117 Never Give Up Quotes
Be encouraged and inspired by these never give up quotes. Life is never lived going backward but only going forward despite the trials and tribulations.
It is these experiences of challenges and failures that set our true worth. If you give up you may have been so close to achieving that which you are working
towards. Sometimes we may have to step back and reassess but that is not giving up, that is only looking for better ways.
If we never give up we will find success. We may face failures and obstacles but our persistence will pay off. These quotes speak clearly to the motto of "never give up", or
put another way "give it all you've got"! You may also be encouraged by this never give up poem.

God knows your destination but it is up to you to take the first step. Just the same
as a crop doesn't appear without being sown first.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Christian Poems
When misfortune's flailed you blue; circumstances dogged you, too,
Then there's one way left to you — Try, try again!
David V. Bush
Life Quotes About Giving Up
Don't wait for someone to take you under their wing. Find a good wing and climb up underneath it.
Frank C. Bucaro
Poems of Encouragement
Though many men will try their worst to make you slip and fall, just pay no heed, but keep your nerve - the greatest thing of all
David V. Bush, Don't Lose Your Goat
Funny Poems
Don’t be ashamed by your mistakes, they only prove that you try hard and never give up.
Riley Czarkowski
Poems About Mistakes

Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory.
Norman Vincent Peale
Inspirational Poems
When God is ready for you to move, He will make your situation uncomfortable.
Germany Kent
Bible Verses about Never Giving Up
Never give up should be the motto of every person no matter where or who they are.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Mottos
Tho disappointed, I'll not quit! I'll push all night till dawn.
David V. Bush, And Still I Will Push On
Disappointment Poems
When you feel like giving up - persevere
Catherine Pulsifer, Persevere
Poems About Perseverance
When confronted by failure, disappointment, or rejection, it may be far easier simply to give up. But this attitude can spell the difference between long-term success and a series of defeat.
Amy E. Dean, Peace of Mind
Defeat Quotes
If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.
Leo Tolstoy
You Decide
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.
Edgar A. Guest,
Don't Quit Poem
Defeat is nothing but a lesson, prepping us up for success; try again and don't digress
Catherine Pulsifer, Defeat Is A Less
Poems About Defeat
During times of trial, instead of complaining, give thanks! Sing hymns of praise to God and watch the prison bars open for you.
Tony Evans
Thank You God Poems
Never give up, dear soul, for you possess creative solutions, your heart will profess.
Catherine Pulsifer, Creative Solutions
Poems About Creativity
Rest but never quit. Even the sun has a sinking spell each evening. But it always rises the next morning. At sunrise, every soul is born again.
Muhammad Ali
Sunrise Poems
And though hard be the task, keep a stiff upper lip.
Phoebe Cary
Famous Poets
You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth
Be The Best Quotes
You have the most magnificent things waiting ahead. Keep going.
Hiral Nagda
Quotes About Blessings
If we want something bad enough, believe in it with all our being, find joy and passion in it, forge ahead no matter what the obstacles, we will realize it.
Sarah Centrella, Hustle Believe Receive
Short Inspirational Quotes

People do not lack strength; they lack will.
Victor Hugo
Poems About Strength
Here's a lesson all should heed — Try, try again.
Unknown, A Lesson We Should Heed
Poems About Learning
Strength is not only about winning the game; it's also about not giving-up.
Quotes On Winning
When you feel like giving in, tell yourself you can do it - put in the effort, don't just sit.
Catherine Pulsifer, Put In The Effort
Poems About Effort
There is no failure, save in giving up; no real fall so long as one still tries
C. C. Cameron, No Failure
Success Poem
If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying.
Matthew Quick
Quotes About Clouds
You may feel like a dark cloud is overhead and you may just want to stay in bed. But what you are facing will come to pass - nothing will ever last.
Catherine Pulsifer, Nothing Will Ever Last
This Too Shall Pass Poems
I think the most important thing is to stay hopeful, to believe wonderful things are possible and do your best. Basically, to not give up when things get tough, and to learn to truly enjoy and appreciate life, with everything that it brings.
Irena A. Hoffman
Hopeful Quotes
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth
Determination Quotes
You may encounter many disappointments. Be strong. Tell yourself, "I am good enough, I will try again."
Lailah Gifty Akita
Quotes On Disappointment

Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier
Success Quotes
So when life knocks you down, don't stay there on the ground, get up, dust off, and keep going, with resilience, you can turn things around.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Power Of Resilience
Poems About Resilience
Start again this very day - don't let yesterday's regret stay.
Catherine Pulsifer, To Wish
Poems About Regret
Strong people never doubt their capabilities. They struggle hard but never give up the chase to achieve their dreams!
Avijeet Das
Poems About Life Struggles
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lost Hope Quotes
Though petty jabs and taunts may come, they are never true -stand in resilient joy, let nothing bring you down
Catherine Pulsifer, Words of Wisdom
Don't Let People Bring You Down
I scanned wise words in a book to-day; this was the message, they seemed to say: Keep moving ahead!
Wilhelmina Stitch, Keep Moving
Wisdom Quotes
I quit many times but I never gave up; I learned from my failures and arose each time even more determined to try again.
Ken Poirot
Quotes About Quitting
If clouds are blocking the sun, there will always be a silver lining that reminds me to keep on trying.
Matthew Quick
Poems About Clouds

I believe—that you can keep going long after you can't.
Unknown, I Believe That
I Believe Poems
Some things are destined to be -- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there.
J.R. Ward
Fate Quotes
No matter what happens, don't give up, keep your attitude positive and your head up.
Sam Fickinsen
Keep Your Head Up Quotes
Never give up - try, try again - a door never opens unless someone opens it - let this someone be you.
Byron Pulsifer
Try, Try Again
O never think of giving up, ne’er think the battle lost; just grit your teeth and do your best it’s worth all that it cost!
David V. Bush, It's Worth The Price
Be The Best You Can Be
Remember, your attitude toward a situation can help you to change it - you create the very atmosphere for defeat or victory.
Franco Harris
Attitude Quotes
Less difficult the journey than we dreamed, it never proves as hard as once it seemed
Douglas Malloch
The Hills Ahead
For a while it appeared that I couldn't succeed, I was tempted to give up the fight. But now that it's over I'm happy indeed To think that I came out all right.
Unknown, Reflection
Think On These Things
Don't be afraid of misfortune or setbacks for it is only
through difficulties that springs the character of strength.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Difficult Times Quotes
... victory is often found in the most unfamiliar and uncomfortable places.
Nicki Koziarz, 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit
Poems About Winning
Losers quit when they're tired. Winners quit when they've won.
Author Unknown
Graduation Poems
Somewhere there is a writer who is writing alone. No one notices when they finish drafts, but they keep writing. The rejection slips keep coming, but still they keep writing.
Paul Jefferson Woods, Three Six Six
Rejection Quotes

Failures are the pillars of success.
Welsh Proverb
Failure Quotes
If you find your task is hard, try again
Unknown, Try Again
Patience Poem
No matter how weary, how troubled and worn, how futile the struggle may seem, there is always a bit of good luck in the morn, there is always a light in the dream!
Folger McKinsey, Never Let Go
Quotes About Luck
Despair, if channeled properly, can focus the mind so that genuine opportunity can come into view.
Neville Gilfoy, The magic elixir, Progress Magazine
Opportunity Quotes
Worrying about the future is a useless act; it does nothing to improve the present.
Tom Hodgkinson, How To Be Free
Worry Quotes
It always seems impossible until it’s done.
Nelson Mandela
Hope Quotes
Change might be fast and it isn't always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.
Duhigg, Charles
Poems About Change
...when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Edgar A. Guest, Don't Quit
Short Positive Quotes
Q is for the option to quit but never allowing it so.
Julie Hebert, My A to Z of Wonderful Things in Life
Wonderful Things
I truly believe that there is a hidden champion inside all of us, and we must have the courage to bring it out.
David DeNotaris
Believe Quotes
If you are determined you'll find a way and then you'll never wonder "what if" someday!
Catherine Pulsifer, What If
Don't You Quit
There is so much and so many in this world that need our love. So whether you find it in a person or in a cause do not give up on finding love.
Catherine Pulsifer
Finding Love Poems
The only time to quit, the only time to forsake any opportunity to move forward is when you are no longer on this earth.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Thought Provoking Quotes
If you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, work day and night for it
Berton Braley
The Will To Win
As long as you have hope, you can continue to move forward. Don't ever lose hope.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Hope
Just never let go of hope. Just never quit dreaming.
Jancarl Campi, Never Let Go of Hope
Dream Quotes

When we quit learning we die - maybe not on the outside, but on the inside our souls shrivel up.
Boyd Bailey, Learning to Lead Like Jesus
Learning Quotes
When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.
Steve Maraboli, Dare To Be
Dare To Be
Behind every success story is usually someone who beat the obstacles because he or she refused to accept the pessimist's view.
Seymour Schulich, Get Smarter
Optimistic Quotes

How long should you try? Until.
Jim Rohn
Cute Quotes For Instagram
Never despair, let come what will, think there are better days in store
Lillian E. Curtis
Never Despair

Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
Benjamin Franklin
Motivational Quotes
Leadership is your biggest supervisory tool and motivation is the most important method through which you can apply your leadership ability.
J. Thomas Miller III, Motivating Others
Leadership Quotes
- You may be having a bad day today, but remember that today is not forever.
AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch
Quotes To Live By
The time to overcome your self-defeating behaviors is now. Otherwise, you run the risk of suffering deep regret
over opportunities missed, satisfaction lost, and love not given or received.
Mark Goulston, Get Out of Your Own Way
Time Quotes
To keep yourself motivated when things go wrong, you need to analyse where things went wrong. You have to be very realistic. Don't try to blame the rest of the world. The blame only lies with you. Recognize that immediately.
Allan Sugar
Blame Quotes

If Thomas Edison had been a quitter, you would be reading this quote with candlelight.
Robert Rivers
Cute Quotes
By gaining emotional strength, even on the bad days it is easier knowing what it will take to turn it around.
Suzie Doscher, Balance
Motivational Poems
If your work should fail to please you
Don't give up, but strive anew.
Author Unknown, Do Your Best
Work Quotes
Look back in history and you'll see many people kept goin' even when they hit a tree
They never gave up. They stuck to it, they persisted never throwing a fit.
Catherine Pulsifer, Look Back
Keep Going Poems

My mom instilled in me the concept that you never give up, and that there is nothing wrong with dreaming big.
Marc Trestman, Perseverance
Overwhelmed Quotes
The number one reason that people do not succeed is that even when they do commence taking action, they do not persist; they give up too easily
Byron Pulsifer
While Others
We can choose to set no limits on ourselves, to set high goals and dream big dreams. We can use those dreams to fuel our spirits with passion.
Dr Bob Rotella, How Champions Think
Goals Quotes

Do not dream half a dream. Do not fantasize about half hopes.
Khalil Gibran, Half
Positive Messages
She says never give up when I tried, she encourages me to swallow my pride
When mistakes I make, she says, "Fix them before it is too late."
Catherine Pulsifer, No Matter What
Grandma Poems

There is only one person responsible for the attainment of one's dreams and goals; that person stares at you every morning in the mirror.
Kate Summers
Good Morning Quotes
While many serious types of people attribute dreamers as little more than listless eccentrics who need a good grounding in reality as we know it,
there have been incredible contributions to the systems of thinking that are now the foundation of this changing reality as we know it, and they have come from dreams.
Michelle Hunt, Creativity: Innovation
Positive Thoughts
- A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.
Colin Powell
Work Ethics Quotes
Climb every mountain, ford every stream
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream
Stephanie Laurens, A Rake's Vow
Irish Blessing Quotes
The bridge between dreams and achievement is taking massive, determined action. One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power.
Tony Robbins
Make A Difference Quotes

Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart.
Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable
Good Morning Poems
Never say that your time is past due; just you try again, with that spirit of yore, for success is a-coming to you!
David V. Bush, Never Say Die
Do Not Lose Your Pep
So never quit the race, for you will strike your stride if you push through!
David V. Bush
You'll Strike Your Stride
When some one says, "It can't be done", believe it not one minute
David V. Bush
Some One Can Do It

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.
Wayne Dyer
Short Quotes
Q is for the option to quit but never allowing it so.
Julie Hebert, My A to Z of Wonderful Things in Life
Weekly Quotes
Never be influenced by negativity.
Catherine Pulsifer
Don't Let People Bring You Down
Self-discovery is optional. Not many seek it, but we all need it.
Joseph Goodman
Short Deep Quotes
- Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
Abraham Lincoln
Independent Quotes
The breakfast of champions is not cereal, it's the opposition.
Nick Seitz
Sports Quotes
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
John Wooden
Motivational Quotes For Work
Nothing has more strength than dire necessity.
Adaptation Quotes
Yes, accept failure but do not treat it as an outcome.
Vinnie Fisher
Poems About Failure
Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Decision Quotes
What labels me, negates me.
Soren Kierkegaard
Thoughtful Quotes
Rest in reason; move in passion.
Kahlil Gibran
Relax Quotes
Disgust and resolve are two of the great emotions that lead to change.
Jim Rohn
Innovation Quotes
Truly understanding one’s self is the beginning of realizing potential.
Joseph Goodman
Truth Quotes
Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn’t be done.
Amelia Earhart
Motivational Sales Quotes

I would rather lose in a cause that I know some day will triumph than to triumph in a cause that I know some day will fail.
Wendell L. Willkie
Adversity Quotes
Busy as a bee, industrious is he, that never says I can't.
J. J. Thorne
Never Say I Can't
We all do better when we work together. Our differences do matter, but our common humanity matters more.
Bill Clinton
Teamwork Quotes
- Perception is our belief.
Christina Reeves, The Mind is the Map
Does It Really Matter
When misfortunes close around you, shure God leaves an open door.
Juliea A. Sullivan, The Open Door
St. Patricks Day Poems
- You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
Michael Jordan
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