Showing Kindness To Others
These poems reflect about how showing kindness to others can make a big difference in other peoples lives. Imagine what it would be like if we all did at least one deed of kindness each day. What a different world we would live in.
One deed of kindness, one word of comfort, one look of compassion by us all each and every day would change our communities, it would be like heaven on earth. Be inspired by the rhymes and verses in these poems by Daniel C. Colesworthy.
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One Deed Of Kindness
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
One deed of kindness every day
Be earnest to perform;
One mite give to the poor away —
One shelter from the storm.
One word of comfort speak to him
Whose brow is dark with care;
One smile for her whose eyes are dim
By sickness or despair.
One look of kind compassion give —
One motion or a sigh ;
One breath to bid the dying live —
One prayer to God on high.
What joy one moment may impart,
If it is spent aright!
One moment saves the broken heart
And puts despair to flight.
All can bestow most precious gifts —
The weak, the low, the poor;
The feeling heart from sorrow lifts
To Heaven's wide-open door.
Kindness Poems
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
In every breast, however rude,
There is a glow of love,
A latent spark of gratitude
That words of kindness move.
If every pain and care we feel
Could burn upon the brow,
How many hearts would move to heal
That strive to crush us now!
Forgive Thy Brother
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
Forgive thy brother who has erred,
And take him by the hand;
And, as you speak a generous word,
Assist his feet to stand.
Joy sparkles in his eye to hear
Thy words of gentle tone:
Forgiveness breathed upon his ear,
And love and kindness shown,
Will make him rise to life again,
And shun the path he trod,
When in the round of Folly's train
He broke from Truth and God.
Forgive thy brother, even now
A smite is on his cheek;
The glow of heaven has tinged his brow
Speak, and forgive him; speak!

Forgiveness Poems
Humble Deeds
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
It is not those who make a boast
Of generous deeds which they perform,
Who for the needy do the most,
And find them shelter in the storm.
He who has never raised his voice
To gain the plaudits of a crowd
Has often made the hearts rejoice
That with oppressive chains were bowed.
In humble life meek virtues spring
To glad the heart, to bless and cheer,
That never fly on eagle's wing,
Or on the printed page appear.
The Good Man
Poet: Daniel C. Colesworthy
Within his ever-peaceful breast
No angry feelings rise:
Contentment is his constant guest,
And every want supplies.
If blest with wealth, he daily gives
The needy at his door;
If poor, he thankfully receives,
Without a grasp for more.
While others murmur or complain,
With joy he looks abroad,
And in the sunshine and the rain
Sees the kind hand of God.
In pleasantness and peace his days
Pass happily away;
Angels, approving, on him gaze,
And round his dwelling stay.
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