65 Mothers Day Messages
Share these Mothers Day messages with your Mom. Every waking day is special for all mothers especially when the love of family is made known. But, one singular day out of the year, there is
a golden opportunity to specifically express messages of love to your mother
that means more than all the roses or all the flowers that are grown.
It is the act of a loving son, daughter and husband or father that
brings the warmth that only a personal expression of love can bring.
It may be that warm embrace or that timely and loving phone call.
We hope these mothers day tidings remind you of the special and unique people
that Moms are, and to help you to express your love, kindness,
and gratitude to them.
Short Poems & Quotes
/ Quotes
Mothers Day Messages
Mom, words will never express my thanks and appreciation for your love, support and encouragement over the years.
Catherine Pulsifer
Mothers Day Poems
You always encouraged me to dream, cheered when I succeeded, and urged me to try again when I failed.
Sonny Melendrez, The Art of Living With Enthusiasm!
Poems Of Encouragement
You my Mom, are great -You my Mom, are the best -
You my Mom, there is no other -
You my Mom, are a blessing
Be The Best Quotes
We do not have a true appreciation of our mothers until
we become a mother ourself.
Catherine Pulsifer
Inspirational Poems
Mom, you have been an example for me in showing others kindness and love. May the kindness you
have shown to others come back to you many times over.
Catherine Pulsifer
Kindness Poems

My Mother is just like the sun, she's always warm and bright
Harry Coughaneur, Mother
Poems About Mothers
Mother should take some consolation in the fact that the world at large takes many of its greatest blessings for granted without
being properly thankful for them.
Author Unknown
Gratitude Poems
You Mom, you are the best
As your daughter, it is hard to express
I love you today and always will, this is my take.
Happy Mothers Day to a woman who is great!
Kate Summers
Inspirational Quotes

Because I am a mother, I hold God's greatest prize. And He expects great things of me with a task of such a size.
Grace Atkins
Christian Poems
My dear mother with the truthfulness of a mother's heart, ministered to all my woes, outward and inward, and even against hope kept prophesying good.
Thomas Carlyle
Poems About Hope
Of all the beautiful things in the world, I love you best, my dear mother.
Katherine Rhodes, My Mother
Father, I pray that you bless my Mom
I am so grateful for all she's done
Thank you for giving her to me - she is more than a Mom could be.
Kate Summers
Short Prayers
You're not just a Mother, but a dear friend too.
Friendship Poems
Thank you, Mom, for all you do, for all the love you give so true.
Catherine Pulsifer, Forever Grateful
Thank You Poems To Mom
The love of a father, a mother a daughter, is a love that would satisfy many.
Julie Hebert, Life Without Love
Poems about Life
To the woman who loved me first, Mom you will always be my valentine.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Valentines Day Poems
One day I hope to be a mother like you, one who will always be counted on.
Julie Hebert, My Inspiration
Words For A Wonderful Mother
I said a Mother's Day prayer for you to thank the Lord above for blessing me with a lifetime of your tenderhearted love.
Unknown, I Said a Mother's Prayer for You
Quotes About God's Blessings
We appreciate our Mothers more as further in years we go.
Mrs. Paul Gorman
Thank You Poems
Mothers bring a special type of love and care to a family.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Family

I will always love you mom despite your faults because you showed me continuous
love despite my faults.
Annabelle Marie Haines
Mothers Day Poems From Daughter
But the world is full of mothers and the world is full of dads who are making sacrifices for their little girls and lads.
Edgar A. Guest, The Old-Fashioned Parents
Poems About Parent
For the one who gave us life, our mother, our guiding light.
Catherine Pulsifer, Appreciate Mom
A mother does not want gifts of fresh flowers, delicious chocolates,
fine jewellry or front row tickets to a magnificent play; she
simply wants to know, children, that you love her so very much for
all her years of dedicated caring, kindness, sacrifice, compassion and
unconditional love.
Theodore W. Higgingsworth
For Moms
I would rather have my Mother
back again but only for a few short
hours than all the
Irish Blessings in the world.
Robert Rivers
Mothers Day Poem From Son
One friend can always replace another, but no one in the world can replace My Mother.
Howard Turner, Mother
A little loving thought extended and a little kindness shown to her
are worth more to a mother than the greatest riches.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Kindness Quotes

God, oh how true it is that we would never be what we are today without our mothers.
Mothers Day Prayers
Mom, wishing you the Merrist of days - may you be happy in every way.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Gift
Christmas Poems for Mom
He (Father) knows the ins and outs of each and every deep transaction; we look to him for theories, but look to ma for action.
Edgar A. Guest, Father
Funny Fathers Day Poems
With arms that cradle and a heart that cares, Mom's gentle touch, an answer to our prayers
Catherine Pulsifer, Motherhood's Power
Poems About Motherhood
This is a message of thanks, For all you have given me.
Julie Hebert, A Message
Message To My Family

... nothing is more powerful than seeing what a great influence mothers have had ...
Emily Sue Davis, 50 Mother's Day Quotes
Mom Knows Best
... the real practice, I came to see, was in the ritual of starting over, day after day, caring for my husband and children, striving for
balance, trying to meet my deadlines and, at the same time, meet our basic needs for rest and laughter and togetherness.
Katrina Kenison
All I know is that when I'm a parent I want to be just like my mom. I can talk to my mom more than any of my friends could talk to their parents.
Nikki Reed
Parent Quotes
My kids tell me I was devoted and dedicated and that I never stopped worrying. Well, they’re right about the last part. You always worry
about your children.
Lisa Goich
Worry Quotes

Best love of all, best understood. The type of selfless motherhood!
Florence Earle Coates, When Christ Was Born
Mother In Law Poems
My mother found it hard to let go even though she often expressed how
much she looked forward to more free time. In fact, she found it painful when the time
came for all of us to leave home. But, don't despair mom; we are always with you
day and night as we live out all of your loving guidance.
Freddy J. W. Parkes
A Mothers Love Poem
Never underestimate the loving power of a mother when it comes to
the innate calling to defend her offspring. This power may not be physical but it sure is mental.
Robert Rivers
A Mothers Creed
To my mother, my inspiration, how do I adore you.
You've never gone, always held on, kept our family together like glue.
Julie Hebert, A Wonderful Mother
Short Family Quotes
Mothers and daughters are closest, when daughters become mothers.
Author Unknown
Mother Daughter Poems
I am not a perfect mother and I will never be. You are not a perfect
daughter and you will never be. But put us together and we will
be the best mother and daughter we would ever be.
Zoraida Pesante
Daughter Quotes
Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged.
Louisa May Alcott
Son Quotes
Not just for today, but everyday should be Mothers Day. We appreciate all you do Mom!
Karen Timmerson
Just For Today Poems
A mother is that person who encourages your dreams,
never stands in your way, and does everything she can to
support you throughout your entire journey regardless of the hills
and valleys of life.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Loving Quotes About Mothers
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A
mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
Sophia Loren
Poems About Children
There's only one day to honor Mothers, and one day for Fathers too.
So we should put our heart and soul,
into celebrating the few.
Catherine Pulsifer, Honor Mothers And Fathers
Fathers Day Poem
Today you're more than,
Just a grandmother to me.
You're my friend,
And someone I aspire to be.
Julie Hebert, To My Grandmother
Grandma Poems

You're a very special lady, who showered me with love
I am thankful for you as I've told God above.
Be Thankful Poems
Appreciation for all you have done for me can never be expressed in words,
but Thank You Mum for Everything.
Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation Quotes
By every act of mine I am your mother . . . by my sleepless nights - by every step in the long day’s design
Anne Campbell, To An Adopted Child
Adoption Poems
Father God watch over my Mom each day
Bless her each day I pray
Kate Summers, A Prayer for My Mother
Prayer for Mother
Mothers Day is a day to honor your Mom. It is a day that is celebrated around the world. No matter where you live in the world, the one thing we all have in common is that we all have a Mother.
Catherine Pulsifer
Honor Quotes
Who freely gave the best she had? My mother!
David V. Bush, My Mother
To My Mother On Her Birthday
A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.
Victor Hugo
Mom, whenever I was stressed,
you always did your best,
you never lost your believe, and always brought me stress relief.
C Butler
Tribute To A Mother
The sweetest sounds to mortals given are heard in Mother,
home, and Heaven.
William Goldsmith Brown
Verses About Mothers

Although they are kind, my sister and brother.
There is no one like my dear old mother.
Betty Jane Berens, A True Friend
You Only Get One Mother
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which
you will always discover forgiveness.
Honore de Balzac
Forgiveness Poems

Mother you are the most vital person throughout our life.
Maybe even the most important.
Sheila Sage, Quotes to Inspire Motherhood
Mom Poems
My mother is going to have to stop lying about her age because pretty soon I'm going to be older than she is.
Tripp Evans
Birthday Poems For Mom
What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their
babies is usually best after all.
Benjamin Spock
Baby Poems
An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.
Spanish Proverb
Sue's got a baby now an' she is prettier than she used to be. A wondrous change has taken place, a softer beauty marks her face.
Edgar A Guest
Sue's Got a Baby
A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.
It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down
remorselessly all that stands in its path.
Agatha Christie
More Quotes for Encouragement and Motivation
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