The poem. Night, by John Imrie isn't simply about the darkness of life. This is a poem that heralds the night for all that it brings and suggests to those who value what God has created. The night is not just a period when sleep comes upon us but its early awakening shows various signs and wonders to behold.
Before full darkness falls, the night sky can be filled with startling colors radiating from the setting sun. As the sun sets upon the earth, soft shadows cast their fingers upon the mountain tops, the trees, and those tall buildings of the city landscape.
These scenes of the early evening all point the way to a time of rest amidst the chaos of a demanding day. It is a time to set all work aside for another day, a time to partake of quiet and enjoyable family activities. It is a welcome relief from the stress and anxiety that may have filled your day while at work or the constant demands of a parent looking after the little ones.
As darkness rules the sky, a host of billions of stars majestically glimmer and shine orchestrating God's panoramic creation for all of His children to see and to appreciate His gloriousness. It is these same stars that delight the stroller in the park, the couple sitting snuggly together on a park bench or a wilderness trail, or the night janitor looking appraisingly into the sky on his/her dinner break.
As night takes hold of its domain, we can all rest and know that God's hand is upon our lands, upon our souls, and upon our eternal destiny.
This is an inspiring poem about the night and the events that occur each and every night that should be read and contemplated.
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John Imrie Poems
Night - in Inspirational Poems
by John Imrie
When evening shades are falling fast,
Long shadows on the ground are cast,
The western sky is all aglow
With fiery glory sotting low;
The hill-tops glance with changing hue,
A noble back-ground to the view,
As mountain, river, lake, and plain.
Are bathed in glory once again!
Sweet evening hours! suggesting rest,
To weary toilers thou art blest;
See yonder cottage at whose door
The children look for "Pa" once more,
And by the welcome they impart
Lid all the cares of day depart;
Domestic joys arc life's sweet flowers.
Full blooming in the evening hours;
As evening deepens into night,
A host of stars shed purest light;
Fair Luna comes upon the scene,
With halo of bright, silv'ry sheen,
To woo the lover out to stroll
The shady walks with love-lit soul,
And pour into the maiden ear
The soulful words she loves to hear!
At last the midnight hour is past,
The stillness of the grave is cast
On all around with potent spell, —
The day is past and all is well!
For Israel's God doth ever keep
His watchful eye o'er those who sleep;
Tired Nature rests, while God alone
With heavenly love protects His own!
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