In An Open Place
Using the analogy of the forest, Douglas Malloch expresses thoughts on the coming new year. These are thoughts on a new beginning with the new year, and leaving the past behind. For many thousands of people, the new year is looked upon as an opportunity to start afresh.
Unfortunately, for many thousands more people, the new year is simply a continuing extension of what transpired days or months before. It is, to them, no more than a date on the calendar with no substantial meaning or new visions of better things to come.
The real truth is that the new year is a mental landmark. It is the hallmark of a set time and date to set new goals and nourish the mind with positive thoughts rather than dwelling on past failures or mistakes. It is this thought process that channels
the subconscious mind to give renewed birth to dreams and visions of fantastic things that can be achieved. As Douglas Malloch pens,
"The New Year ever looks as fair
As if all life were new;
The world behind is bleak and bare -
The sky before is blue."
What is even more interesting, however, is that the new year does not have to be the only time when new beginnings can take place. The aspect of starting over does not have to take place at a certain time of year. In fact, it is up to each person to decide to move forward in life regardless of a date on the calendar. Past failures never are the end but only the beginning of newfound strategies culled from the best practices of former defeats.
We hope this poem encourages you to look at the new year as a fresh start; a time to let past mistakes die, and a sparkling probability of the achievement of brand new heights.
Douglas Malloch is one of our Famous Poets whose poetry has inspired many over the years.
Famous Poems /
In An Open Place
by Douglas Malloch
I step from out the forest vast
My feet have wandered through;
I leave the forest of the Past
To greet a forest new.
A year ago like this I stood
Before untrodden ways
And plunged, as now, within a wood -
A wilderness of days.
A year ago a year new born
Stretched out before my feet;
Then not a rose concealed a thorn
And ev'ry fruit was sweet.
But, as I walked, the sky grew gray
And tangled grew the road;
Then lonely was the forest way
And heavy was the load.
As thus the year, once new, grew less,
Perplexing grew the wood;
I knew not if to onward press
Or linger where I stood.
New hurts and wrongs my path made dear,
Old wounds were opened wide;
And none there was my heart to cheer
And none to walk beside.
Now comes the New Year, as it came
Before with hope aglow;
The way that beckons is the same
That called a year ago.
I thank Thee, Lord, that, spite of pain
And slur and cold offense,
I thank Thee, Lord, that, spite of rain
And past experience.
The New Year ever looks as fair
As if all life were new;
The world behind is bleak and bare -
The sky before is blue.
I thank Thee, Lord, the New Year brings
A balm for hurt and pain;
With feet that run and heart that sings
I journey on again.
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