Morning Motivation
Start your day with our morning motivation quotes. These words will help start any day with a positive thought. They can give us motivation, encouragement, hope, and self-confidence.
There are many things one can occupy their mind within every sunrise, every morning
but nothing stands firmer then implanting the mind with a positive quotation or saying or verse. It is within these words that we may find our meaning, our reason to continue, to change, or to go
about making changes for the better of those we know or those around us.
It is our hope that the motivation will serve you well today, this morning, and throughout the days and weeks ahead.
May your morning be full of motivation to keep you going all day!
Short Poems & Quotes
/ Quotes
Morning Motivation
You may bear the sunshine wherever you go. For a smiling face is the face to show
Unknown, Bear The Sunshine
Good Morning Poems
What the world needs is the resolute step, the look of cheer, the smiling countenance, and the kindly word.
George L. Perin, Throughout The Year
Inspirational Poems
Intuition plays a big part in walking the path because no one else has walked your path before you. Learn to trust yourself ...
Michael Hetherington, 15 Sure Signs That You Are On The Right Path
Poems of Encouragement
Take each day one step at a time, keep moving forward and success will shine!
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Regress
Don't Quit Poem
If we have to wait to see how we feel before we know if we can enjoy the day, then we are giving feelings control over us.
Joyce Meyer, The Power of Being Thankful
A Life Well Lived Poem
Today will be a good day.
No matter what others say!
I will look forward and not back
With myself I will make that pack.I will not waste what is given to me.
I will be the best I can be!
Catherine Pulsifer
Just For Today Poems
Every morning when you awake tell yourself it will be a good morning, a good day.
And then go out and be the best that you can be!
Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.
Emily Dickinson
Love Poems For Husband
Kindness is shown in many ways, it can make someone's day
Catherine Pulsifer, A Habit To Embrace
Kindness Poems
Getting a good start in the morning is the difference between having a mentally and physically good day and a terrible day.
Sumit Gautam
Good Poems
But it's never fun to pretend you're someone else, and it's impossible to feel normal - because there's no such thing! Every single one of us is uniquely amazing.
Audrey Meisner
Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.
Thich Nhat Hanh
Poems About Peace
- Actually, you are good enough. Tell yourself. Tell someone else. Spread the word.
Hoda Kotb, I Really Needed This Today
You must believe in yourself. No negative self talk and
certainly no negative talk about yourself to others!
Start your day with God's grace as your compass, and navigate with faith any challenge that arises.
Catherine Pulsifer
Christian Good Morning Quotes
Who needs a snooze button when you have dreams to chase and coffee to embrace?
Catherine Pulsifer
Funny Good Morning Quotes
We were born to swim in love, drink in love, laugh and play in love. Love is the current and currency of the universe.
Greg Baer
- With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Good Morning Quotes
No matter what happened yesterday, today is a new day. Let your morning motivation remind you of this!
What better motivation are you looking for in the morning than the incredible motivation of the morning sunrise?
Mehmet Murat ildan
Sunrise Quotes
... we are free—free to love, accept, and forgive others; free to get past our pain; free to make our love visible; and free to experience life in exciting
and profound ways that we never dreamed possible.
Dr. Kent M. Keith
Poems About Life
- You see, the world reflects the attitude you project.
Stay positive and upbeat, the day is yours to complete.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Good Morning To You
Your attitude plays such a critical part in having a good day!
I will not waste this day you have given to me Father God I give you all honor and glory.
Short Prayers
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love - then make that day count!
Steve Maraboli
Gratitude Quotes
I’m thankful for each and every day. We never know when time is up.
Chuck Berry
Be Thankful Quotes
Think smiles, and smiles shall be; think doubt, and hope will flee.
Think love, and love will grow
David V. Bush, Think Rights
- Negative thinking steals motivation.
Christopher Michaels, Think Positive
Motivational Quotes
Be motivated, stay positive!
Don't let life overwhelm you - take one step at a time and do the best that you can do
Catherine Pulsifer, The Mountains Of Life
Inspiration is all around us, yes this is true, it just takes some looking around.
If you find something helpful to give you a hand, allow it to assist you, hands down!
Julie Hebert, Receiving Help
Poems About Helping Others
There will never be another day like this day before me now
I can waste it or I can make it count.
It's up to me what the day will amount!
Kate Summers
You make the decision on whether the day will be good in your attitude
and in your actions.
The windows blush with fresh bouquets, cut with the May-dew on their lips
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Spring Has Come
Short Spring Poems
Your life brightens our days and your love warms our hearts.
Author Unknown
Come, Love, and we together sing, 'Tis morning, ‘tis morning.'
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Morning
If your morning drive to the office finds you discouraged by listening to negative morning news, consider creating a new environment by listening to your favorite music or to inspirational talks.
Krista Regedanz 5 Ways to Combat Job Burnout
We all face challenges in life ... experience taught me a critical lesson: changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into
remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.
James Clear, Atomic Habits
Never think taking small actions will not accomplish big things. The secret to keep doing it
day after day!
So on this day, I send my love and count you as a blessing from above.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Second Mom
Mother In Law Poems
Be quiet: stop weeping, and keep a good heart, each morning and evening, to take a fresh start.
Daniel C. Colesworthy, Be Quiet
Poems About Purpose
- There is a gold mine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously and abundantly.
Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
You have so much more potential than you are currently using.
For night has its morn and day has dawn, and Winters are followed by Spring.
Maude Waddell, Night Bird
We must each adopt as much responsibility as possible for individual life, society and the world. We must each tell the truth and repair what is in
disrepair and break down and recreate what is old and outdated.
Jordan B. Peterson
Follow Your Own Path Poems
Each morning you open your eyes is a day to remember that your purpose in life is not to
singularly pursue happiness but, instead, to be selfless in helping to make life a bit more cheery for someone else.
Rosy Lee Anderson
Cheer Up Quotes
Wise words to remember each and every morning.
Should you choose to devote yourself to the ongoing journey of self-realization, you will develop a tremendous sense of respect for who you really are.
Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul
That’s what we do when we find something of value, we share it with the people we love.
Simon Sinek, Start with Why
Short Love Quotes
The people we love can be our biggest source of motivation.
Just to be tender, just to be true, just to be glad the whole day through
Unknown, Just To Be Tender
Poems About God
You make me laugh, you make me smile. You do things for me, you go the extra mile.
Catherine Pulsifer, Happy Birthday Pop
Thanksgiving not a day that's singled out, but greets us every morning.
Catharine Ryder, Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day Poem
The world is new each morning - that is God's gift, and a man should believe he is reborn each day.
Israel Ben Eliezer
Positive Thoughts
Great morning motivation when you realize you are receiving God's gift to you.
You see a smile is worth its weight in gold - it is welcome and never old.
Catherine Pulsifer, Worth Its Weight In Gold
Smile Poems
Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty....Make me to walk in thy ways, and so shall I be blessed. Give me the strength to do that which is righteous in thy sight
Hannah More, This Day
- The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Mark Twain
Short Positive Quotes
Don't waste the morning, get going.
Limitlessness is the sense that there are no boundaries to what you can become or do. You learn it when you know that your evolution is never-ending and your potential for growth reaches to infinity.
Cherie Carter-Scott
Motivational Poems
May your morning be full of sunshine
May your day be free of clouds
May you be the best you can be
And at the end of the day you will be happy.
Irish Blessing

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
Jimmy Johnson
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows how may always have a job, but the person who knows why will always be his boss.
John C. Maxwell, How Successful People Think
Do you look for the good or do you see the bad. Your attitude determines whether you're happy or sad.
Catherine Pulsifer, Our Journey
Life Journey Poems

...a new day is here, squeeze a laugh from it instead of a tear.
Herbert Kaufman, Why In The World
Poems About Laughter
To present your positive self requires you to pay attention to how and what verbal and nonverbal communication you use.
Peter W. Murphy, Always Know What To Say
Positive Quotes
We have twenty-four brand-new hours ahead of us... We can live these twenty-four hours fully, in mindfulness, in awareness. That is a huge and very precious gift of life: a new day.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Work
Live In The Moment Quotes
Life is too short to waste your days. Wake up each morning and be glad to say, Good morning world what shall I do today.
Catherine Pulsifer, Don't Waste Your Days
Life Is Too Short Poems
- Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
Hugh White
Poems About Mistakes
Self-care is essential for our survival; it is essential as the basis for healthy, authentic relationships; it is essential if we honestly want to nurture the
people we care about.
Jennifer Louden, The Woman's Comfort Book
Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching.
Author Unknown
Attitude Quotes
For whatever goal you want to achieve, there is discomfort along that path. Self-discipline drives you through this discomfort and allows you to
achieve and attain.
Peter Hollins, The Science of Self-Discipline
Self Control Quotes
- Everything you see around us was built by those who refused to live their lives in the shadows.
Michael Scott, Confidence
Innovation Quotes
The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.
Michelle Obama
Motivational Sales Quotes
We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.
Les Brown
... the journey of life tells us that sometimes we need a day with a bright blue sky to remember how beautiful the world is and that anything is possible.
Christine Maier, Blue Sky Morning
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