You Only Get One Mother
Express your love for your Mom because you only get one mother. Of all the things in the world that are plentiful Mother is only one. We should
always express our appreciation and our love for our Moms, as the day will come they will no longer be with us.
Let these poems remind you of how special Mom's are. We hope you find verses that express your thoughts for your Mother.
Mothers Day Poems
Only One Mother
Poet Unknown
You can only have one mother
Patient kind and true,
No other friend in all the world
Will be so true to you.
For all her loving kindness
She asks nothing in return,
If all the world deserts you
To your mother you can turn.
You can only have one mother
Please take her to your heart,
You cannot tell how soon the day
When you and she must part.
Let her know you love her
Cheer and comfort her each day,
For you'll never have another
When she has passed away.
Mom Poems
Only One Mother
Poet: Unknown
Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky.
Hundreds of shells on the shore together.
Hundreds of birds that go singing by.
Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather.
Hundreds of dew drops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of lambs in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn.
But only one mother the wide world over.
Poet: Unknown
Dear little mother, with your tender care
You guided my life through many years,
Toiled all day and into the night
Making my life both happy and bright.
All I am I owe to you
And all the good that I can do
"Twas you who taught my heart to love
And trust your Savior up above.
Each day I pray to God above
To keep you in his tender love.
Prayer For Mother
Treasure Her
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
One mother is all you've got,
So treasure her with every thought.
Your bond is special and unique -
So cherish it - it can never be bought.
For she always offers you love,
A comfort that she is always there
From providing life and caring for you -
Such qualities can't compare.
So don't take her for granted not one bit,
Recognize her worth and never forget.
Be sincerely thankful and show your heart,
She is the only mother you will get.

Poems About Mothers
A True Friend
Poet: Betty Jane Berens
I have a friend, a friend indeed,
A friend to help me when I am in need.
To kiss me and tuck me in bed at night,
Always so cheerful and always so bright.
Although they are kind, my sister and brother.
There is no one like my dear old mother.
Mothers Day Messages
Poet: Roselle R. McGovern
What is so sweet as a Mother,
To kiss all your sorrows away?
You would never trade her for another,
For it is she, who brightens your day.
Of whom is a Mother's first thought,
As she guides her child's feet through each day?
Such loving kindness can never be bought
So heed her advice in every way.
When a Mother's life has come to an end,
And she bids all her loved ones good-bye,
Her love to them she will always sent
For a soul like a Mother's will never die.
Kindness Poems
My Mother's Knee
Poet: Samuel Lover
There was a place in childhood that I remember well.
And there a voice of sweetest tone bright fairy tales did tell;
And gentle words and fond embrace were given with joy to me
When I was in that happy place, upon my mother's knee.
When fairy tales were ended, "Good night," she softly said.
And kissed, and laid me down to sleep within my tiny bed;
And holy words she taught me there - me-thinks I yet can see
Her angel eyes, as close I knelt beside my mother's knee.
In the sickness of my childhood, the perils of my prime,
The sorrows of my riper years, the cares of every time;
When doubt and danger weighed me down, then pleading all for me.
It was a fervent prayer to Heaven that bent my mother's knee.
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We hope these poems remind you how special your Mom is!
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