4 Wonderful Things Poems
There are so many wonderful things that life has to offer. Let these poems remind you of the many blessings you have.
People have different thoughts on the wonderful things that life has to offer. For example, Suzy Kassem says in her book, Rise Up and Salute the Sun, "The key to a wonderful life is to never stop wandering into wonder."
And, Debasish Mridha says, "How wonderful life can be if your thoughts and actions created wonderful things for others!" And, Billy Graham in his book, the Secret of Happiness, writes: "Happy is that person who has learned the secret of being
content with whatever life brings him, and has learned to rejoice in the simple and beautiful things around him."
Share these poems with others as a positive reminder we all have wonderful things in our lives!
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Poems About Life
Wonderful Things Poems
The Star In The Sky
Poet: Lucia B. Cook
For the pleasures of everyday life,
For the joy of the daily surprise
To look up and behold the bright sun,
And the glorious clouds in the skies;
To look down at our feet at the grass,
And around us - the beautiful flowers;
And youth in our hearts as we pass
What a wonderful journey is ours!
O it’s sweet that the journey is long,
And the joy is as long as the day!
But the trials and sorrows and sins
Shall be lost in the length of the way!
For the angels of long, long ago
Brought a message that never can die;
Has your faith heard the echoing song?
Have you followed the star in the sky?

Christian Poems
My A to Z of Wonderful Things in Life
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
A is for the apples, that nutrition us each day,
B is for our little boys that remind us we should play.
C is for our furry cats, that teach us who is boss.
D is for our dentist, who reminds us we should floss.
E is for emotions that remind us we are alive.
F is for high fives that remind us we should thrive.
G is for everything good, that we see each and every day.
H is for our hair, even when it starts to grey.
I is for ice cream, a wonderful treat we all love.
J is for the joy I see when I sit and look above.
K is for the kindness that we all hope to share.
L is for fall leaves that fly through windy air.
M is for all Moms, who protect and love their kids.
N is for nighttime when we rest and close our eyelids.
O is for occasions that allow a celebration of fun.
P is for pastries, especially hot cross buns.
Q is for the option to quit but never allowing it so.
R is for being realistic and allowing yourself to grow.
S is for the sun, how we marvel in its warm rays.
T is for trees that give us clean air each day.
U is for umbrellas, that shield us from the rain.
V is for Valentine's Day that love toasts with champagne.
W is for our way, we all eventually find.
X is for xoxoxox on notes that always are so kind.
Y is for you, who is wonderful and true.
Z is for life's zigs and zags, that brought me straight to you.
Life Quotes
The Holidays
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The wonderful things in life include
the holidays we celebrate
On these specials day we feel
the love that they generate.
Occasions like Birthdays, Christmas,
Thanksgiving, and New Years -
All give us opportunity to spend time
with those that are dear.
We raise our glass
and offer a toast
To a wonderful year to those
from coast to coast.
New Year Toasts
Wonderful World
Poet: Unknown
Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world.
With the wonderful water round you curled.
And the wonderful grass upon your breast -
Great world, you are beautifully drest.
The wonderful air is over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree;
It walks on the water and whirls the mills.
And talks to itself on the tops of the hills.
You friendly Earth, how far do you go
With the wheat-fields that nod, and the rivers that flow.
With cities and gardens, and cliffs and isles.
And people upon you for thousands of miles?
Ah, you are so great, and I am so small,
I tremble to think of you, world, at all;
And yet, when I said my prayers to-day,
A whisper inside me seemed to say,
"You are more than the earth, though you are such a dot;
You can love and think, and the world cannot."
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Positive Poems
If you ever feel that you don't have wonderful things in your life, then just turn on the news. It is filled with stories of people suffering hardships that we should count our blessings each and every day for the
lives that we have. Just imagine if you were living in a war-torn country, or if you were in a hospital fighting for your breath. There are many amazing things in our lives that we just have to stop and
recognize and be thankful for. We hope these poems remind you of that!
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