39 Parent Quotes
Be inspired by these parent quotes. Whether you are a parent or you are thinking of your own parents find a quote that reminds you about being a parent. Parenting is one of the joys in life!
Also be inspired by these poems about parent.
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Parenting is a privilege and Children are a sacred trust from God.
Michael Cannon
Christian Poems
The family is like a book - the children are the leaves, the parents are the covers that protecting beauty gives.
Unknown, The Family
Poems About Family
Let's face it, no parent is perfect, and no baby does exactly what you expect.
Marc Weissbluth
Baby Poems
If you want to be a good parent, become the person you want your child to be. Cultivate in yourself the characteristics you want them to end up having.
Russell Kolts
Poems of Encouragement

The car trip can draw the family together, as it was in the days before television when parents and children actually talked to each other.
Andrew H. Malcolm
Short Family Quotes
More specifically being a dad is a diverse responsibility, and it is also defined by providing support to your partner in the glorious journey of parenthood.
Natalie L S West
Father Quotes
From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover you have wings.
Helen Hayes
Poems About Books
Happy are the parents who can let their children go to pursue their dreams.
Camille Alice
Poems About Children Growing Up
Parents make no mistake. The impact you have on your child’s life should never be underestimated.
Mark J Musser
Poems About Life
Like no other time in life, pregnancy is a rare moment when parents have the chance to directly affect the health and future of their child.
Jillian Michaels
Children Quotes
Old people are proud of their grandchildren, and children are proud of their parents.
Proverbs 17:6 (NCV)
Grandparents Poems

At birth, we boarded the train of life and met our parents
Jean d'Ormesson, Train of Life
Train of Life Poem
But, other than providing support to their children, supporting each other is important for parents because they must make certain that their children learn the best from both of them.
Natalie L S West
Encouragement Quotes
Parents are not perfect, nor are they saints. Dads and moms make mistakes all the time. How you handle these situations will be an important life lesson for your children.
Bethany Bridges
Mom Poems
Becoming a parent is not only a defining moment in most people's lives - it can be unexpectedly motivating.
Christopher Gavigan
Motivational Quotes
Parents with their words, attitudes, and actions possess the ability to bless or curse the identities of their children.
Craig Hill
Quotes About Blessings

While they are little boys for only a short time as a parent they are always in your heart.
Catherine Pulsifer
Son Poems
I don't believe professional athletes should be role models. I believe parents should be role models.
Charles Barkley
Be An Example Quotes
One of the things that parents have taught their children is to say these simple words of gratitude “Thank You" when someone else has done them a good deed or has given them something whether material or a simple favor.
Rocco Cozza
Gratitude Quotes
The opportunity to experience the parent–child bond when a person may have otherwise thought that he or she would not be able to do so can be a wonderful and welcome benefit of becoming part of a blended family.
Matthew Massimo
Step Dad Poems
Each child is a unique creation; each son or daughter is crafted by God to be special. And, when this special and unique child happens to be a son or daughter, to the parents, comes brightness and joy.
Byron Pulsifer
A Father's Prayer
As fathers, we look to the dads a few stages ahead of us as we equip ourselves to be the parents our children need on any given day.
Matt Schneider
Dad Poems

The challenge with learning to parent on the job is that your child is the always the teacher.
Pedro Carvalho
Learning Quotes
Parenthood: That state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage.
Marcelene Cox
Cute Quotes
Being a parent is a wonderful experience but there are challenging times and there are rewarding times.
Catherine Pulsifer
Fathers Day Poems
During adolescence many girls will begin to drift away from their parents and want to become more independent in their own right.
Vanessa Pagan
Daughter Quotes
My parents were not wealthy but were able to have the necessaries of life. I feel thankful that they endeavored to feed my mind and faculties all the days of my youth to reverence our heavenly father, to he obedient and honest in all my dealings, and in fact, all that they felt to be the duties of parents through the bonds of love that parents have for a child.
J. J. Thorne
Wealth Quotes
All parents desire their children to be happy. No matter how bitter their own life has been, or how much anguish their own heart has known they desire their offspring to escape these sorrows and would gladly see them placed where they could obtain peace, prosperity and happiness.
Catherine Pulsifer
Poems About Happiness

To grow up is to stop putting blame on parents.
Maya Angelou
Blame Quotes
I don't see how my parents kin make the big mistake - O' keepin' down a boy like me 'at 's got a name to make.
Nixon Waterman, I Got To Go to School
Poems About School
When you stop and think about the people, about the sacrifices that your parents and others have made for you it makes you appreciate them even more
Catherine Pulsifer
Message To My Family
Parents, especially parents of babies, are constantly worried about whether they're doing enough to prepare their children for success.
Britney Watkins
Worry Quotes
There are so many lessons to learn - no wonder our parents were concerned.
Catherine Pulsifer, No Matter Your Age
Poems on Life Lessons
Many people may still feel the presence of their parent, which can be comforting or unnerving.
Theresa Jackson
In Loving Memory Poems
Next to parents whom can we find that is more interested in our work, than our teachers?
Unknown, Remember Our Teachers
Teacher Appreciation Poem

Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
Exodus 20:12 (NLT)
Motivational Quotes From The Bible
Taking time to show consideration to your parents.
Author Unknown, Six Things You Will Never Regret
Keys For Life
Too many parents are sticklers for obedience - in other people's children.
Dr. L. R. Akers, Whittlings
Effective parenting means equipping children to succeed in a challenging and difficult world.
Jane Nelsen
Success Quotes
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