10 Mom Poems
A collection of poems that express love and appreciation for Moms and their invaluable contributions to our lives.
Mothers are some of the most special people in our lives, and throughout the years they provide us with tremendous amounts of love and support.
From our earliest memories, we can recall Mom being there to pick us up when we fall and to encourage us to reach for the stars.
Mothers Day Poems |
Above All Price
Poet: Edgar Fawcett
How dear does mother hold
Her bonny little one?
Just as dear as the jostling clovers
Hold the merry sun.
How hard would mother try
To please her pretty lass?
Just as hard as the pattering showers
Try to please the grass.
How fair does mother think
The darling at her breast?
Just as fair as the glad white sea-bird
Thinks the wave's white crest.
How long will mother's love
For her treasure last?
Just as long as her heart keeps beating,
Till her life be past.
How much will mother's love
Change, as years are told?
Just as much as the mountain changes,
Or the ocean old!

A Mother's Love Poem
Mom Believes
Author: Ozora Davis
I believe in the
eternal importance of the home
as the fundamental institution of society.
I believe in the
immeasurable possibilities
of every boy and girl.
I believe in the
imagination, the trust, the hopes
and ideals which dwell in the hearts of all children.
I believe in the
beauty of nature, of art,
of books, and of friendship.
I believe in the
of duty.
I believe in the
little homely joys
of everyday life.
I believe in the
goodness of the great design
which lies behind our complex world.
I believe in the
safety and peace which surround
us all through the overbrooding love of God.
More Than A Mother
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Mom, you have been more
Then a mother to me;
You have been a friend, a confidante,
And an example to be.
No matter what is happening in my life,
You are there in success and strife.
You do encourage and support my goals,
Always willing to help me around the potholes.
If every person had a mother like you,
There would be more happiness and less blue.
Thank you Mom, for who you are
In my books, you are a star.
Mothers Day Messages
You Influenced
by Theodore W. Higginsworth
Mom, you influenced my thoughts
which has made me caring,
Mom, you influenced my character
which has made me the person I am today
Mom, you influenced my self worth
which has made me loving towards others
Mom thank you for all the influence!
Poems About Mothers
Before It Is Too Late
Poet: George Bancroft Griffith
If you have a gray-haired mother
In the old home far away,
Sit down and write the letter
You put off day by day.
If you have a tender message,
Or a loving word to say,
Don't wait till you forget it,
But whisper it to-day.
Who knows what bitter memories
May haunt you if you wait?
So make your loved ones happy
Before it is too late.
The tender words unspoken,
The letter never sent,
The long-forgotten messages.
The wealth of love unspent,
For these some hearts are breaking,
For these some loved ones wait -
So show them that you care for them
Before it is too late.
Mother Daughter Poems
Blessed To Have You
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Wisdom you have given to me
To help me be the best I can be
Thank you for your caring ways
And how you brighten up my days.
I am blessed to have a Mom like you
Love you forever, that is so true!
Poems About Motherhood
Stands By Me
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My mom stands by me with love and care,
She listens to my problems, and wisdom she shares.
She gives me strength to find courage anew,
Sometimes offering a challenge I never thought I could do.
Her unconditional love is like none other,
I can always count on the love and support of my mother!
Her patience and understanding know no bounds,
Her guidance and presence is always around.
The appreciation I owe her will never fully be paid,
I am forever thankful for her love and the sacrifices she has made.
Poems About Parent
God's Blessing
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The beautiful gift of life,
A mom's wish comes true,
She feels so much love that is new,
The joy of a child is you.
When the baby arrives,
Her world is filled with delight and bliss.
This special bond continues to grow
As we are thankful for Mom's hugs and kiss.
Each life stage brings a new fondness,
Her patience will never waver or lessen,
No matter what, she always cares
Our Mothers are a God blessin'.
Mom's Dedication
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A mother's love is ever growing
And forever strong,
A bond that's filled with caring
And never gone wrong,
Through thick and thin
Her devotion remains so true,
Comforting hugs when
Life's challenges come due.
A heart overflowing with
Patience and might,
Her dedication to family
Day and night.
Loving Quotes About Mothers
Poet: Kate Louise Wheeler
In all the wide world there is not another
Whose name is so dear as the sweet name of mother.
The babe’s tiny head finds it’s most perfect rest,
When pillowed from harm on the fair mother breast;
The youth, from all sorrow, temptation and care,
Seeks the warm mother heart and finds comfort there;
The woman, whose virtues are whispered above,
Will daily thank God for the dear “mother love;”
The man, be he lover, or husband, or brother,
Will ever hold sacred the love of his mother.
Tho’ the years may have turned her tresses to gray,
And the rose from her cheek may have faded away,
Tho’ her step, once so light, may have feebled with age,
And her eyes may have grown too dim for the page,
Tho’ the hand that was once so dainty and fair,
May have changed with the seasons of toiling and care,
Tho’ the voice that to youth and it’s freedom belongs,
May have lost all its sweetness for lullaby songs,
Yet the years that shall make the dear mother grow old,
Will but add to her nature a blessing untold;-
Tho’ they rob her of youth, she retains, as a prize,
A love more mature and a counsel more wise.
Tho’ her life lose it’s sunshine and burdens oppress,
Yet the love of the mother will never be less;
Tho’ her children may wander away from the fold,
And the world shuts them out in the darkness and cold,
Tho’ their friends may prove faithless and sin may allure,
Yet of mother’s true love they can ever be sure.
Tho’ to far away lands they may wilfully roam,
The fond mother’s prayer will be guiding them home.
If they climb to the height of honor and fame,
They should whisper, in credit, the dear mother name.
Her love inspires all that is noble and good,
And Purity reigneth o’er sweet mother-hood.
Tho’ the great word applaud, the praise of another
Is nothing compared with the praises of mother.
The earth home is dreary, when she is away,
Her presence adds sunshine to each changing day,
And Heaven, in it’s glory, will be the more fair,
When the spirit of mother shall find entrance there.
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To summarize, celebrating mom should be an everyday occurrence. Whether you choose to give a gift, write a poem, or simply tell her how much she means to you,
make sure she knows that she is appreciated and loved. A mother's love is unconditional and timeless; it is the greatest gift any of us will ever receive.
We hope these poems have provided inspiration for finding your own special way to honor your mom.
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