90 Garden Quotes
Garden quotes inspire with beauty, tranquility, and timeless wisdom from every generation.
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Garden Quotes
Updated December 27, 2024, by Catherine Pulsifer
Be inspired and uplifted by these short garden quotes that capture the essence of life in the garden. A garden is more than just soil and plants—it is a place where beauty blooms, peace reigns, and joy takes root. It offers a gentle reminder of the harmony and abundance that nature so freely provides.
These garden musings and timeless sayings serve as seeds of encouragement, sprouting wisdom from gardeners of all walks of life and generations past. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or simply someone who loves the serenity of a flower’s bloom, these words remind us that a garden is a reflection of hope, patience, and the miracles that happen when we nurture the world around us.
My heart is a garden tired with autumn.
Sara Teasdale
Garden Poems
We have to have both rain and sun
To make the garden grow.
Lucy P. Scott
When Summer Brings Sun and Rain
When you take time to plant a garden, you are given back much more than you have invested.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Poems of Encouragment
I think that if ever a mortal heard the voice of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.
Frank Frankfort Moore
Christian Poems
A gardener needs the friendship of a local horticulturist in order to stay attuned to the most recent developments that lead to profitable planting.
Mary S. Scotsburn
Friendship Poems
There's never a garden growing with roses in every plot
Unknown, The Silver Lining
Inspirational Poems
- A great garden may have a few annoying weeds or thorns
to tend to, but then, so does life.
Byron R. Pulsifer
Take the time to see the amazing and complex world of the creation that surrounds us. From the natural beauty of the countryside to the garden.
Catherine Pulsifer
Nature Poems
My life is like a garden, sunny and bright - blooming with opportunities within my sight.
Catherine Pulsifer, My Life Is Like A Garden
Positive Attitude Poems
Your face is like a garden fair where radiant roses bloom and all the flowers rich and rare have spilled their sweet perfume
Nixon Waterman, A Love Song
Short Love Poems
Your garden of life filled with a bounty of different kinds of friendship is never tranquil but any adversity can be overcome with understanding and compassion.
Samatha Anne Marie Lynch
Adversity Poems
Have you got a garden where you gather wealth of the kind that comes from an abundant health?
John Kendrick Bangs, Gardening
Famous Poems
- The act of gardening is the only activity I enjoy where
I can eat from my time freely given.
Freddy J. W. Parkes
Next time you see a yardful of sprouting dandelions, note that they look remarkably like things we call “flowers.” And later, when the flowers turn into fluff balls, look closely at one of those fluff balls and ask yourself whether it’s really so unattractive.
Robert Wright
Dandelion Poems
Pell! mell! comes the rushing rain....there's a stir of joy in the garden-place;
almost a smile on the pansy's face
Mary F. Butts, Summer Rain
Poems About Rain
The gardener will be very glad, he wanted showers so! We have to have both rain and sun to make the garden grow.
Lucy P. Scott, After Drought
Summer Poems
But friendship meant you at least planted the seed for them, love meant allowing them the ability to weed their own garden until it was something healthy and thriving, blooming and bright and smelling of heather and tiger lilies.
Shannon Noelle Long, Second Coming
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust
Thinking Of You Poems
Summer ....The flowers then are in full bloom, all nature smiles, the fields look gay the weather's fine to make the hay.
Unknown, The Seasons
Poems About The Seasons

It matters not what goal you seek, its secret here reposes:
You've got to dig from week to week to get Results or Roses.
Edgar A. Guest
Rose Poem
Silently one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of
the angels.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
In the whimsical embrace of autumn's caress, a garden thrives, blessed with vivid finesse. An orange sea flourishes, abundant and bright, the humble pumpkins, a tranquil delight.
Catherine Pulsifer, Harvest Garden
Pumpkin Poems
Forgive and forget! Why, the world would be lonely, the garden a wilderness left to deform, if the flowers but remembered the chilling winds only
Charles Swain, Forgive And Forget
Forgiveness Poems
If every thought of mine for you could turn into a violet blue, then on a flowery path you'd stray
Althea Randolph, Dear Mother
A garden full of daisies brings sunshine on a rainy day.
Kate Summers
Poems About Daisies
Here four o'clocks, to the passionate night above fling whiffs of perfume, like pale incense showers.
A little garden, loved with a great love!
Amy Lowell, The Little Garden
Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see it push away the clod – he trusts in God.
Elizabeth York Case, There Is No Unbelief
The Glory of the Garden lies in more than meets the eye.
Rudyard Kipling, The Glory Of The Garden
Legacy. What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Legacy Quotes
August brings the bounty of the season, we planted our garden just for this reason
Catherine Pulsifer, A Reason To Celebrate

Kind hearts are the garden, kind thoughts are the root,
kind words are the blossoms, kind deeds are the fruit.
John Ruskin
Kindness Poem
The old days had their pleasures, but likewise have the new - the gardens with their roses and the meadows bright with dew
Edgar A. Guest, The New Days
A New Day Poem
I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
Robert Bridges
Rainbow Quotes
Dearest, we are like two flowers blooming last in a yellowing garden
Amy Lowell, Frimaire
Plus I have no doubt that their garden is also where my grandparents dreamed - for a better life of equality for their grandchildren and future generations.
Deborah L. Parker
Quotes on Grandparents
I stood in a lovely garden one night - and I marveled at the enchanting sight!
Frances Angermayer, Mystery
Poem How Does Your Garden Grow

O, rose of June, thou art so fair! Thy beauty our being entrances, as though the sweet blossom-scent air
Nixon Waterman
All men would to my gardens throng, and leave the cities void.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
In My Garden Poem
A freely given smile is seed well planted for when the days of giving are quite gone
John McLeod, Kind Words
These autumn gardens, russet, gray and brown, the sward with shriveled foliage strown
Trumbull Stickney, Loneliness
Autumn Poems
He has grown up and gone away, and it is but a child of air that lingers in the garden there.
Poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson, To Any Reader
Sweet May hath come to love us, flowers, trees, their blossoms don
Heinrich Heine
Spring Poems
Take not my garden, my solace and my comfortor; take
instead the bustle of the city and the demands on my time.
Robert Rivers
Plant Your Own Garden Poem

Oh! the flowers that bloom in beauty to-day, to-morrow may fade, so soon they decay.
Mary C. Ryan
A garden has no life without care nor a person without love.
Victoria L. Adenson
Poems About Life
Of course in times of rain, you don’t need to water the garden at all – the rain will do this for you. However, if you install a water collection tank (or water butt) then you can save this rainwater for use in dry periods.
Peter J. Witney, How to Save ... Water
Water Quotes
In the quiet solitude of November, the garden's soul finds solace. It's a time to pause, appreciate the beauty of fading petals, and envision the possibilities that lie dormant beneath the earth, ready to blossom once again.
Author Unknown
July is a symphony of petals and sunshine, where gardens become magical havens of serenity and beauty.
Author Unknown
Earth wakes her song-birds, puts on her flowers.
Christina Rossetti, Easter Day
I would rather have one little rose from the garden of a friend than to have the choicest flowers when my stay on earth shall end.
Unknown, Kindness During Life

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to buy you flowers.
Unknown, Learn
Poems About Failure
My garden is a pleasant place of sun glory and leaf grace.
Louise Driscoll, My Garden Is A Pleasant Place
Poems About Gardens by Famous Poets
A quick glance at a small flower garden whether that is in a backyard or a balcony planter may see the petals closing of certain flowers as they also bid farewell to the day.
Byron Pulsifer
A garden isn't meant to be useful. It's for joy.
Rumer Godden

Flowers add beauty to our surroundings, both flowers that we grow in our gardens and wildflowers that bloom each year.
Flower Poem
In my garden of life, I planted tiny seeds, expecting them to bloom, fulfilling all my needs.
Catherine Pulsifer, Garden of Life
Poems About Growth
Harvesting not just food but love's lasting creed, community gardens are the best, we all agreed.
Catherine Pulsifer, Garden Blooms
Poems About Community
Lovely little ladybug sent from heaven above
please watch over my garden and fill it up with love.
Author Unknown
Ladybug Poem
Whoever makes a garden has, oh, so many friends;
The glory of the morning the dew when daylight ends.
Douglas Malloch,

God made a beauteous garden with lovely flowers strown.
Robert Frost
Inspirational God Quotes
Take care of your garden...fill it with sunshine, kind words, and kind deeds.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Take Care Of Your Garden
The stunning beauty of a garden no matter what time of the year is always a true gardener's delight.
Byron Pulsifer
Hollyhocks Poem
The white rose is a cleaner white, the red rose is more red,
since God washed every fragrant face and put them all to bed.
William L. Stidger, I Saw God Wash The World
God's Garden Poem

Let us walk together in the garden, dearest heart, not apart!
Henry VanDyke
The garden is the poor man's apothecary.
German Proverb
We all would like to bring butterflies into our gardens as they are beautiful.
Butterfly Poem
A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.
BFF Poems
God planted the earth -
He gave the world birth
He created gardens for all to enjoy -We must be careful not to destroy
Catherine Pulsifer
Environment Quotes

An acre of land between the shore and the hills.
A garden I need never go beyond...
Edward Thomas
Garden Verses
I shall smile, remembering my small part in the show - for though we plant and tend the bulbs - it's God that makes them grow.
Patience Strong
Within my Garden, rides a Bird upon a single Wheel -
Whose spokes a dizzy Music make as 'twere a travelling Mill -
Emily Dickinson, Within My Garden Rides a Bird
Poems About Birds

You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place else on earth.
Dorothy Frances Gurney
Grass is the forgiveness of nature - her constant benediction. Forests decay, harvests perish, flowers vanish, but grass is immortal.
Brian Ingalls
Quotes About Nature
An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider
all the other choices in life.
Cora Lea Bell

My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view.
H. Fred Ale
A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.
Gertrude Jekyll
One of these days (please God) I shall retire from catching thieves, and try my hand at growing roses.
Wilkie Collins
Rose Quotes

God almighty first planted a garden: and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasure.
Francis Bacon
Poems about God's Blessings
Planting a garden is like setting goals: it requires crucial steps to make it fruitful.
Catherine Pulsifer, Like A Garden
Poems About Goals
A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself.
May Sarton
In the garden the door is always open into the holy - growth, birth, death.
Every flower holds the whole mystery in its short cycle, and in the garden
we are never far away from death, the fertilizing, good, creative death.
May Sarton
It is utterly forbidden to be half-hearted about gardening. You have got to love your garden whether you like it or not.
W.C. Sellar & R.J. Yeatman

A house without a garden or orchard is unfurnished and incomplete.
Bronson Alcott
Home Quotes
In my garden I spend my days; in my library I spend my nights.
My interests are divided between my geraniums and my books. With the flower I am in the present; with the book I am in the past.
Alexander Smith
...the lilacs bloom again and give us their perfume again, and now the roses smile at us and nod along the way;
and it is good to see again the blossoms on each tree again,
Edgar A. Guest
The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.
Gertrude Jekyll
The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for Him there.
George Bernard Shaw

The work of a garden bears visible fruits - in a world where most
of our labours seem suspiciously meaningless.
Pam Brown
Hard Work Quotes
The winter's snow also is the necessary water that fills homeowners' wells. This winter water is the lifeblood of many a homesteader and gives life to those who live there, and to the crops that are planted.
Byron Pulsifer
When I go into my garden with a spade, and dig a bed,
I feel such an exhilaration and health that I discover that
I have been defrauding myself all this time in letting others do
what I should have done with my own hands.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life Is Too Short Quotes
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