Old Year Memories

Reflecting on past memories, letting go of burdens, and embracing gratitude.

We tenderly may bid the year good-by, Holding in memory the good it brought us, Letting the evil die.

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Updated March 3, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer

As another year fades, we reflect on the memories it leaves behind. Some brought happiness, while others tested our hearts. But this poem reminds us that not all memories need to be carried forward.

We can choose to let go of worries, forgive past hurts, and hold onto the moments of kindness and love. As we welcome a new year, may we treasure the good, learn from the past, and step forward with gratitude and hope.

Old Year Memories

Poet: Susan E. Gammons

Let us forget the things that vexed and tried us,
The worrying things that caused our souls to fret;
The hopes that, cherished long, were still denied us,
Let us forget.

Let us forget the little slights that pained us,
The greater wrongs that rankle sometimes yet;
The pride with which some lofty one disdained us,
Let us forget.

Let us forget our brother's fault and failing,
The yielding to temptations that beset,
That the perchance, though grief be unavailing,
Can not forget.

But blessings manifold, past all deserving;
Kind words and thoughtful deeds, a countless throng;
The faults o'ercome, the rectitude unswerving,
Let us remember long.

The sacrifice of love, the generous giving
When friends were few, the handclasp warm and strong,
The fragrance of each life of holy living,
Let us remember long.

Whatever things were good and true and gracious,
Whatever of right has triumphed over wrong,
What love of God or man has rendered precious,
Let us remember long.

So, pondering well the lessons it has taught us,
We tenderly may bid the year good-by,
Holding in memory the good it brought us,
Letting the evil die.

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What love of God or man has rendered precious, Let us remember long.

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