How to Live Your Best Life
How to live your best life offers short positive messages, thoughts, and poems full of wisdom on how to get the most from life. The author's words express experience and wise advice on living the best life you could live.
Be encouraged and inspired by these words and verses to live the best possible life. Be the best you can be, and live life each and every day, life is too short to be anything less!
Positive Messages
How to Live a Hundred Years Happily
Author: John A. Schindler
1. Do not be on the lookout for ill health.
2. Keep usefully at work.
3. Have a hobby.
4. Learn to be satisfied.
5. Keep on liking people.
6. Meet adversity valiantly.
7. Meet the little problems in life with decision.
8. Above all, maintain a good sense of humor,
best done by saying something pleasant every time you get a chance.
9. Live and make the present hour pleasant and cheerful.
Keep your mind out of the past, and keep it out of the future.
Important Rules To Watch In Living
Author: John A. Schindler
Keep life simple.
Avoid watching for a knock in your motor.
Learn to like work.
Have a good hobby.
Learn to be satisfied.
Like people, say cheerful pleasant things.
Turn the defeat of adversity into victory.
Meet your problems with decision.
Make the present moment a success.
Always be planning something.
Say "nuts" to irritations.
Life Journey Poems
Do Something
Poet: Unknown
Are you almost disgusted
With life, little man?
I will tell you a wonderful trick
That will bring you contentment
If anything can, —
Do something for somebody, quick.
Are you awfully tired
With play, little girl,
Weary, discouraged, and sick?
I'll tell you the loveliest game in the world, —
Do something for somebody, quick.
Though it rains like the rain
Of the flood, little man,
And the clouds are forbidding and thick.
You can make the sun shine in your soul, little man —
Do something for somebody, quick.
Though the skies are like brass
Overhead, little girl.
And the walks like a well-heated brick,
And your earthly affairs in a terrible whirl —
Do something for somebody, quick.
Poems About Helping Others
Some Rules Of Life
by James Mudge
Have Faith in God
What though the dark close round, the storm increase,
Though friends depart, all earthly comforts cease;
Hath He not said, I give my children peace?
Believe his word.
Complain of Naught
To murmur, fret, repine, lament, bemoan--
How sinful, stupid, wrong! God's on the throne,
Does all in wisdom, ne'er forgets his own.
Be filled with praise.
Watch Unto Prayer
Think much of God, 'twill save thy soul from sin;
Without his presence let no act begin;
Look up, keep vigil, fear not; thou shalt win.
See him in all.
Go Armed with Christ
He said, "I come, O God, to do thy will."
Shall we not, likewise, all his word fulfill,
And find a weapon firm 'gainst every ill?
Put on the Lord.
Be True, Be Sweet
Let not the conflict make thee sour or sad;
Swerve not from battle: faithful, loyal, glad--
The likeness of our Saviour may be had.
Aim high, press on!
Christian Poems
Do All
Author: John Wesley
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
Positive Quotes
Live Your Best Life
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Live your best life, whatever it may bring.
Forget the past, try new things.
Always to your values stay true.
Let go of worries clouding your view
Find joy in work and in play,
Put your best foot forward each and every day.
Life happens, so give it all you've got.
Living at its fullest - what could be better than that?
Positive Messages
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