5 Serving God Poems
Be inspired by these Christian poems about serving God. What an honor to be able to serve God, the Creator of all.
Let these poems inspire you and uplift you to serve God here on earth. The things we do to help others, to help His church, to show kindness and love to all, are all things we can do to serve God here and now.
Christian Poems
Gifts From Above
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Each of us has gifts, given from above,
To serve and help others, to show God's love.
In scripture, we learn of these blessings so bright,
To use them with care, to do what is right.
Some may have wisdom, to guide and to teach,
Others have kindness, their hearts within reach.
Maybe you're gifted with words or with song,
Or hands that help others when things go wrong.
God's gifts are many, each one is unique,
They're given to help us, to strengthen the weak.
So use what you've been given, in big ways or small,
By serving each other, you're serving God most of all.
My Pledge
Poet: Greta Zwaan, © 1995
Lord, You're the One I want to please, the one I've given my heart to.
Yet failure seems to loom so big, whate'er I put a start to.
My plans are big, my goals are high, yet I cannot achieve it.
I want to serve and love You most, but who would e'er believe it?
Intentions spring within my heart to always walk beside You,
But many times I'm miles ahead, Your voice I do not heed to.
I have my life so well mapped out - each day, each week is taken,
You have a little corner too, so Lord, don't feel forsaken.
I'll give You all the time that's left; I'll plan, I'll be real careful.
In church I'll speak my piece for You; at home, I'll be more prayerful.
Out in the world? Well, Lord, that's hard. Think of my reputation!
To be a Christian nowadays could split a good relation.
My job's at stake if I speak out, my friends perhaps would leave me.
And then what could I do for You? Oh, Lord, You must believe me!
What's that You say? My heart's not Yours? But Lord! That's my desire!
I walked the aisle some years ago; there's sparks, perhaps not fire.
Yet all You ask is for my love? A better understanding?
A knowledge of Your precious Word, a bond that's true and banding?
I see it now, yes, Lord, I do - I need to get to know You.
I need that time alone each day to learn the things You'll show me.
Lord, tell me what will bring You joy, and help me to achieve that,
Remove my doubts, remove my fears, and help me to believe that.
Although I've failed You in the past, You've always been beside me.
Lord, take my life, make it anew, for You alone can guide me.
This day I stand inside Your house, and here before Your altar,
I pledge my love, I give my heart, please, help me not to falter.
Too long I've walked this road of sin, a path so dark and lonely.
I'm here to change directions, Lord, to love and serve You only.
One Day's Service
Poet: Amos R. Wells
O to serve God for a day!
From jubilant morn to the peace and the calm of the night
To tread no path but his happy and blossoming way,
To seek no delight
But the joy that is one with the joy at heaven's heart;
Only to go where thou art,
O God of all blessing and beauty! to love, to obey
With obedience sweetened by love and love made strong by the right;
Not once, not once to be drunken with self,
Or to play the hypocrite's poisoned part,
Or to bend the knee of my soul to the passion for pelf,
Or the glittering gods of the mart;
Through each glad hour to lay on the wings of its flight
Some flower for the angels' sight;
Some fragrant fashion of service, scarlet and white--
White for the pure intent, and red where the pulses start.
O, if thus I could serve him, could perfectly serve him one day,
I think I could perfectly serve him forever--forever and aye!
Serve God
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I pledge my life to serve God, what an honor,
The weight of purpose on my willing shoulders.
His call, a beacon guiding me in the dark,
With steadfast faith, I embark on this noble arc.
The joy of being able to serve my Lord,
A privilege untold, leaving me restored.
Through trials and triumphs, His light shall never part,
For in His service, I find solace, deep in my heart.
Serving God Quotes
I Worship Thee
Poet: Frederick William Faber
I worship thee, sweet will of God!
And all thy ways adore.
And every day I live I seem
To love thee more and more.
Thou wert the end, the blessed rule
Of our Saviour's toils and tears;
Thou wert the passion of his heart
Those three and thirty years.
And he hath breathed into my soul
A special love of thee,
A love to lose my will in his,
And by that loss be free.
I love to kiss each print where thou
Hast set thine unseen feet;
I cannot fear thee, blessed will!
Thine empire is so sweet.
When obstacles and trials seem
Like prison walls to be,
I do the little I can do,
And leave the rest to thee.
I know not what it is to doubt;
My heart is ever gay;
I run no risk, for come what will
Thou always hast thy way.
I have no cares, O blessed will!
For all my cares are thine;
I live in triumph, Lord, for thou
Hast made thy triumphs mine.
And when it seems no chance or change
From grief can set me free,
Hope finds its strength in helplessness,
And gayly waits on thee.
Man's weakness waiting upon God
Its end can never miss,
For man on earth no work can do
More angel-like than this.
Ride on, ride on triumphantly,
Thou glorious Will! ride on;
Faith's pilgrim sons behind thee take
The road that thou hast gone.
He always wins who sides with God,
To him no chance is lost;
God's will is sweetest to him when
It triumphs at his cost.
Ill that he blesses is our good,
And unblest good is ill;
And all is right that seems most wrong
If it be his sweet will!
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