74 Thoughtful Quotes
A diversified collection of short thoughtful quotes to inspire and motivate you. Thoughtful words for you to consider. Inspiring words to share with others to let them know you are thinking about them.
- My God knows best! That is my chart; This thought to me is always blest
Caleb Davis Bradlee, God Knows Best
Christian Poems
"Success in life or retirement is not measured by how much we have in the
bank, but rather by how much richness we have in life."
Rick Steiner Ph.D., Retirement
Poems Of Encouragment
You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
Conan Doyle
Valentines Day Poems
Life isn't an examination to prove how good you are - it's an opportunity to
enjoy yourself.
Will Ross, Happy for Life: Ten Key Strategies
Short Quotes
The garden fair was a little child’s mind, and the seeds were these thoughts, just the very best kind.
Helen A. Fussell, A Garden Fair
Garden Poems
Just a word of kindly greeting; just a thought of other's care;
Just a word of love repeating; how it lifts the load that's there!
Hall L. Calhoun, Fountain of Friendship
Friendship Poems

Be bold and go beyond harming none to embracing your individuality; and using your uniqueness to help others.
Ray Divine, Encouragement
Poems About Helping Others
May destiny guide us, each path that we take, but never forget me, as I'll cherish your thought.
Catherine Pulsifer, Parting Ways
Forget Me Not Poem
Lifelong friends, we will be on you I can depend, I always see - your thoughtfulness and kindness too
Catherine Pulsifer, Lifelong Friends
Soulmate Poems
Your thoughtfulness and love I treasure - it is beyond any measure.
Kate Summers, My Life Did Change
Love Poems For Him
Ask yourself a simple question before you utter any words: how would you like to be addressed in a similar situation or circumstance?
Byron Pulsifer
Many people never really discover who they are. You are more than the face you see in the mirror.
Jide Adeniba, You Can Have It If You Really Want It
Weekly Quotes
A friend should be loved freely for himself, and not for anything else
St. Augustine, Friendship Thoughts
Famous Friendship Poems

"Anyone with a caring personality is thought to be motherly."
Sarah Goldberg, Manipulative People
Mothers Day Messages
Every morning awake to accomplish something, should be on your mind. So choose your thought for the day, and do it and then unwind.
Julie Hebert, Your Life
Poems About Life
It is not fate that casts me down but only destructive thoughts make me drown.
Robert R. Rivers, Fate Challenged
Inspirational Poems
Behind full many a gift there lies a splendid tale of sacrifice.
Edgar A. Guest, Sacrifices
Christmas Poems
To have sown in the souls of men one thought that will not die ....shall be immortality.
Edwin Hatch, Towards Fields of Light
Positive Poems

Be careful not to be more thoughtful of the words we speak with strangers than we are with our own family.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Family
Or "stay in touch, or, "we will see you soon" perhaps we will meet some afternoon. Or "cheerio" has a much happier sound it is easier to say without a frown.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Different Word
Saying Goodbye Poem
"You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat of excuses.
Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life."
A. L. Williams
Poems About Failure
This thought of love you've sent my way, your kind consideration, does more to lift my grief and pain than any celebration.
Greta Zwaan, Give Me Flowers
Flower Poem
I love how thoughtful you are each day making life better in every way.
Catherine Pulsifer, Together
Love Poems For Husband
But oh! the blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one's deepest as well as one's most foolish thoughts come out simply and safely.
Dinah Craik, A Life For A Life
Friends Are Blessings
"Positive people have positive expectations in their lives and most
of their days are successful. Negative people have negative expectations
in their lives and most of their days are unsuccessful."
Andrii Sedniev
Positive Quotes
You must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on
any kind of negative thought."
Emmet Fox
Thought Provoking Quotes
I'd rather say: ''How glad I am to know your cheery voice and smile," Than stand and say "how glad I was" in some griefstricken after-while.
Edgar A. Guest, Christmas Greeting
Christmas Card Poem
Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.
Kindness Poems
Before we speak, we should think of what and how we are responding or what we are reacting towards
Byron Pulsifer
Think Before We Speak
So here I am to say good-bye, don't forget me, I won't forget you.
Julie Hebert, Goodbye To You
Goodbye Poems For A Teacher
You will not be sorry....For thinking before speaking
Unknown, You Will Not Be Sorry
A Life Well Lived Poems

"Positive anything is better than negative nothing."
Elbert Hubbard
Inspirational Quotes
Live thoughtfully today and you won't have to live regretfully tomorrow.
Woodrow Kroll
Quotes About The Future
One mother is all you've got, so treasure her with every thought.
Catherine Pulsifer, Treasure Her
You Only Get One Mother
...there is absolutely no excuse for not staying in touch with anyone whether that is a friend or distant relative. The real issue rests within you - that is, do you value a friendship enough to take but a few minutes out of your day to send communication of concern, greetings, congratulations, or of hope and encouragement.
Byron Pulsifer
Weekly Poems
"You are who you think you are just like many great authors
in the motivational field have said over and over again."
Roberts Rivers, Happiness Is Possible
Motivational Quotes
"Discover your advantage and specialty and seek after it to its peak;
it is by knowing and doing something truly well
that you can contribute your part to improving this world as better place."
Eimantas Gabalis
Knowledge Quotes
"You might not have thought of this, but having a more organized life
will reduce the stress that you are feeling."
Nick Bell, Organize Yourself Starting Today!
Stress Quotes
Blessed is the man that loveth Nature, for he shall never be lonely!
William Steward Gordon, The Psalm Of The Woodsman
Nature Poems
And September makes me think as I watch her splashing paints over every living thing underneath the skies today,
Edgar a. Guest, September
September Poems
Dear little children, never think that you, because you're small,
Have no important place to fill, there's work for one and all.
John Franklin Bair, Little Things
Poems For Kids
Ah, friends! dear friends, - if any such there be, - keep not your loving thoughts away from me till I am gone.
D. F. Hodges
Appreciation Poems
You will find exactly what you expect ... to be more mindful of my thoughts.
Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking
Expectation Quotes
True friends don’t say good-bye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.
Author Unknown
Special Friend Poem
"Do not waste your abilities, talents and possibilities following the path
someone else has laid out for you because they think they know better than
you what your path should be."
Cary David Richards, The Happiness Habit
Independence Quotes

Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one.
Max Lucado, Anxious for Nothing
Contentment Quotes
I sometimes wake up, to contemplate thought, of how this life came to me.
Julie Hebert, My Life Is Great With You
Short Love Poems
Every thought has its reflector, that reflects the man you are
Lee P. Middlestetter, Thoughts Are Things
Think On These Things
If we're thoughtful just this minute in whate'er we say or do, if we put a purpose in it that is honest through and through, wWe shall gladden life
Nixon Waterman, Just This Minute
Be Inspired
"There is a direct relationship between everything you attain in life
and the level of clarity with which you specify your goals."
Thomas Abreu
Goals Quotes
If you don’t have health moving forward, you have nothing.
Suzanne Somers, A New Way to Age
Wellness Quotes
"Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one."
Dr. Hans Selye
Attitude Quotes
"The key to fostering good habits is to clearly understand the
desires that motivate the self."
Charles Duncan
Dare To Be
It will fill our hearts with gratitude in some future day; If we oblige the poor in case of need
J. J. Thorne
Love And Kindness
A friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile.
BFF Poems
"The most significant aspect of retirement is the golden opportunity
to focus on what is most important at this stage of your life."
Olivia Greenwell, So You've Retired: A Practical Guide For Your Happy Retirement
Retirement Quotes

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."
Zig Ziglar
Hope Quotes
"May you begin the Year with cheer, surrounded by those you hold dear,
and end it on the same high gear."
Miriam Kinai
New Years Quotes
"Nourish the mind like you would your body. The mind cannot survive on junk food."
Jim Rohn
Health Quotes
Through life's stormy weather, where e'er thou goest, where e'er thou be...Please sometimes think of me.
Lillian E. Curtis
Think Of Me Poem
"When we laugh, certain endorphins are released into our body system,
making us feel happy."
Saeed Sikiru, Funny Quotes
Poems About Happiness

"Time is a limited resource; therefore, to get the most out of it,
you have to manage it wisely."
Ahad Gill, Time Management
Time Quotes
"You can do anything you think you can.
This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods, for through it you
can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable
optimist. It is the open door."
Robert Collier
Optimistic Quotes
A true friend is not only a person who is with you when times are good when they can benefit from your company, or benefit in some way because of your true friendship in good and bad times.
Byron Pulsifer
Spirit Of Friendship
"Recognizing your passions can definitely help you attain success
in your endeavor."
Philip Vang, Organization: 31 Steps to Organize Your Life
Life Quotes

"There is no such thing as enthusiasm without a motive."
Noel N
Action Quotes
Lord, teach me to love Thee better, and so shall I better love Thy word. Preserve me now from wandering thoughts
Short Prayers
When life to thee is so exquisitely gay. And joys come with each new-born day, howe'er excessive thy pleasure may be. Oh, then think of me!
Lillian E. Curtis
Think Of Me
"Without the way, there is no going; without the truth, there is no
knowing; without the life, there is no living."
Thomas A Kempis
Truth Quotes

"The negative has no existence in its own right. It is merely the absence
of something positive."
Erik Blumenthal
Difficult Times Quotes
"Despite themselves, people are attracted by a home that radiates the love of Christ."
Kay Arthur, A Marriage Without Regrets
Home Quotes
"Negative thoughts lead to increased stress and limited creative energy."
Rebecca Jane, Mindfulness My Way
Creativity Quotes

"Wisdom is always an overmatch for strength."
Phil Jackson
Defeat Quotes
"The ability to imagine is the largest part of what you call intelligence.”
Michael Crichton
Imagination Quotes
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