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to make you think and look for opportunities that surround you. Each and every day we are presented with opportunities. What we do with them is up to us.
Opportunity Quotes Page 2
Every sunrise gives us the opportunity to begin again with the morning lights of love, with the power of persistence and with the magic of gratitude.
Debasish Mridha, MD
Opportunity Poems
If you want to succeed in the world, you must make your own opportunities as you go on.
John B. Cough, Don't Sit On The Roadside
Positive Attitude Poems
Opportunity follows struggle. It follows effort. It follows hard work. It doesn’t come before.
Shelby Steele
Effort Quotes
As fathers, we understand that we have the opportunity to image forth God's love to our family.
Matt Click
Short Fathers Day Verses
You don't want wonder "what if" - an opportunity you did miss - so take a chance
Catherine Pulsifer, Take A Chance
Dare To Be

In each problem lies an opportunity to make better, to resolve, or to commence positive change.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Short Quotes
"If your perception of a problem is an opportunity to discover, to resolve,
to move ahead, then you'll be able to tackle each problem headlong
without hesitation."
Byron Pulsifer, Perception Is Everything
All Poems
The new year brings us all an opportunity to look at our life and set the direction for the coming year, it is like a clean slate.
Catherine Pulsifer
New Year Motto
Remember that when someone says “No,” this isn’t the end of your career. It just means that now, you have a chance to create a different kind of opportunity for yourself.
Alexandra Franzen, You're Going to Survive
Rejection Quotes

Tomorrow is an opportunity to begin new opportunities to take in
Catherine Pulsifer, The Day Is Over
Good Night Poems
May this our constant prayer forever be; Lord, give us opportunity to serve.
Frank W. Lynn, Service
Giving Poems
My attitude determines what each new day will bring I can be thankful for all the little things or I can be full of dread and fear and miss opportunities that are so dear.
Catherine Pulsifer, When I Awake
A New Day Poem
Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Khalil Gibran
Famous Friendship Poems

Each task that we finish, if it's well done, prepares us to tackle a bigger one.
William Arthur Ward
"As I was watching this film it reminded me of how powerful it is
having the opportunity to understand other people. We have this opportunity
in our lives every day and yet how many of us take up the opportunity."
Wendy Hearn
Thought Provoking Quotes
There's nothing so sad as the sadness that comes when we think of the chance we've lost - the big opportunities we have let slide - and discovered too late, to our cost.
Patience Strong, Opportunities
...recognize your own privilege and the amazing opportunity that comes with it for each of us to impact the lives of people in our communities and around the world and our own through giving.
Kelsey Timmerman, Where Am I Giving
Community Quotes

Don't worry and fret, faint hearted, the chances have just begun, for the Best jobs haven't been started, the Best work hasn't been done
Berton Braley
In this life, there are more opportunities for you to enhance your empathy. You can improve your empathy level by teaching yourself.
Diana Edwin, Empath
Improvement Quotes
If you get knocked down - get back up - look for the opportunity take action, inspire yourself.
Byron Pulsifer
Be Inspired
"So often, I have seen people waste energy by moaning
and groaning about a problem. Yet, if they just realigned their
and focused on the solution or on the opportunity, the challenge would
not seem as big as they think it is."
Catherine Pulsifer, My Story
Solution Quotes

There never comes a hill, a task, a day, but as we near it, easier the way.
Douglas Malloch
What seems as a difficult time may actually be an opportunity.
Sam Fickinsen
Difficult Times Quotes
Think of the difficulty as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, an opportunity to find a solution.
Catherine Pulsifer
Difficult Situation
Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat
Author Unknown
Innovation Quotes

Defeat embraced is a life not lived. Defeat can rob people of a fulfilled life rather than being seen as an opportunity to try again.
Byron Pulsifer
The Recipe
True luck is when action meets opportunity that results in the accomplishment of some sort or another
Byron Pulsifer
What Have We Done Today
The day your child "learns the truth about Santa Claus" ... your opportunity to teach the deeper, holier truth about Christmas; the truth of the deathless power of love, returning year after year.
Lionel B. Moses, The Truth About Santa Claus
Is There Really A Santa
Each person has an opportunity to hear God's voice; it is up to you whether you will play your part and allow God to grow you to what has been destined before the beginning of time.

For This One Hour I can be grateful. I can thank God for life itself, for opportunities
William Arthur Ward
For This One Hour
Not all of life's events are pleasant nor fun but those that see opportunity amidst hardships are those who continue to loom when things are challenging
Byron Pulsifer
The Rose
So share your smiles throughout the day - Look for opportunities to give one away
Catherine Pulsifer, Make Someone's Day
The Value Of A Smile
Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity.
Robin Sharma, The Greatness Guide
The World That Awaits
Not making a decision means forgoing an opportunity.
Auliq Ice
You Decide
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