Poems about The Majesty of Landscapes
Explores poems that celebrate the grandeur and serenity of natural landscapes.
The Psalm Of The Woodsman
By William Steward Gordon
Blessed is the man that loveth Nature,
For he shall never be lonely!
Yea, though he loseth himself in the forest
He is still in the midst of friends.
The trees stretch their arms in protection;
They invite him under their shelter.
Their roots take hold of the mountain
Like the stakes of a tent set firmly.
The moss on the bark is a compass
To tell him whither he goeth;
It points his direction as surely
As the guide-board out on the highway.
The winds and the clouds are his servants;
He knoweth their course in the season.
Yea, the tree turns its face from the tempest.
So the burden of branches is southward.
The beasts and the birds are his comrades;
He knoweth their signs and their habits.
He knoweth their challenge of anger.
And their milder language of mating.
The rivulet calls him with laughter.
And the pool is his only mirror.
He looks, and the beard on his bosom
Is blended with moss on the cedars.
He knoweth the roots that are wholesome,
And the edible barks and the berries —
The camas that holdeth no poison,
The celery and rice of the lakelets.
Yea, blessed the man of the mountains!
And thrice blessed is he if he follows
The trail that leads over the summit
On the highway to regions immortal.
The years hang as light on his shoulders
As the grizzled wings of the eagle.
They are only fanciful burdens,
For they help him to fly away.
His is the calling courageous:
He blazed the trail for his children.
His footprints are waymarks of safety
And his bones are a guide to the living.
The Gladness Of Nature
Poet: William Cullen Bryant
Is this a time to be cloudy and sad,
When our mother Nature laughs around;
When even the deep blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?
There are notes of joy from the hang-bird and wren,
And the gossip of swallows through all the sky;
The ground-squirrel gaily chirps by his den,
And the wilding bee hums merrily by.
The clouds are at play in the azure space,
And their shadows at play on the bright-green vale,
And here they stretch to the frolic chase,
And there they roll on the easy gale.
There's a dance of leaves in that aspen bovver,
There's a titter of winds in that beechen tree,
There's a smile on the fruit, and a smile on the flower,
And a laugh from the brook that runs to the sea.
And look at the broad-faced sun, how he smiles
On the dewy earth that smiles in his ray.
On the leaping waters and gay young isles;
Ay, look, and he'll smile thy gloom away.
The Streamlet
Poet: Charles Fenno Hoffman
How silently yon streamlet slides
From out the twilight-shaded bowers!
How, soft as sleep, it onward glides
In sunshine through its dreaming flowers.
That tranquil wave, now turn'd to gold
Beneath the slowly westering sun,
It is the same, far on the wold.
Whose foam this morn we gazed upon.
The leaden sky, the barren waste,
The torrent we this morning knew,
How changed are all! as now we haste
To bid them, with the day, adieu!
Ah! thus should life and love at last
Grow bright and sweet when death is near:
May we, our course of trial passed.
Thus bathed in beauty glide from here!
Poet: B. E. Warren
Rippling brook and flowing stream
In the sparkling sunlight gleam,
Making merry faces beam
With their gladsome story;
Soft their music floats away,
Where the evening zephyrs play,
Where the siren singers stay
In their verdant glory.
See blest virgin Nature smile,
In her queenly robes the while;
Man of earth she would beguile
With her flowing tresses.
Bright her face with blooming flowers,
Sweet the odor from her bowers,
Fresh her sparkling April showers,
Mid her warm caresses.
Hills and valleys robed in green,
Winding rivers flow between,
There the rustic rocks are seen
Where the water splashes;
On the rising silvery spray,
Rainbow colors seem to play,
Painted by the orb of day,
In the sunlight flashes.
Soft the kisses of her lips,
Sweet the honeydew she sips,
From her hand of mercy drips
Every single blessing.
With her arms embracing me,
I am safe as I can be,
When I come on bended knee,
Nature's God confessing.
Poet: Nettie Steeves
How beautiful are the hills
And the green valleys down below
With the flowers in the woodland
Where the Lady's Slippers grow.
And the gurgling of the brooks
The murmuring of the streams
The moaning of the pine trees,
It is like a fairy dream.
With Nature in all its beauty
There is nothing else so fair
It needs no touch from an artist's brush
For Nature has her beauty there.
Key Reflections in these Poems about The Majesty of Landscapes:
Emphasizes the deep connection between humans and nature as a source of comfort and joy.
Conveys a sense of transcendence and renewal, leading to peace and hope.
The creatures of nature:
Grasshopper Poem
Ladybug Poem
Poems About Birds
Butterfly Poems
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Poems about The Beauty of Flora
Features poems focusing on the enchanting beauty of flowers and plants.
Beauty Still Walketh
Poet: Alexander Smith
Beauty still walketh on the earth and air
Our present sunsets are as rich in gold
As ere the Iliad's music was out-rolled;
The roses of the Spring are ever fair,
'Mong branches green still ring-doves coo and pair
And the deep sea still foams its music old.
So, if we are at all divinely souled.
This beauty will unloose our bonds of care.
Poet: Arthur Linton
Tenderly on the parched brown earth
The rain falls gently singing,
And with its freshness, to the dearth
Of the dry ground, new beauty's birth
As a friend's face when seen again
Sets the heart-pulses ringing;
So the desired delights of rain,
Joy to the desolate weary grain
And when its grace has thrilled the ground,
From that dark grave upspringing
Its soul within the flowers is found,
On delicate odours all around

The Book Of Nature
Poet: Keble
There is a book, who runs may read,
Which heavenly truth imparts.
And all the lore its scholars need,
Pure eyes and Christian hearts.
The works of God above, below,
Within us, and around.
Are pages in that book to show
How God himself is found.
The glorious sky, embracing all,
Is like the Maker's love.
Wherewith encompassed, great and small
In peace and order move.
The dew of heaven is like His grace.
It steals in silence down;
But where it lights, the favored place.
By richest fruits is known.
Thou, who hast given me eyes to see
And love this sight so fair.
Give me a heart to find out Thee,
And read Thee everywhere.
Key Reflections in these Poems about The Beauty of Flora:
Nature continuously offers beauty and renewal, lifting our spirits and easing burdens.
Nature serves as a divine book that reveals truth and wisdom, fostering a connection to a higher understanding through observation and an open heart.
Related: Poems About The Seasons |
Garden Poems
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The Wonders of Wildlife
Highlights poems that capture the charm and fascination of various wildlife.
A Prayer To The God Of Nature
Poet: Frederic Lawrence Knowles
God of the roadside weed,
Grant I may humbly serve the humblest need.
God of the scarlet rose,
Give me the beauty that Thy love bestows.
God of the hairy bee,
Help me to suck deep joys from all I see.
God of the spider's lace,
Let me, from mine own heart, unwind such grace.
God of the lily's cup,
Fill me! I hold this empty chalice up.
God of the sea-gull's wing,
Bear me above each dark and turbulent thing.
God of the watchful owl,
Help me to see at midnight, like this fowl.
God of the antelope,
Teach me to scale the highest crags of Hope.
God of the eagle's nest,
Oh, let me make my eyrie near thy breast!
God of the burrowing mole,
Let cold earth have no terrors for my soul.
God of the chrysalis,
Grant that my grave may be a cell of bliss.
God of the butterfly,
Help me to vanquish Death, although I die.

Poet: Robert Leighton
The breathing flowers, the forest-buds unfurl'd,
Are not the expanded seedlings that we ween,
But sweet transfigurations from the world
That lies within the seen.
For this the type in which God prints His thought —
This glorious theatre of shifting things;
And whosoever has its meaning caught,
For him all Nature sings.
Would'st thou hear Nature's voice? Be one with her,
In simple purity, perennial youth;
Her child in wonder, and her worshipper
In spirit and in truth.
Then will the daisy, from its modest eye,
Let out its secrets, and the starry scroll
River and ocean — all of earth or sky —
Interpret to thy soul.
Key Reflections in these The Wonders of Wildlife:
The poems emphasize the importance of humility and a deep connection to nature, encouraging appreciation for even the smallest aspects of the natural world and finding joy in all living things.
Nature is seen as a reflection of divine thought, inviting individuals to engage with it in purity and wonder, allowing them to uncover deeper meanings and wisdom that enrich the soul.
More poems:
Poems About The Sky
Sunrise Poems
Poems about Sunset
Poems About Clouds
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Reflections on Nature
Includes poems that offer thoughtful reflections on the nature of existence and our connection to it.
The Healing Power of Nature
Poet: Leonora Milliken Boss
Far famed the grand old forest,
As the one whose name it bears;
Calling, calling to the weary.
To lay aside all cares.
And come and rest, where Nature
Her blessed boon can bring,
Of health and strength and calmness,
In all and everything.
There is healing in the wildwood.
Near the cedar and the pine;
There is healing in the songbird,
'Tis a tonic, more than wine.
The soughing of the pines can lull you.
To a quiet few can know,
For you're nearer to the Father;
These are gifts he would bestow.
And so, when the grand old forest
Sends forth a call to you.
Obey the summons and answer;
'Tis the least that you can do.
For the renovation and needed rest
Will be given in hospital here.
Or, rather, in God's free sunlight,
Where the cedar and pine are near.
The World And I
Poet: Nelly M. Hutchinson
Whether my heart be glad or no,
The summers come, the summers go,
The lanes grow dark with dying leaves,
Icicles hang beneath the eaves,
The asters wither to the snow;
Thus doth the summer end and go,
Whether my life be glad or no.
Whether my life be sad or no,
The winters come, the winters go,
The sunshine plays with baby leaves,
Swallows build about the eaves,
The lovely wild flowers bend and blow;
Thus doth the winter end and go,
Whether my life be sad or no.
Yet Mother Nature gives to me
A fond and patient sympathy;
In my own heart I find the charm
To make her tender, near, and warm;
Through summer sunshine, winter snow,
She clasps me, sad or glad or no.
Key Reflections in these Reflections on Nature:
The poems highlight nature's ability to heal and restore, showcasing its calming effects and rejuvenating power found in natural surroundings. Engaging with nature brings health, strength, and peace.
Nature serves as a constant companion, providing comfort and understanding regardless of personal feelings. The changing seasons reflect life's cycles, offering connection and support through both joyful and challenging times.
Amazing things in nature:
Poems About Rain
Poems About Water
Ocean Poems
Poems About Mountains
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Nature’s Changing Seasons
Showcases poems that depict the transition and beauty of the changing seasons.
The Babbling Brook
Poet: Mary C. Plummer
Tell me, little babbling brook.
Of the song you sing
As you flow through hedge and nook.
Let your sweet song ring.
I have stood one half an hour.
Listening to your chatter;
All that I can understand
Is just: Splatter, splatter.
You say if I should place my ear
Near your pretty dimple
I could hear your lovely song.
So beautiful and simple.
Yes, now to me it is quite plain
What a lovely sweet refrain!
Words are, though today comes rain.
Sunshine will return again.

Song Of The March Wind
Poet: Cobb
The March wind blows the snow away,
And blows away the cold.
He's not afraid of anything,
He is so very bold.
He shakes the sleepy trees about.
And calls for them to wake;
For April soon will come along
Their summer gowns to make.
He whistles to the little brooks
That now with gladness sing.
And sends them running on their way
To carry news of spring.
Key Reflections in these Nature’s Changing Seasons:
The poems emphasize that nature offers comfort and hope, assuring that despite challenges like rain or cold, renewal and brighter days are on the horizon, reflecting the cyclical nature of life.
They celebrate the vibrancy of nature awakening from winter, with the brook and March wind embodying excitement and anticipation for spring, encouraging a connection with the lively aspects of the natural world.
Be inspired by all that nature holds:
Tree Poems
Poems About Leaves
Poems About The Wind
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The Harmony of Nature Poem
Presents poems that celebrate the harmonious and balanced aspects of the natural world.
Poet: John Greenleaf Whittier
The harp at Nature's advent strung
Has never ceased to play;
The song the stars of morning sung
Has never died away.
And prayer is made, and praise is given
By all things near and far:
The ocean looketh up to heaven
And mirrors every star;
The green earth sends her incense up
From many a mountain shrine;
From folded leaf and dewy cup
She pours her sacred wine;
The blue sky is the temple's arch;
Its transept, earth and air;
The music of its starry march,
The chorus of a prayer:
So Nature keeps the reverent frame
With which her years began,
And all her signs and voices shame
The prayerless heart of man.
Key Reflections in the
The Harmony of Nature Poem:
The poem portrays nature as a harmonious and eternal presence, continuously offering music and beauty. It emphasizes that every element of nature, from the stars to the ocean, participates in a collective expression of praise and reverence.
The poem highlights a contrast between the reverent, prayerful state of nature and the prayerless hearts of humans. It suggests that while nature embodies a deep spirituality and connection to the divine, humanity often falls short of recognizing and honoring this sacredness.
Famous poems about nature:
Famous Nature Poems
Poems about Earth Day
Poems About Night
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