5 Poems About Fishing

Find reminders of your love of fishing in these poems about fishing. Many people love the sport of fishing, being out in nature, the quietness of the waterside. We hope these poems inspire you to try the sport.

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  1. Fishing and Wishing
    Poet: Zitella Cocke

    Three little folks by the meadow brook,
    With a line of twine and a bent-pin hook,
    And an eager, earnest, serious look,
    As if they were conning a lesson book,
    Sat resolutely fishing!

    "I wish," said Tom, "for a pot of gold
    With every minute that has been told
    Since the day the earth was young or old,
    I'd have more money than I could hold.
    See, what I get for fishing! "

    "I wish," said Ned, "that the ships at sea,
    And all that is in them, belonged to me,
    And all that have been, or ever will be:
    My wish is the best, don't you agree,
    And worth a day of fishing! "

    "I wish," said Moll, with a toss of her head,
    And a pout of her lips that were cherry red,
    "You'd get your wishes, just as you said,
    And give them to me, — now, Tom and Ned,
    I've got the most by wishing! "

  2. Logic To Fishing
    Poet: Saxe

    Of all amusements for the mind,
    From logic down to fishing,
    There isn't one that you can find
    So very cheap as "wishing."
    A very choice diversion, too.
    If we but rightly use it,
    And not, as we are apt to do,
    Pervert it and abuse it.

  3. The Real Bait
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    To gentle ways I am inclined;
    I have no wish to kill.
    To creatures dumb I would be kind;
    I like them all, but still
    Right now I think I'd like to be
    Beside some rippling brook,
    And grab a worm I'd brought with me
    And slip him on a hook.

    I'd like to put my hand once more
    Into a rusty can
    And turn those squirmy creatures o'er
    Like nuggets in a pan;
    And for a big one, once again.
    With eager eyes I'd look.
    As did a boy I knew, and then
    Impale it on a hook.

    I've had my share of fishing joy,
    I've fished with patent bait.
    With chub and minnow, but the boy
    Is lord of sport's estate
    And no such pleasure comes to man
    So rare as when he took
    A worm from a tomato can
    And slipped it on a hook.

    I'd like to gaze with glowing eyes
    Upon that precious bait.
    To view each fat worm as a prize
    To be accounted great.
    And though I've passed from boyhood's term,
    And opened age's book,
    I still would like to put a worm
    That wriggled on a hook.

  4. There's nothing that builds up a toil-weary soul Like a day on a stream.
    Fishing Quotes

  5. After Many Days
    Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar

    I’ve always been a faithful man
    An’ tried to live for duty,
    But the stringent mode of life
    Has somewhat lost its beauty.

    The story of the generous bread
    He sent upon the waters,
    Which after many days returns
    To trusting sons and daughters,

    Had oft impressed me, so I want
    My soul influenced by it,
    And bought a loaf of bread and sought
    A stream where I could try it.

    I cast my bread upon the waves
    And fancied then to await it;
    It had not floated far away
    When a fish came up and ate it.

    And if I want both fish and bread,
    And surely both I’m wanting,
    About the only way I see
    Is for me to go fishing.

  6. The Fishing Cure
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    There's nothing that builds up a toil-weary soul
    Like a day on a stream.
    Back on the banks of the old fishing hole
    Where a fellow can dream.
    There's nothing so good for a man as to flee
    From the city and lie
    Full length in the shade of a whispering tree
    And gaze at the sky.

    Out there where the strife and the greed are forgot
    And the struggle for pelf,
    A man can get rid of each taint and each spot
    And clean up himself;
    He can be what he wanted to be when a boy.
    If only in dreams;
    And revel once more in the depths of a joy
    That's as real as it seems.

    The things that he hates never follow him there -
    The jar of the street,
    The rivalries petty, the struggling unfair -
    For the open is sweet.
    In purity's realm he can rest and be clean.
    Be he humble or great,
    And as peaceful his soul may become as the scene
    That his eyes contemplate.

    It is good for the world that men hunger to go
    To the banks of a stream,
    And weary of sham and of pomp and of show
    They have somewhere to dream.
    For this life would be dreary and sordid and base
    Did they not now and then
    Seek refreshment and calm in God's wide, open space
    And come back to be men.

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