8 Famous New Year Poems
Explore famous New Year poems that have stood the test of time, inspiring generations.
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Famous New Year Poems
By Catherine Pulsifer, last updated November 22, 2024

There have been thousands of poems written about the New Year. However, these poems have stood the test of time. Be inspired and motivated by these famous poems.
Table of Contents - Famous New Year Poems
Reflective New Year Poems
These poems encourage thoughtful introspection and self-reflection as we transition into the New Year, offering wisdom and motivation for personal growth.
Lord, Make a Regular Man
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
This I would like to be - braver and bolder,
Just a bit wiser because I am older,
Just a bit kinder to those I may meet,
Just a bit manlier taking defeat;
This for the New Year my wish and my plea -
Lord, make a regular man out of me.
This I would like to be - just a bit finer,
More of a smiler and less of a whiner,
Just a bit quicker to stretch out my hand
Helping another who's struggling to stand,
This is my prayer for the New Year to be,
Lord, make a regular man out of me.
This I would like to be - just a bit fairer,
Just a bit better, and just a bit squarer,
Not quite so ready to censure and blame,
Quicker to help every man in the game,
Not quite so eager men's failings to see,
Lord, make a regular man out of me.
This I would like to be - just a bit truer,
Less of the wisher and more of the doer,
Broader and bigger, more willing to give,
Living and helping my neighbour to live!
This for the New Year my prayer and my plea -
Lord, make a regular man out of me.
The Old Year And The New
Poet: Caleb Davis Bradlee
Gone forever out of our sight,
It's good and bad, it's wrong and right,
The grand Old Year!
Just like a bride, all dressed in white,
All full of love and grace and light,
The blest New Year!
Passed up to God, and left for aye,
Weighed down by age and great decay,
The loved Old Year!
With youthful look and full of peace,
Having of life a twelve months lease,
The good New Year!
Away from sight, no more to give,
With not another day to live,
The old, Old Year!
With gifts of love and holy cheer,
With all things great and good and dear,
All hail, New Year!
Thanks for the past, and all that's given
Of light and strength and truth and heaven,
Great thanks, Old Year!
And hope for every coming day,
That wisdom's light may guide our way,
All hope, New Year!
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Famous Inspirational New Year Wishes
Heartwarming wishes filled with hope, joy, and positivity to inspire and uplift readers as they welcome a fresh year.
I Wish You
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
Love cannot bind us more truly
In golden or silken chain;
Like friends, we'll journey together,
Love must in our bosoms remain,
I wish you a Happy New Year,
Every joy, no sorrow, no pain.
New Year Quotes
Happy New Year To You
Poet: Eloise A. Skimings
A Happy New Year to you,
Life has bright days for thee in store;
Like stars thine eyes shine and dance with glee,
In joy may they sparkle evermore.
E'en thy sweet voice has for me a charm,
Singing sweetly like nightingale;
May no power assail thee, fraught with harm,
E'en for a moment thy cheek to pale.
If long days to thee are given,
Try to love all, and keep the chain riven
Here on earth, and forever in heaven.
Related: New Years Wish
Celebrating New Beginnings
A collection of poems that embrace the excitement and possibilities of starting anew with a sense of purpose and optimism.
A New Year Begins
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A new year to about to begin
A time to look forward, a time to look within.
Reflect on the year that passed,
But don't allow it to last.
The year is over, forward we go
We can move fast or we can move slow.
By seeing the good in everything,
You will find a positive year it will bring.
New Year's Resolutions Poems
New Year Is Coming
Poet: Christina Rossetti
New Year is coming on apace;
What have you to give me?
. . . be it what you will
It needs shall help me on my road.
Related: New Year New Beginnings Poems
Famous Children's New Year Poems
Lighthearted and cheerful poems that spark joy and excitement for young readers as they celebrate the arrival of a new year.
The New Year’s Cheer
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The clock ticks fast, the countdown's near,
Hooray! Hooray! The New Year’s here!
Fireworks sparkle, the sky’s aglow,
A brand-new year begins to show.
Grab your hats, and don’t forget,
This year will be the best one yet!
Adventures wait, so much to do,
The world is fresh and bright and new.
Let’s laugh and play, let’s dance and sing,
Imagine the joy each day will bring.
With friends and family close and true,
The New Year shines for me and you!
New Years Blessings
The Glad New Year
Poet: Mary Mapes Dodge
It's coming, boys,
It's almost here.
It's coming, girls,
The grand New Year.
A year to be glad in,
Not to be sad in;
A year to live in,
To gain and give in.
A year for trying,
And not for sighing;
A year for striving
And healthy thriving.
It's coming, boys,
It's almost here.
It's coming, girls,
The grand New Year.
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