Will You Love Me When I'm Old

A heartfelt poem exploring unconditional love through life's inevitable aging journey.

Will affection still infold me When the day of life declines

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Updated January 15, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

Love is one of life's most enduring treasures, but it is truly tested over time. The poem Will You Love Me When I'm Old? reflects on this deep and poignant question: will love stand steadfast in the face of life's inevitable changes? Written by an unknown poet, this heartfelt piece paints vivid images of aging and its trials, inviting us to consider the depth and resilience of love. Through its tender verses, it gently reminds us of the beauty of unconditional love—a love that transcends the fleeting vitality of youth and remains steadfast in every season of life.

Will You Love Me When I'm Old?

Poet: Unknown

Will affection still infold me
When the day of life declines;
When old age with ruthless rigor
Plows my face in furrowed lines;
When the eye forgets its seeing,
And the hand forgets its skill,
And the very words prove rebel
To the mind's once kingly will;

When the deaf ear, strained to listen,
Scarcely hears the opening word
And the unfathomed depths of feeling
Are by no swift current stirred;
When fond memory, like a limner,
Many a line perspective casts,
Spreading out our bygone pleasures
On the canvas of the past;

When the leaping blood grows sluggish,
And the fire of youth has fled;
When the friends who now surround us
Half are numbered with the dead;
When the years appear to shorten,
Scarcely leaving us a trace;
When Old Time with bold approaches
Marks his dial on my face;

When our present hopes, all gathered,
Lie like dead flowers on our track;
When the whole of our existence
Is one fearful looking back;
When each wasted hour of talent,
Hardly measured now at all,
Sends its witness back to haunt us,
Like the writing on the wall;

When the ready tongue is palsied,
And the form is bowed with care;
When our only hope is heaven,
And our only help is prayer;
When our idols, broken round us,
Fall amid the ranks of men;
Until Death uplifts the curtain -
Will thy love endure till then?

Key Messages from this poem:


lasting love is built on more than appearances -it’s about a deep connection that endures.

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