Love Is Not Poems

There are many poems written about what love is, and the opposite can be found in what love is not. May you reflect on these poems and may they give you thoughts on what makes up a loving person and a loving relationship.

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    A short love poem describing love. The first part of the poem describes what love is not made of and the second half is all about what love is made of.

  1. Love Is Not Made Of...
    Poetry from Chambers' Journal

    Love is not made of kisses, or of sighs,
    Of clinging hands, or of the sorceries
    And subtle witchcrafts of alluring eyes.

    Love is not made of broken whispers; no!
    Nor of the blushing cheek, whose answering glow
    Tells that the ear has heard the accents low.

    Love is not made of tears, nor yet of smiles,
    Of quivering lips, or of enticing wiles:
    Love is not tempted; he himself beguiles.

    This is Love's language, but this is not Love.

    If we know aught of Love, how shall we dare
    To say that this is Love, when well aware
    That these are common things, and Love is rare?

    As separate streams may, blending, ever roll
    In course united, so, of soul to soul,
    Love is the union into one sweet whole.

    As molten metals mingle; as a chord
    Swells sweet in harmony; when Love is Lord,
    Two hearts are one, as letters form a word.

    One heart, one mind, one soul, and one desire,
    A kindred fancy, and a sister fire
    Of thought and passion; these can Love inspire.

    This makes a heaven of earth; for this is Love.

  2. And a poem by the famous poet, e. e. cummings describes what love is - the opposite of what love is not!

  3. love is more
    Poet: e. e. cummings

    love is more thicker than forget
    more thinner than recall
    more seldom than a wave is wet
    more frequent than to fail

    it is most mad and moonly
    and less it shall unbe
    than all the sea which only
    is deeper than the sea

    love is less always than to win
    less never than alive
    less bigger than the least begin
    less littler than forgive

    it is most sane and sunly
    and more it cannot die
    than all the sky which only
    is higher than the sky

  4. Love you can see it, but you can feel it.
    Love towards others is an attitude, it is your actions in how you treat and see others.

  5. Not and Is
    by Catherine Pulsifer

    Love is not unkindness to others,
    Love is not showing compassion,
    Love is not forgiving,
    Love is not quick to anger,
    Love is not proud,
    Love is not distrustful,
    Love does not give up easily.

    Love is kindness shown to all,
    Love is a compassionate spirit,
    Love is a forgiving attitude,
    Love is patience shown,
    Love is understanding of others,
    Love is a trusting relationship,
    Love survives even in the most challenging times.

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