Prayer For Strength
Be encouraged by praying a prayer for strength. Jesus told us this world would not be without trials and tribulations. We can draw strength from Him to face any situation in prayer.
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"Lord Take Away" is a short prayer asking God to give us strength and take away ones wrong desires. The author is asking God to let him be a positive influence in the lives of others, to appreciate those who love him, and to
never forget all that Jesus did for him. A prayer asking for strength and help to lead the life that God calls us to live.
Lord Take Away
by Hezekiah Butterworth
By all that I to others owe,
By all I hope to prove,
By all that other lives bestow
On mine, of hope and love,
By all my influence, day by day,
Whose end I cannot see,
Lord, take, forever take away,
My wrong desires from me!
By what I owe a mother's love,
By what a father's care,
By all to honor I would prove,
And all for virtue bear,
From lapse from good,
from passion's sway,
Oh, keep my spirit free,
And take, forever take away.
My wrong desires from me!
By all the magnitude of loss
To those who fail and fall,
By all I owe my Saviour's cross
To which for help I call;
By all I owe to souls astray
Thy would direction see,
Oh, Lord, forever take away,
My wrong desires from me!
We never know what the day holds for us, asking for strength to face the day is a good way to start!
Strength For This Day
by Edward Everett Hale
Almighty Father, we are before Thee,
asking for strength this day,
that for today's duty we may have the help of Thy Infinite wisdom,
as we know we have Thy love,
Our Father with His Children.
Father, help us to look to Thee for strength and wisdom
in every moment of doubt.
We are not afraid,
because we can come to Thee for counsel, and companionship.
We can come to Thee for everything,
and we find everything if we seek for
it with all our heart and soul and strength.
So today, Father, be with us to show each one of us here,
the youngest or the oldest,
the weakest or the strongest,
what is the duty next his hand today,
that we may enter into that work and
go about our Father's business.
Go with us and be with us as with
Thine own children.
All-Availing Strength
by Edward M. Barney
God of the morning light, with the dawn of another day
we come to Thee with prayer for help
in the steadfastness of our manifold duties.
The cares that oppress us,
the burdens we carry,
the obligations that fall upon us,
are too much for our little strength without Thy help.
That help we crave from Thee,
the only source of all-availing strength.
Let us not be dismayed by the powers of this world
or busy ourselves in vain ambitions seeking the praise of men,
but may we seek that Divine approval which is of more worth
than all the favors of earth.
Make us brave and strong to follow in the way of Thine appointment,
and grant that we may so sincerely feel and act
in the busy times of this day
that when the evening comes no wasted hours may be laid to our charge.

The Vision To See
by Almon Gunnison
Give us, O God, the vision to see the way
where duty lies and strength to walk in it,
to ever keep the forward look and never to lose heart today
because of the stumblings and fallings in the yesterdays that are forever gone.
Let us remember that we are in Thy hands and we are faithless to
Thee and to ourselves if knowingly we fail to do Thy work.
Though we cannot see Thee,
we now see our fellow men and we shall best serve Thee if,
in love and patience, we help our fellows.
Find Our Strength
by George L. Perin
O Lord, we know there are a thousand reasons
why we should be glad.
We cannot always forget our sorrows and our failures;
there are manifold sources of temporary vexation
and annoyance and harassing care,
but in the face of Thine overmastering Providence
and Love we cannot long be vexed nor sad.
If tears have dimmed our eyes let us brush away the tears.
If troubles and cares have burdened our hearts let us rise triumphant
over them all and for this day be glad;
and in our gladness let us find our strength.
In Our Weakness
by Nathaniel S. Sage
Heavenly Father, as the bird that soars first looks upward,
we turn our souls to Thee,
seeking inspiration that in the duties of today
we may live to the full height of the faculties Thou hast given.
Help us to know what is right and to follow it day by day continually.
Grant that our toils this day may be acts of service as sacramental as our prayer.
In our weakness,
grant us of Thy strength that we may pass from
glory to glory till we are transformed at last into the perfect image of Thy spirit.
And when our work on earth is ended,
when the clods of the valley are sweet to our weary frame,
take us home to Thyself.
Strength of Others
by George L. Perin
Our Heavenly Father,
we thank Thee for all the
sweet and sacred influences of life.
Music comes with its invisible fingers to weave
a magic charm around our souls;
the home with its love is ours,
but we thank Thee to-day for the sweet and saving
influence of friendship,
for the counsel and fellowship of those who are wise
and good and faithful to us.
We would not walk alone
we would find strength in the strength of others,
and faith in other's faith.
Let us cherish such fellowships and
give back to those,
who love us, love again.
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