Learn, my laddie, learn! In grassy nooks still read your books; And aye for knowledge burn
Mary Mapes Dodge, Shepherd John
Book Quotes
Another way to develop and strengthen your self-discipline is to seek out support from others who are learning ...
Carl Patterson, Critical Thinking Skills
Limitlessness is the sense that there are no boundaries to what you can become or do. You learn it when you know that your evolution is never-ending and your potential for growth reaches to infinity.
Cherie Carter-Scott, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules
By the time you’re 80 years old you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it.
George Burns
Wisdom from George Burns, to make you smile but also words that have some truth in them!
Time management can be a good thing. It can help us look at how we spend our time. It can help us become more efficient in getting a job done and can help us learn new ways of doing old things.
Anne Wilson Schaef, Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much
Learn something new every day. Keep the mind sharp and you from growing dull.
Doug Brownstone, Stop and Smell the Roses
In the silent aisles of the library, learning finds its sanctuary, as books can become the teachers.
Catherine Pulsifer
Book Quotes
Just like any learning process, training your concentration can have
varying result among individuals.
Christ Lewis; Laura Lewis, Organize Your Mind in 24 Hours!
True wisdom is not merely knowing facts but understanding the value of continuous learning. It is the journey of discovering that the more we know, the more we realize how much more there is to know.
Author Unknown
Wisdom Quotes
Experiment, learn by doing and allow yourself to make mistakes
as you improve.
Peter W. Murphy, Always Know What To Say
There is no better way to test what you have learned
than by actually putting it into practice. And, if we
make a mistake it helps us in our understanding of the knowledge - learn from it and keep going!
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