Journey Of Life
Be encouraged by these poems about the journey of life. Wise words for reflection are found in the verses.
We can all use encouragement in our journey, let these poems inspire and motivate you to see the best in life!
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Poems About Life
Journey Of Life
Life's Voyages
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
Then the varied seasons come and go,
There's summer's sun and winter's snow;
To some they bring akin to unbroken joy.
To others, misfortunes that hope destroy;
Some seem rushing headlong thro' the world.
Grasping whate'er in their reach is hurl'd;
Some, striving with neighbors to vie;
And that's the way the years go by.
Some are flitting blithely to and fro.
Culling all the best as they go;
Here the marriage bells are ringing.
While lov'd friends bright gifts are bringing;
There, not a mile, perchance, between.
Behold a sad, contrasting scene!
Death a fair, youthful mourner would crave,
As she weeps over a new-made grave.
While some life's voyage are just beginning.
With hope of future joys winning,
Others have swallowed the dregs of life's bitter cup.
And would fain sit down not to rise up;
Verily each day brings its joy or care,
Its hours clouded, or its hours fair;
Some gayly laugh while others sigh,
And that's the way the years go by.
Your Journey Through Life
Poet: Julie Hebert, ©2011
Life can be wonderful and grand,
It just takes a few helpful hands.
A great attitude also helps,
You must be your biggest fans.
If you believe in you,
There's not much you cannot do.
Just be happy with what you have,
And always stay true to you.
We all can have our ups and downs,
How you handle them that determines your frown.
A frown can go either way,
Facing down or up like a clown.
Hoping life will treat you well,
Although you can cast your own spell.
Think of each day as one great ride,
And you will always be so very swell!
- Given That We Are
John McLeod ©
Given that we are so often guided
Let not your heart be sad when cares pile pelf
The road you tread was long ago decided
The hurdles crossed placed surely by yourself
A course of obstacles to test the spirit
Refine the soul and cause the need to strive
Towards the light of God that shines so brightly
From which we came, and where we shall arrive
At journey's end, and after Life's full growing
The bread we cast shall be as was foretold
A measure of the Love we gave in sowing
Returning to enrich ten thousandfold!
Go Through Life
Poet: Minot J. Savage
We go through life as
Some tourists go through Europe, -
So anxious to see the next sight,
The next cathedral, the next picture,
The next mountain peak,
That we never stop to fill our sense
With the beauty of the present one.
Along all our pathways sweet flowers are blossoming,
If we will only stop to pluck them and
Smell their fragrance.
In every meadow, birds are warbling,
Calling to their mates, and
Soaring into the blue,
If we will only stop our grumbling
Long enough to hear them.
To Thine Own Self Be True
Poet: Pakenham Beatty
By thine own soul's law learn to live,
And if men thwart thee take no heed,
And if men hate thee have no care;
Sing thou thy song and do thy deed
Hope thou thy hope and pray thy prayer,
And claim no crown they will not give,
Nor bays they grudge thee for thy hair.
Keep thou thy soul-sworn steadfast oath,
And to thy heart be true thy heart;
What thy soul teaches learn to know,
And play out thine appointed part;
And thou shalt reap as thou shalt sow,
Nor helped nor hindered in thy growth,
To thy full stature thou shalt grow.
Fix on the future's goal thy face,
And let thy feet be lured to stray
Nowhither, but be swift to run,
And nowhere tarry by the way,
Until at last the end is won,
And thou mayst look back from thy place
And see thy long day's journey done.
At The Cross Road
Poet: W. A. Drews
Along life's winding- highway
Where twists and bends the trail
Where men pass on each weary day
Some reach the goal, some fail.
Some wander on with little aim
Just trust they're going straight
Turn blindly wrong, then place all blame
Upon an adverse fate.
Yet the road winds on, with living freight
And it branches before the end
And there are those who walk it straight
But more, the wrong branch wend.
And those who struggle on to win
They pass with footsteps brave
While others o'er the rocks of sin
Turn at the fork, to hopeless grave.
And there are those with stride grown weak
Bent and blanched 'neath guilty load
At doubtful turns, right markers seek
As they pause at the forks of the road.
For them, Oh Lord, let the cross appear
At the split of life's highway
And point its arms to the road that's clear
So none may go astray.
The Trail
Poet: Arthur E. McFatridge
As I stand on the street at eventide
And watch the crowds go by,
The rich and the poor, the large and the small,
I am prone to wonder why -
To try and guess what it's all about,
And what they are going to do
When they get to the end of the trail they're on -
But perhaps they are wondering, too.
Some may never reach the goal
They are trying so hard to find;
It may be, perchance, they are on the wrong road,
The one they had in mind
When they started alone on the journey of life.
On the road that we all are on;
The road to be traveled by those yet to come;
The trail of those who are gone.
The manner in which we walk may count;
The things that we leave behind
May have something to do, when we get to the end.
With what we, there, will find.
So, while we're upon the journey of life,
Why not walk upright, and be
Able to see at the end of the trail
The things we may want to see?
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