55 Planning Quotes
Planning quotes easily tell us that almost all facets of life require some sort of design or strategy. Planning may be specifically designed in business through the use of a strategic plan, a student may set
written goals of what they want to achieve by the end of their educational years, mothers plan steps to nourish, guide and teach their children, or governments design programs to help all citizens realize their aspirations.
It is our hope that the following quotes on planning will serve to give you fuel for your own planning strategies and encourage you to plan.
For ... nonprofits, strategic planning is a good way to align their mission, programs, resources, and relationships.
Bryan W. Barry, Strategic Planning Workbook for Nonprofit Organizations
Poems Of Encouragement
Plan your work. - This begins well. Work your plan. - This finishes well.
Unknown, Seven Good Rules
Learning objectives are vitally important to set and share as soon as is reasonably possible, so that the learners know the aim and purpose of the
lesson and what is expected of them.
Nicola Owen, Planning Outstanding Lessons
- Without planning and follow-through, it’s like a roof without a foundation.
Joyce Barnes-Wolff
When your plans have gone awry, things will straighten if you try.
David V. Bush, Stick to It!
Inspirational Poems
We may propose many plans, let's but remember that God can dispose our plans, propose a new and better ones and impose them on us!
Israelmore Ayivor
To be proactive means to plan. Life is easier when you plan ahead.
Sal Severe, Ph.D.
- When life is getting you down...take your life in your hands, and make a new set of plans.
Julie Hebert, Life Getting You Down
Letting Go Poem
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Vijay Dhameliya
If I want my resolution to come true I must develop a plan.
Catherine Pulsifer, Sounds Good
New Year's Resolutions Poems
The wisest, bravest plan, whatever comes, or doesn't come, to do the best you can?
Phoebe Carey, Suppose!
There's no escaping Destiny, no matter how we plan. We can't unfold God's purposes
James Henry Thomas
Poems About God

If you are planning for a year, sow rice: if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.
Chinese Wisdom
Winter will come with Its frosts and snows; prepare we may for its chilling- blows before this plenteous season goes; 'Tis autumn!
Isaac W. Sanborn, Autumn
Autumn Poems
Plan your life somehow and you can get somewhere. A slow plan is better than no plan.
Israelmore Ayivor
My retirement plans, oh, they're quite grand, I'll conquer new hobbies, take a stand!
Catherine Pulsifer, My Retirement Plans
Funny Retirement Poems
Death has never been easy to deal with. Every person knows that somehow, one day, one's life will cease, and yet almost every person comes unprepared for it.
Marita Kinney
quotes about life and death
To be able to think on your feet and be ready to change from your plan is key, since something—sometimes a tiny thing, sometimes a big thing—will
go differently from even the most carefully constructed plan.
Cheryl Kimball, Start Your Own Event Planning Business

... program planning is a continuous journey consisting of twists and turns, wide expansive views, and an ever-changing landscape ...
Rosemary S. Caffarella, Planning Programs for Adult Learners
Life Journey Poems
You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it.
Saji Ijiyemi
You cannot do your level best and reach life’s highest peak unless you follow up your bent - plan well, and make the leap.
David V. Bush, Find Your Work - Then Leap
You can look ahead to choices inconceivable to your parents and grandparents - opportunities they could barely dream of. The one-size-fits-all formulas that served as retirement planning in their day are inadequate in ours.
Marika Stone, Too Young to Retire
Retirement Poems
To win you set your goals, you take action, you set deadlines - To lose you think about it but never set concrete plans.
Catherine Pulsifer, To Win or To Lose in Life
We should with prudence lay the plan, the best moral elements to seek
J. J. Thorne
Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke fat, lazy or stupid. Those things are just what happens to you when you dont have a plan.
Maerlan Rico Lee
Goal planning removes the stress associated with flying by the seat of your pants not knowing exactly where you are going and what you have to do to get there.
Byron Pulsifer, Preparation Equals Success
- Plans don't change lives, actions do.
Matt Morris
A detailed plan provides the roadmap but not the action. Each step on the plan requires a specific action at a specific time so that each action plan can be accomplished with dedicated time and perseverance.
Byron Pulsifer
Teaching well requires expert practice in the use of ... strategies to activate and enliven the passion and purpose; to operationalize the dedication;
and to make the learning happen, now and into the future.
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm; Rachel E. Bear; Adam Fachler, Planning Powerful Instruction
Learning Quotes
The optimist is a pessimist with a plan.
Bangambiki Habyarimana

No matter where you are going plan your route. Route planning not only saves time, it saves gas.
Byron Pulsifer
Saving Money Quotes
Change in your life you want to see....develop a plan and write it down. Don't sit and wish, you'll look like a clown
Catherine Pulsifer, Change - It Is Up To Me
Having the means to retire is important. But what we also must plan for — but often don't — is meaning.
Mitch Anthony, The New Retirementality
No plan ever failed due to adequate planning.
Jury Nel
If we take the time to research certain aspects of the country we are planning to travel to it this can help us to get the most out of our trip.
Smart Travelling Guides

Time planning methodologies are frequently connected with the proposal to set individual objectives. Objective setting is additionally fundamental to oversee time effectively.
Scott Darley, Time Planning Tools and Techniques
Time Quotes
Planning helps you to avoid potholes in the journey of life.
Topsy Gift
Both crisis prevention and crisis preparation serve as defenses against negligent failure to plan.
Timothy Coombs, Ongoing Crisis Communication
Failure Quotes
When our life's plans are altered and chaos descends, are we deluged by pity and sorrow?
Greta Zwaan, How Does One Know?
... planning is important to project success, and ... meetings are needed for that planning to take place. After all, few projects have only one team
Rich Maltzman; Jim Stewart, How to Facilitate Productive Project Planning Meetings
Teamwork Quotes

Criticism has no place in God’s plan for living
Greta Zwaavn, Reasons to Sing
Poems About God's Grace
End-to-end agility is achieved by maintaining a continuous flow of work from strategy formulation all the way to product deployment, with minimal delays between each of the processing levels ...
Liam Kane, SAFe PI Planning
In the morning, people have a plan for that day. Hardworking people think of what they will do during the day, and idle people on what they should do.
Eraldo Banovac
Don’t sweat the big business plan. Skip the descriptions and explanations. Just do a lean plan... It’s fast, easy, and practical.
Tim Berry, Lean Business Planning

Make plans at night and the dawn is the best time to start implementing these plans!
Mehmet Murat ildan
Famous Poems About Dawn
So many people have fantastic dreams but never put a plan in place that details how they are going to accomplish their dream.
Byron Pulsifer
Without a plan, there is no way to schedule the required work, no way to track progress, and no way to decide on corrective action when unexpected events occur.
Thomas E. Glavinich, Construction Planning and Scheduling
Action Quotes
I sometimes wonder what people were thinking when they thought about a big problem and tackled it with little to no planning.
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Believe while others are doubting. Plan while others are playing.
William Arthur Ward
No matter who we are; no matter where we are in the path of life, God is always unfolding His master plan.
Catherine Pulsifer
Organizational leaders must try to plan for future talent needs at all levels ... to ensure that the right people are available for the right jobs in the right places and at the right times to get the right results.
William Rothwell, Effective Succession Planning
Leadership Quotes

A detailed study plan is significant in setting aside some time to study. Important dates for homework, for example, assessments, task and
undertaking due dates are a piece of the study plan.
Scott Darley, Time Planning Tools and Techniques
In many cases starting a construction project without an adequate plan leads to poor results and the majority would be greatly improved if better
planning was involved.
Darryl King, The Complete Website Planning Guide
The effectiveness of health promotion programs can vary greatly. However, the success of a program can usually be linked to the planning that takes
place before implementation of the program.
James F. McKenzie, Planning, Implementing & Evaluating Health Promotion Programs
Health Quotes
Yes, strategic planning is a must for every entity, from the corner sandwich shop to Wall Street megabanks ... but I’m here to tell you it is not rocket
science—or science of any kind.
David R. McClean, Strategic Planning
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