115 Life Journey Quotes
Let these life journey quotes motivate and inspire you. The journey of life is not always smooth or without obstacles. However, without a struggle, there can be no gain. Life comes
to us in various segments and seasons. Some are fun, glamorous, easy or exhilarating. Other parts of our existence come with a series of struggles, difficulties or seemingly huge mountains to overcome as we journey. No matter which comes,
life is to be lived not squandered and these journey quotes, sayings, and thoughts expressed that very sentiment.
Short Poems & Quotes
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Life Journey Quotes
You’re winning, though the journey’s slow; you’re gaining steadily each day.
Wilhelmina Stitch
Life Journey Poems
Keeping yourself mentally stimulated is very important - maybe even critical - to a long life.
Seymour Schulich, Get Smarter Life and Business Lessons
Poems of Encouragement
The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same.
Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.
Don Williams, Jr.
Inspirational Poems
And if my dreamings ne’er come true, the brightest and the best, but leave me lone my journey through, I’ll set my heart at rest,
Martha Haskell Clark, Red Geraniums
Garden Poems

The limit of life is brief...To the lilies of God's own gate.
Marie B. Williams, Influencer
Christian Poems
Recognize things you can control. Identify things you cannot. Strengthen things that you can. Accept what you cannot.
S. I. Wells
Wise words as you journey through life, take one day at a time remembering S. I. Well's words.
Just For Today Poems
Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.
Sir Francis Bacon
Poems About Books
Middle age is like a roller coaster ride; it has its ups, downs and twists and turns but at the end of the ride you will be left with an exciting, unforgettable experience.
Catherine Pulsifer
Middle Age Poems
I live for those that love me....For the good that I can do.
Author Unknown, What I Live For
A Life Well Lived Poem
And thus in light and shade, sunshine and gloom, sorrow and joy this life-path leads along.
James Abram Garfield, Memory
Poems About Memories
Diploma in hand and ready for the next step, our journey's just started - we have now been prepped.
Catherine Pulsifer, Congratulations Classmates!
Funny Graduation Poems
Seventy-five years passed, a journey well explored. Living ever onward, each kin is quite adored
Catherine Pulsifer, An Amazing Milestone
75th Birthday Poems
Life is an ever-unfolding voyage, a journey of highs and lows. No matter how rough the sea gets,maintain a positive attitude and never forget.
Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Your Attitude Positive
A New Chapter In Life Poem
The roads that I travel, what have I to fear? What a coward I'd be if I tried not to see the roses of hope and the sunshine of cheer.
Edgar A. Guest, Roses and Sunshine
Poems About Fear
Your dreams will propel you on journeys great or small
Catherine Pulsifer, Keep Moving
Poems About Confidence
But trust in the journey, let hope be your light, in each goodbye, a hello may take flight.
Catherine Pulsifer, Saying Goodbye
Goodbye Love Poems
Life is truly a journey of perpetual growth.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Growth
Throughout your journey in life, you have always been true - your intelligence, courage, and grace show in all that you do
Catherine Pulsifer, Age Is Just A Number
70th Birthday Poems
As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you.
Charles Stanley
Poems About Jesus
Through fields of life, we ventured hand in hand, in joys and sorrows, we found solace and cheer
Catherine Pulsifer, Parting Ways
Forget Me Not Poem
In this journey of life, hand in hand we'll stride, forever grateful, our love for you cannot hide.
Catherine Pulsifer, Forever Grateful
Adoption Poems
But stumbling is part of the journey, don't let it bring me down. Taking time to assess and reflect, what has come can be profound.
Catherine Pulsifer, Feel Like Giving Up
Never Give Up Poem
Though distance may keep us apart, I pray your journey brings success.
Catherine Pulsifer, See Ya Soon
Goodbye Poems For A Friend
May you bloom thro' life...may your talents rare be nurtured with care
Eloise A. Skimings, Bloom Thro Life
Graduation Poems for High School

A successful journey consists of having a good relationship with all passengers,
requiring that we give the best of ourselves.
Jean d'Ormesson, Train Of Life
Train Of Life Poem
Today marks an ending yet it is a start anew, a future of fresh promises opens up for you.
Catherine Pulsifer, Take A Look Around
Graduation Poems For Daughter
For within our hearts, an optimistic beat, senior life's journey remains a gift so sweet.
Catherine Pulsifer, Twilight Of Life
Senior Poems
One step at a time, in the journey that we are takin'. To get to success in life perseverance can't be shaken.
Catherine Pulsifer, Perseverance A Trait
Poems About Perseverance
A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
Author Unknown
Fathers Day Poems
Remember our journey is over too quickly to waste on ill-feeling a tithe of its hours.
S. E. Gordon, The Time To Forgive And Forget
Forgiveness Poems
Resilience is ...the hope that keeps us moving, even when the journey is tough, and the courage to keep going, when it seems like enough is enough.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Resilience Within
Poems About Resilience
Together we have shared each step of our journey - year after year, birthday after birthday our time together just keeps getting better.
Catherine Pulsifer, Together
Birthday Love Poems
Focusing my journey by faith strong and true, choosing words of courage to give me the clue
Edgar A. Guest, Purpose
Poems About Purpose
Too often we look back on our lives with regret. What is done, is done. We learned lessons from those mistakes. Every day is a new beginning.
Kitt Weagant
Poems About Regret

I have a life I can't escape, a life that's mine to mold and shape
Edgar A. Guest
Poems About Fate
Our love is a journey we share together, every day is a chance to be better.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Love Is A Journey
Valentines Poems For Her
The spiritual life is not a solo journey. We need others to pray for us, to walk with us, to challenge us, to teach us, and to encourage us.
Author Unknown
Christian Quotes For Encouragement
Some thing for which we long, and crave and strive as traveling on thru life's perplexing maze, a flicker of old hope is still alive.
David V. Bush, Hope Blossoms Eternally
Poems About Hope
Each journey that comes our way, together we'll conquer even when we are old and gray.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Love, My Friend
Happy Birthday Poems To My Love
We must let go of the life we had planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
Joseph Campbell
Short Quotes
Luck cannot be bought, the journey to success must be fought.
Catherine Pulsifer, Luck And Success
Poems About Luck
So be my life a thing felt, but not noticed, and I be remembered by what I have done.
H. Bonar, Let Me Be Remembered By What I Have Done
Funeral Poems
Our life is an endless journey; it is like a broad highway that extends infinitely into the distance. The practice of meditation provides a vehicle to travel on that road.
Our journey consists of constant ups and downs.
Chogyam Trungpa
Poems About Life
The spiritual life is a journey, not a destination.
Thomas Merton
Christian Quotes For Life
When, after life's long journeyings, your sun slips gently down...may life's sweet evening shadows find your soul in sight of Home!
Strickland Gillilan, In Sight Of Home
Poems About Home
Some one is trudging, weary and worn, along life's rugged way...speak a kind word his lone heart to cheer; wipe from his eye the sorrowing tear
Charles E. Orr, Living For Others
Poems About Helping Others
And so this life, whate'er it be, might turn to heaven fair, if we would lift our eyes and see the beauty everywhere.
Unknown, Look Up
Attitude Poems

Each day finds a hero, each day helps a saint, each day brings to some one a joy without taint
Unknown, The Best Day
Meaningful Poems
And as you journey through this life - may you find happiness and no strife - may you live each day and appreciate those along the way.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Princess
Happy Birthday Poems Daughter
When we paddle our own canoes on the journey of life, let us ever keep before us the wholesome lessons and
good example of our teachers.
Unknown, Remember Our Teachers
Teacher Appreciation Poem
I live for every cause that lacks assistance. For every wrong that needs resistance.
Geo. L. Banks, Good I Can Do
Good Poems
An unsinkable, hopeful spirit can sustain you for a long distance as you sojourn on your personal growth journey through life.
Shadonna Richards
Hopeful Quotes
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw
Creativity Quotes
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Success
Success Poem
I pray for strength to live to all Life’s noble ends, prompt, just and true...all life’s journey through.
William C. Richards, I Pray For Strength
Poems About Strength
A laugh is just like music for making living sweet!
Ripley Dunlap Saunders, A Laugh
Poems About Laughter
If there is only one thing I've learned throughout the challenges and tribulations of life it is that God has always been with me to guide me forward no matter whether or in spite of
any circumstance in life.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Poems About God
When traveling life’s journey it’s good to have a sister’s hand to hold on to.
Author Unknown
Sister Poems

Throughout our lifetime, children are a source of joy and happiness that may the hills of life worth climbing.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems For Kids
In this journey of life, we have learned things but nothing prepared us for what grandchildren bring.
Catherine Pulsifer, Being A Grandparent
Grandparents Poems
In life there are things that can't be done, or have to be put on hold.
Sometimes dessert is just like that, disappointment and feeling uncontrolled.
Julie Hebert, Dessert Last
Funny Poems About Life
Leave the year behind with its ups and downs, don't dwell on the smiles and especially the frowns.
Catherine Pulsifer, Forgive The Past, Live The Future
Inspirational Poems for The New Year
May life both smiles and tears bestow, as summer lights and shadows go, for happiest hearts can either know.
Frank Hayward Severance, Peace and Good-Night
Poems About Peace
Just like the seasons change, our life journey takes us through many changes - some bright and cheery and some that feel so dreay.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About The Seasons

But when life’s sun is sinking, and I reach my journey’s end;
Then count my earthly riches in the number of my friends.
Author Unknown
Friendship Poems
I pray that God is with me each day through life's journey each step of the way.
Kate Summers
Short Prayers
The journey has been tough, with sweat and pain - but with faith and God's help, my efforts were not in vain.
Catherine Pulsifer, Graduation Is Here
Graduation Christian Poems
Go smiling through this world of care, and make the days more bright and fair.
Smile Poems
The master in the hardships of life's wanderings isn't luck; it is perseverance.
Kate Summers
Success Quotes

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
Albert Einstein
Poems About Happiness
Sudden to find at journey's end within, so clear and true,
The Love we sough, the gentle Friend awaits for you!
John McLeod, Where Is That Love?
Short Love Poems
Together we journey life's windy road. Together we carry each other's load
Catherine Pulsifer, Together
Love Poems For Husband
Grandpapa's years are wearing few, but he leaves a blessing behind - a good life lived, and a good fight fought, true heart and equal mind.
Maria Mulock Craik, Grandpapa
Grandpa Poems
But we have a mission, a duty, a call to the lost must go out, the message of Jesus the Saviour is what our journey’s about.
Greta Zwaan, It's Not About You!
Poems About Faith

Daily preparing my journey to heaven, closely observing the road I must take
Greta Zwaan, Finding Blessings
Heaven Poems
Let the pumpkin's journey from seed to harvest inspire your own path of growth and abundance.
Author Unknown
Pumpkin Quotes
In December, as the year draws to a close, we have the opportunity to reflect, grow, and set our intentions for the journey ahead.
Author Unknown
December Quotes
I looked ahead, dipped, curved, uncertain - this journey in its prime, but soon I find the New Year road another slope to climb.
Ruby Dell Baughter, Terraces
New Year Poems

Despite all the changes babies do bring to our lives, they bring the best thing.
Catherine Pulsifer, Baby Face
Baby Poems
Although you are older don't be blue - remember during this life stage you can pretend and be any age!
Catherine Pulsifer, You May Wish
Funny Birthday Poems About Old Age
Ever, throughout the voyage of life, this precept keep in view: "Do unto others as thou wouldst that they should do to you."
Unknown, Judge Not
Poems About Brotherhood
Men and women with sponsors are much more likely to rise up through the ranks and hang on to their ambition. Sponsors—unlike mentors—give you
serious traction.
Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor
As with so much else in life, this journey is inevitably filled with setbacks, obstacles, and apparent detours. As a result, freeing yourself from rejection can be complicated and seem like an unsolvable puzzle. But it’s not. It just takes some direction, effort, and persistence.
Leslie Becker-Phelps, Bouncing Back from Rejection
Rejection Quotes
The purpose of your life journey is to grow in wisdom and understanding, to develop your talents, and to share your gifts with others.
Brian Tracy
Quotes About Purpose
No matter how the public may view adoption, foster care, kinship care, families of divorce, step-parenting or third-party reproduction, some type of
crisis triggered the formation of the new family system.
SharonRoszia; Allison Davis Maxon, Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency
Adoption Quotes
Sorrow and happiness, peace and strife, fear and rejoicing, its moments know; how from the discords of such a life can the clear music of heaven flow
Unknown, By The Sea
Ocean Poems
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.
Edward Abbey
Irish Blessing Quotes
So on this life journey together - Remember I love you
Today, tomorrow, and forever our love will see us through.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Love
I Love You Poems

When I was younger I dreamed of a life like the person next door, but now I am older and know the life next door was not as it appeared to be.
Catherine Pulsifer
Dream Quotes
The world's eternal course brings year on year — summers of buoyant life, winters so bleak and sere
Arthur Franklin Fuller
Famous Birthday Poems
And all the strife, and vain regret. by which the journey was beset - forgotten lie amid the haze of fast receding Yesterdays.
John Kendrick Bangs, Achievement
life journey
I think of death as some delightful journey that I shall take when all my tasks are done.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
poetry about life and death
And I reach my journey's end; then count my earthly riches in the number of my friends.
Author Unknown, My Friends
Best Friend Poems

The only journey that counts is not the one someone else says you must take, but it is the one glowing and blossoming within.
Freddy J. W. Parkes
Independent Quotes
The valiant are the ones who bring change, get to the bottom of problems, seek solutions and lead us into the future. They make us bigger than ourselves.
They exude confidence and trust. They make us part of a larger picture and bring out the best in each of us.
Emilio Iodice
Positive Quotes About Change
Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present,
to live better in the future.
William Wordsworth
Learning Quotes
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Chinese Proverb
I believe you already have everything you need inside of you. You are good enough the way you are. You’ve simply learned ideas that keep you from living up to your full potential.
Henri Junttila
Believe Quotes

It takes courage to teach, to lead, to serve, to heal, to speak up, to stand out, to look inward, to right wrongs.
Shelly L. Francis
Courage Quotes
To live into the future means to leap into the unknown, and this requires a degree of courage for which there is no immediate precedent and which few people realize.
Rollo May
To get where you want to go you can't only do what you like.
Peter Abrahams
Graduation Sayings
Limitations are like mirages created by your own mind. When you realise that limitation do not exist, those around you will also feel it and allow you inside their space.
Stephen Richards
Positive Quotes
The mightiest flame of fire lies in positive mindset.
Lailah Gifty Akita
You cannot change the past, but you can make a difference now.
Avis J. Williams
Make A Difference Quotes
Believe in yourself. Under-confidence leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy that you are not good enough for your work.
Positive Poems

You cannot have a dream and expect someone else's faith to make it a reality for you.
Patience Johnson
Graduation Poems
I have clawed my way up mountains, and I have muddied and bruised my body and mind on the way down into the valleys but, I have never been accused of ignoring anyone in need on either side of the
valleys of life.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
Helping Others Quotes
Sound character provides the power with which a person may ride the emergencies of life instead of being overwhelmed by them.
Og Mandino
Overwhelmed Quotes

Defeat never comes to any man until he admits it.
Josephus Daniels
Defeat Quotes
May spring flowers bright always mark your way
And blue skies shelter a journey safe and long
Irish Wedding Blessing
Live every adventure you can in this journey of life.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems On Adventure
...the road may not be easy and the journey filled with stress. Just remember, He’s the Victor, your endurance is the clue, but, like Moses, learn your lesson, for God has a plan for you.
Greta Zwaan, Moses' Lessons
Spiritual Poems
You cannot embrace change in life without first divesting of that which you hold to from the past.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Poems About Change
As we journey on Life's way. It's the simple things that please us like a willing kindness done.
John McLeod
Kindness Poem
And tho’ the road in life is rough with mountains hard to climb;
I find there’s joy along the way. And the journey, it is fine.
Author Unknown
Adversity Quotes
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