Living Life Poem
Read a poem about living life. Be encouraged by the verses in these living life poems. Find encouragement and inspiration to live life in a meaningful way.
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Poems About Life
Living Life Poem
It's Up To You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Live life with contentment
In your heart
Let go of worries,
And never let them start
This day, no matter
What comes your way
Remember, your attitude plays
A big part of each day.
Don’t wait until tomorrow -
Live today!
It's up to you to make it
Good in every way.
Poems About Contentment
Look For The UPside Of Life
Julie Hebert, © 2015
Drops on my window,
Grey skies way up high.
The world looks so gloomy,
Why even look outside?
I sit in my house,
Depressed with a frown.
I hate feeling crappy,
But the weather brings me down.
Why do I feel crappy?
Why do I wear a frown?
Days like today,
Bring so much to this town.
If it weren't for the rain,
We'd all live in a desert.
With no trees, grass, or flowers,
Just dirt and prickly cactus.
There would be no fields to run in,
Or gardens to adore.
No tree leaves to jump in,
That fall to the floor.
And for kids most of all,
This tragedy they'd endure.
What good are raincoats and rubber boots,
If puddles are no more.
If we look at it differently,
And see not just bad.
See the good in what rain brings,
Maybe these days we'd be glad.
And life is just like that,
You only see what you decide.
You have to open yourself up,
And allow for both sides.
The rain will stop sometime,
And a rainbow will appear.
The sun will come out too,
And it'll all feel like cheer.
You'll run in the green field,
And smell a fresh flower.
The trees will blow softly,
All because of a shower.
Attitude Poems
Why Do I Live?
Poet: George L. Banks
I live for those who love me;
For those I know are true;
For the heaven that smiles above me
And awaits my spirit too;
For all human ties that bind me,
For the task my God assigned me,
For the bright hope left behind me,
And the good that I can do.
I live to learn their story
Who suffered for my sake,
To emulate their glory
And follow in their wake;
Bards, martyrs, patriots, sages,
The nobles of all ages.
Whose deeds crown History's pages
And time's great volume make.
I live to hail the season--
By gifted minds foretold--
When man shall live by reason,
And not alone for gold;
When man to man united,
And every wrong thing righted,
The whole world shall be lighted
As Eden was of old.
I live to hold communion
With all that is divine,
To feel that there is union
'Twixt nature's heart and mine;
To profit by affliction,
Reap truth from fields of fiction,
Grow wiser from conviction,
Fulfilling God's design.
I live for those who love me,
For those who know me true,
For the heaven that smiles above me
And awaits my spirit too;
For the wrongs that need resistance,
For the cause that needs assistance,
For the future in the distance,
And the good that I can do.

Christian Poems
Is Life Worth Living?
Poet: Alfred Austin
Is life worth living? Yes, so long
As spring revives the year,
And hails us with the cuckoo's song,
To show that she is here;
So long as May or April takes
In smiles and tears farewell,
And windflowers dapple all the brakes,
And primroses the dell;
And children in the woodlands yet
Adorn their little laps
With lady's-mock and violet,
And daisy-chain their caps;
While over orchard daffodils
Cloud-shadows float and fleet,
And ouzel pipes and laverock trills,
And young lambs buck and bleat;
So long as that which bursts the bud,
And swells and tunes the rill,
Makes springtime in the maiden's blood -
Life is worth living still.
Life not worth living! Come with me,
Now that through vanishing veil,
Shimmers the dew on lawn and lea,
And milk foams in the pail;
Now that June's sweltering sunlight bathes
With sweat the striplings lithe,
As fall the long, straight, scented swathes
Over the rhythmic scythe;
Now that the throstle never stops
His self-sufficing strain,
And woodbine-trails festoon the copse,
And eglantine the lane;
Now rustic labor seems as sweet
As leisure, and blithe herds
Wend homeward with unweary feet,
Carolling like the birds;
Now all, except the lover's vow,
And nightingale, is still;
Here, in the starlit hour, allow,
Life is worth living still.
Is life worth living? Yes, so long
As there is wrong to right,
Wail of the weak against the strong,
Or tyranny to fight;
Long as there lingers gloom to chase,
Or streaming tear to dry,
One kindred woe, one sorrowing face,
That smiles as we draw nigh;
Long as a tale of anguish swells
The heart and lids grow wet,
And at the sound of Christmas bells
We pardon and forget;
So long as Faith with Freedom reigns
And loyal Hope survives,
And gracious Charity remains
To leaven lowly lives;
While there is one untrodden tract
For Intellect or Will,
And men are free to think and act,
Life is worth living still.

A Life Well Lived Poem
The Wage Of Life
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
In life, we must earn a wage,
To get us through some trials.
As to live a certain life,
Money is needed in piles.
We have to pay our bills,
And have a place to live.
So we find a simple job,
And money it will give.
But simple jobs are that,
A means to an end.
It is just a job,
It does not feel like a best friend.
So we work our simple jobs,
And pay what we can.
Our lives roll on by,
Without even a begin.
There will come a time,
When we’ll want more than this life.
And we’ll have to do what we can,
To get out of all of this strife.
A wage is nothing at all,
If a smile it can not make.
So its time to make a big change,
And take this life and give it a shake.
Figure out what will make you smile,
And make that feeling true.
Life will take you everywhere,
If you only allow yourself to.
Be who you want to be,
And don’t stop for anyone.
You can be anything you want,
And your wage can be your sun.

Poems Of Encouragement
Is Life Worth Living?
Poet: Thomas Wilson Brown
Is life worth living? That depends
Upon the objects, aims and ends.
If through the world we grov'ling go
Seeking things sordid, mean and low,
If arrogating all to self,
The pride of birth, the pomp of pelf.
Scant kindness we to others show -
Is life worth living? No, no, no!
But if, though born in humble sphere,
We try some drooping heart to cheer;
If we the generous impulse know
Of friendship's ever genial glow.
And if all other things above.
We know the joys of mutual love;
In these we all the world possess -
Is life worth living? Yes, yes, yes!
enjoy life quotes
Poet: Unknown
We can only live once; and death's terrors
With life's bowers and roses entwine,
And our lives would be darkened by errors
Did we even, like cats, possess nine!
They would be, perhaps, all of them wasted,
And recklessly squandered away,
And not half of the joys would be tasted
That one life can embrace in a day.
Let the lives that we live be worth living;
Let the days that we spend be well spent;
Let us save for the pleasure of giving,
And not borrow at fifty per cent;
Let us never cease loving and learning,
And use life for its noblest of ends;
Then when dust to its dust is returning,
We shall live in the hearts of our friends.

Train Of Life Poem
Live Life
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2015
In the beginning, we find ourselves wishing
For things we feel are missing.
As children grow older our lives change,
We learn to rearrange.
Wishes no longer grant our wants,
We no longer get a response.
But through hard work and determination,
We will find our own salvation.
We will realize life is much more than about getting,
It's about loving, giving, and not quitting.
In order to live, we need to forgive.
And let what's true be heard by all.
We need to let loose, and get our good shoes,
And never be singing the blues.
Wishing no longer shapes my living,
My living shapes my wishing.
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