108 Positive Quotes About Change
No matter what, however, things will alter or become different no matter what you wish. We hope you are encouraged by these quotes.
How you handle it will determine
your happiness and success.
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I don't know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change.
Nicholas Sparks
poems about change
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."
Reinhold Niebuhr
If you want to accomplish a goal, there's going to be no room for dwelling.
The past is in the past. While you can't change it, you can learn from it.
Alex Fitel, Excuses
Nothing is so unpopular as positive change amongst friends. It seems when you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change… But only after trying their hardest to make you stop. Live your truth and don't EVER let anyone dilute your power to change!
Steve Maraboli
We know we can't change the past, but the future we can lead.
Julie Hebert, Two Days of Every Week
Birthdays remind us that change is not only inevitable but also beautiful. Embrace the new chapter of your life, for it holds endless possibilities and the power to create a better tomorrow.
Author Unknown
Each month brings changes, ever so clear, like the seasons' cycle, we must adhere. Embrace life's shifts, find beauty within, for in each moment, a new chapter begins.
Catherine Pulsifer, Each Month
Month Poems
A new change can be nice, whether it is big or is small. You learn so much new, and won’t be bored at all.
Julie Hebert, Routines
You cannot make positive changes in your life until you can recognize the negative beliefs you hold.
Louise L. Hay
Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.
Stephen Chbosky
Poems About Life Changes
Through this dance of change, we find our strength, adapting to whatever March's weather may present. With hopeful hearts, we embrace the unknown, finding beauty in each day that's newly shown.
Catherine Pulsifer, March's Changing Weather
October's charm enchants, a magical embrace, a symphony of change, in this transient space.
Catherine Pulsifer, In the Month Of October
When you give your money away you could change someone's life in a day
Catherine Pulsifer, Richer When You Share
Time For Change Quotes
No matter what change you are facing, even if it is one that you don't like, find the good in it, find the positive, and the new beginning will be easier.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About New Beginnings
Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds.
William J. Clinton
So let's embrace the changing season, winter brings new wonders for us to reason.
Catherine Pulsifer, Embrace Winter
A time to reflect on past mistakes and wrongs and resolve to make changes...January reminds us why our actions must be true.
Catherine Pulsifer, December Is Over
Change in your life you want to see - but first, you have to realize it is up to me.
Catherine Pulsifer, Change - It Is Up To Me
Poems on Change In Life
Don't let others change you, or try to bend you, you're the only person who can change your point of view.
Catherine Pulsifer, The Key To Wants
Don't Quit Poem
Before prayer changes others, it first changes us.
Billy Graham
May, oh month of thirty-one days, a time for growth, a time for change.
Catherine Pulsifer, A Month of 31 Days
Your achievement, your accomplishment, what you are doing,
and the various aspects of your life today are the result of your belief system.
If you want to change it, you must change the belief system in yourself.
Benny Zhang, Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Poems About Life
Life's chapters may change as time marches by but the world is blessed as we celebrate you at seventy.
Catherine Pulsifer, The World Is Blessed
Embracing change with excited zest, guilt dissipates, replaced by joy at its best.
Catherine Pulsifer, Thoughts Of Guilt
Hope and change are hard-fought things.
Michelle Obama
Life's shadows fluctuate; God's love does not, and His love is unchanged, when it changes our lot.
Owen Meredith, Love Unchanged
Graduation brings winds of change - may your coming day bring lots of sun.
Catherine Pulsifer, Winds Of Change
Through life's changing scenes and sorrows, disappointments, hopes and fears, sad todays but glad tomorrows share alike the passing years
C. C. Hassler, Thanksgiving Day
And all the navies that ever were built, and all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life. [Jesus}
Bishop Phillips Brooks, That One Solitary Life
The month of December isn’t magical because it sparkles. It’s magical because it changes people’s hearts … at least momentarily.
Toni Sorenson
What you keep by you, you may change and mend, but words once spoken can never be recalled.
Earl of Roscommon
New Year New Beginnings Poems
"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may
also be the beginning."
Ivy Baker Priest
Quotes About New Beginnings
- Change can be difficult and painful but is more painful if it is ignored.
Clement Getate, Your Cross to Happiness
November's chill is in the air, a time of change, a season rare.
Catherine Pulsifer, November's Chill
In the face of impossible odds, people who love this country, can change it.
Barack Obama
Goodbye is bittersweet, but change is good too, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead for you!
Catherine Pulsifer, As You Go Away
In this season of change, and new beginnings may God's love, keep your heart singing. He has great plans, for your life ahead trust in Him, and be led.
Catherine Pulsifer, This Milestone
Through every shift and every phase, nature's rhythm continues to unfold - embracing change in wondrous ways
Catherine Pulsifer, Transitions
Poems About the Change of Seasons
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.
Jack Layton
You cannot have the same kind of character again and again in every season or every stage of your life. You change, people change.
Varun Grover
The love we find at Christmas is not a material thing. It is love that the world needs, and change it would bring.
Catherine Pulsifer, You Can't Buy
When I met you my life did change - my thoughts you did rearrange. I didn't realize that love could be so sweet
Kate Summers, My Life Did Change
The night air cools, a subtle shift appears, reminding us that change is ever near. In seriousness, we cherish summer's end, embracing beauty as each season wends.
Catherine Pulsifer, Fleeting Days
September brings a splendid change to the Earth, as nature's palette bursts with vibrant birth.
Catherine Pulsifer, Splendid Change
The leaden sky, the barren waste, the torrent we this morning knew, how changed are all! as now we haste to bid them, with the day, adieu!
Charles Fenno Hoffman, The Streamlet
Nature Poems

Traveling changes who you are as a person and changes the way you see the world.
Chris A. Baird, Travel: 98 Best Travel Tips
We have seen many a change - some good, some strange. Together we have weathered them all some big, some small.
Catherine Pulsifer, Not So Bad
Growing Old Poems
Reading a poem can change your thoughts, you may find the verses connect the dots.
Catherine Pulsifer, Poetry Can
As March starts to change our landscape by painting the world with the colors of renewal, let us embrace change with open hearts and open minds.
Author Unknown
The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.
Soren Kierkegaard
One encounter with Jesus Christ is enough to change you, instantly, forever.
Luis Palau
We do not need to know the beginning of a child’s story to change the ending.
Fi Newood
Clouds in the sky very much resembles the thoughts in our minds! Both changes perpetually from one second to another!
Mehmet Murat ildan
To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.
Shannon L. Alder
I believe—that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
Unknown, I Believe That
I laugh when I think back to the day when the most important thing was play. How life has changed over the years
Catherine Pulsifer, A Sisters Rant
When the clouds obscure the sky, and the world seems all awry....I place a smile upon my face and note the change that's taking place.
G. Luther Weibel, The Transformation
Forgiveness works the miracle of change.
Wilfred Peterson, The Art Of Forgiveness
I simply found that taking five minutes of the day to look at a
happy memory in the morning was a good way to change my
mindset from negative to positive.
Michael Chapman, Positive Thinking

Conflict is normal in human relationships, and conflict is a motor of change.
John Lederach, Little Book of Conflict Transformation
One encounter with Jesus Christ is enough to change you, instantly, forever.
Luis Palau
The world was changed by this birth when God sent His Son to the earth.
Catherine Pulsifer, Give Joy To Others
We can embrace change by knowing we serve an unchanging God.
Dr. David Jeremiah
Miracles are seen when a baby is arrives - they fill us with love and change our lives!
Catherine Pulsifer, Why
Change is the end result of all true learning.
Leo Buscaglia

Those who wish a different present may ask themselves the question, what have
I done today to change where I want to be, or what do I want alternatively to the undesirables of today?
Byron Pulsifer
It may only be a matter of a change of attitude or a change of heart or even a change of job that can make the most significant alteration in how you envisage the morning light.
Byron Pulsifer
The Moon puts on an elegant show, different every time in shape, color, and nuance.
Arthur Smith
White clouds in heavenly splendour glide softly in the sky, they form, they change, they journey like soap suds flowing by.
Greta Zwaan, Snowy Clouds
Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child, without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after.
Fred Rogers
- "Often times the only change people like is when the change makes a noise in their pocket."
Author Unknown
And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.
Virginia Woolf
A truly humble apology works to part storm clouds, calm rough seas, and bring on the soft lights of dawn; it has the power to change a person's world.
Richelle E. Goodrich
"We are restless because of incessant change,
but we would be frightened if change were stopped."
Lyman Lloyd Bryson
... we too learn to fear our own anger, not only because it brings about the disapproval of others, but also because it signals the necessity for change.
Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Anger

The truth is that you are not responsible for changing the world, you are only responsible for changing yourself.
The more you work
on yourself, the more you will be able to influence the world.
Thibaut Meurisse, Success
If we should go back to the olden place, and the summer time went too, it would be like looking a ghost in the face, so much would be changed and new.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Lay It Away
We know things now that we can never unknow, have seen things that we can never unsee, heard things that we can never unhear, and felt things that we can never unfeel. Nothing will ever again be the same. Nothing can.
Jason Johnson, Reframing Foster Care
Change is the end result of all true learning.
Leo Buscaglia
September reminds of change on the breeze, leaves cascading, like painted keys.
Catherine Pulsifer, Each Month
"Change is as inexorable as time, yet nothing meets
with more resistance."
Benjamin Disraeli
- The mind has exactly the same power as the hands; not merely to grasp the world, but to change it.
Colin Wilson
When you embrace change and nurture growth, your harvest becomes a symphony of transformation.
Author Unknown
"If nothing changed during your lifetime, you'd still be in diapers. Aren't
you glad that change has occurred?"
Byron R. Pulsifer
"The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress."
Charles F. Kettering

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
C. G. Jung
You can change the direction of your own life simply by reading or hearing just one encouraging story a day about ... how they overcame a challenge or achieved a goal.
David Mezzapelle, 10 Habits of Truly Optimistic People
"Those who have changed the universe have never done it by changing
officials, but always by inspiring the people."
Napoleon Bonaparte

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.
"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead
"Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door
is just one more good idea."
Jim Rohn
"We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up
that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing."
R. D. Laing

"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
German Proverb
"Progress is vitally important;, but perfection is impossible."
Joyce Meyer
There are other reasons to change up your life and step outside that comfort zone. One reason is that anxiety tends to help push you to be better.
T. Whitmore
When you change your mind you also change your body.
Harvey Volson, Self-Esteem Mega Makeover

"We know we can't change the past, but the future we can lead."
Julie Hebert
"Since habits are unconscious, it requires conscious effort to bring about change."
Romuald Andrade, Habit Triggers

"If you don't change as a person, you can't expect to change your life."
Tom Miles, A Year For Change
"Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent."
Nolan Ryan
Adaptability Quotes
"Only worry about the things you can change and the things that really affect your performance."
Jim Hayhurst, Sr.
"Always know that change will instigate growth, self discovery and awakening."
Cat O'Connor, 30 Days of Inspiration
- "You really can change your life by appreciating what you already have."
Michael Unks, Awesome In Hours
"Critical to shifting your focus in terms of what aging is all about,
is the notion of change."
Noelle C. Nelson, Happy Healthy…Dead
"You have the opportunity to change the world, even if it's in a small way."
Demond Jackson
"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a
person's physical, emotional, and mental states."
Carol Welch

"Remember, your attitude toward a situation can help you to change it - you create the very atmosphere for defeat or victory."
Franco Harris
A change of work is as good as a rest.
Irish Proverb
More Quotes to Encourage YOU
We hope these quotes have had a positive impact on you regarding adapting to change. Change brings
progress. Share these with others and help them accept the changes they are facing.
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