35 October Quotes
October is the tenth month of the year, the month when things are winding down from summer, school is back in, and the fall is officially declared. Let these quotes remind you of the benefits of this great month.
October brings a month of beauty in the trees, and anticipation for the winter that is ahead. Also, you may enjoy our collection of October poems, which express
thoughts on the month.
Each season of the year brings with it a special part of nature, but the fall, especially in October brings brilliant colors reminding us of the miracle of the seasons.
Catherine Pulsifer
Quotes About The Seasons
October can be compared to life, we have colorful days with some dark ones.
Catherine Pulsifer
Life Quotes
I wish that every day was Saturday and every month was October.
Charmaine J. Forde
Poems About Life
Summer days are now gone, and winter days have not yet appeared, but the freshness of October days can inspire all.
Theodore W. Higginsworth
Inspirational Poems
Bright, sunny days, and colder, deeper nights. Of all the days, the months, and seasons of the year my hours bring gayest thought and cheer
Sanford N. Carpenter, Autumn Days
Quotes About The Seasons
October's here, kids shout, "Hooray!" Costumes and candy, they can't delay. But the grown-ups sigh and start to sway, seeing winter creeping, not a bright array.
Catherine Pulsifer, October's Here
Funny Halloween Poems
In bright October's sparkling air the russet land is strangely fair, and ev'ry way our feet may stray we follow pleasure's call.
Nixon Waterman, Autumn Woods

Even on a dark day in October, how royally the woods flame out! Under what glorious banners they march to meet the winter!
Kate Sanborn, A Touch Of Adversity Shows
Adversity Quotes
October the days begin to chill but Halloween always brings a thrill.
Catherine Pulsifer, Months Of The Year
October has come in a joyous flash, Halloween approaches, spooky and brash.
Catherine Pulsifer, Laughter And Screams
Trick or Treat Poems
The month of October celebrates Halloween, November celebrates Thanksgiving, but the best month is December celebrating Christmas!
Kate Summers
December Poems
October Babies weave gay wreaths of smiles and autumn's golden leaves!
Althea Randolph
Baby Poems
How calm, how sweet the days of autumn seem! The dreary earth is like a pleasing dream: October's sun makes paradise of noon
John Rowland, Autumn
Autumn Poems
As October relinquishes its hold on autumn's festivities, November steps forward, ushering in a time of change and reflection.
Catherine Pulsifer
November Poems
Pale amber sunlight falls across the reddening October trees
Ernest Dowson, Autumnal
Fall Quotes
Some would have Spring within the heart, but I, some mellow month in mine like old October.
Douglas Malloch, Make Me Mellow
Spring Poems
In October, the moon casts its captivating glow, children eagerly await Halloween's show.
Catherine Pulsifer, Awaiting Halloween
Halloween Poems
In October's golden grasp they gleam, pumpkins, plump and round, so supreme. Their vibrant hues adorn the land
Catherine Pulsifer, October Pumpkins
Pumpkin Poems
The colors of October are nothing like the colors we will see in heaven.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
Quotes On Heaven

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.
L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Quotes About Being Happy
October comes with Halloween's delight, ghosts and goblins, giving us a fright.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Holiday Awaits
October is a symphony of permanence and change.
Bonaro W. Overstreet
Positive Quotes About Change
The frost fell crisp and white upon a bright October morn; the flowers that bloomed in beauty are, alas, of beauty shorn.
C. C. Hassler, Life's Lessons In the Flowers
Flower Quotes
The crickets still sing in October. And lilly, she's trying to bloom.
Tho she's resting her head on the shoulder of death, she still shines by the light of the moon.
Kevin Dalton
Flower Poem
October is a time when farmers gather their crops, and they celebrate the abundance of the year's hard work. This can be an inspiring reminder of the importance of patience and diligence in achieving our goals.
October brings settling in - kids settle in for a new school year and adults settle in for winter.
Byron Pulsifer
Quotes About Schools

October brings sadness as the summer is over, but it brings joy and awe in the brilliance of its colors.
Sam Fickinsen
Quotes About Colors
You don't waste October sunshine. Soon the old autumn sun would bed down in cloud blankets and there would be weeks of gray rain before it finally decided to snow.
Katherine Arden
Sunshine Quotes
October's farewell leads us gracefully into November's embrace, as nature's colors fade, and a gentle stillness settles upon the land. It is a time of reflection and preparation for the year's end.
Author Unknown
November Quotes
The gold of October leaves reminds us of the white of December's snow.
Victoria L. Adenson
Quotes About Snow
October is a month of endings with summmer over but also a month of beginnings with Thanksgiving and Christmas on its way.
Kate Summers
October can be one of the most beautiful and refreshing months of the year.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Beauty Quotes
In October, a maple tree before your window lights up your room like a great lamp. Even on cloudy days, its presence helps to dispel the gloom.
John Burroughs
Tree Quotes
In many parts of the world, October marks the transition from the warmth of summer to the coolness of autumn.
September turns the green leaves brown, October winds then shake them down
Unknown, Each Month
Month Poems
October Poems
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