7 Poems About Health
Let these poems about health remind you how important it is to take care of yourself. If you lose your health no amount of money can ever buy it back.
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Poems About Life
Poems About Health
Health Be Yours
Poet: Unknown
Hence, kindly wish, fly away, fly away,
Find me the one I think of today!
Fly then no longer, but linger and say
"Health be yours, joy be yours,
Ever and aye."
Your Mental Health
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Our mental health is just as important
As our physical, it's true
To stay positive and healthy,
Know what it is you must do
Talk to someone and share,
Get that weight off your chest
Take time away from stress,
Have a good rest.
Your attitude must be positive
For mental health to be good
Be mindful and aware of problems
And deal with them as you should.
It may take effort each day
But the result is worth it all
Pay attention to your emotional well-being,
Don't let yourself fall!
Attitude Poems
Little Things
Poet: Charles W. Stevenson
Here's to the one who loves to do
The little things of life,
Who lets no large ambition woo
Him into worldly strife;
A kindly man content to work
At any useful task,
Who has no duties he would shirk,
No favors he would ask.
Here's to the man, where'er he be!
And O, Thou gentle One,
Remember, in Thy ministry,
The good that he has done,
The happy words, the helpful deeds,
So tender and so true!
For those who have no selfish needs,
Alas, are all too few.
Ah, he who takes a humble part,
In trade, in church, in state,
And lets no envy fill his heart
With hatred for the great,
Can watch the wheel of fortune roll
Its luckless favors out,
Conscious that he has won his soul
Who conquers care and doubt.
This health to him! - who learns to feel
That little things in life
Make up the best of human weal,
The worst of human strife;
Who hides his anger in a smile,
His worry in good cheer,
And lives without a trace of guile,
And dies without a fear!
Little Things Poems
Stress Can Drain
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Stress can take its toll
On your health - mind, body, and soul.
It can leave you feeling drained
Your will and vigor waned.
You may feel overwhelmed and down
But try a smile rather than a frown.
With deep breaths of meditation, exercise, and more
Do what works to relieve stress and maintain your core.
Poems About Stress
Drink Me A Health
Poet: Unknown
April, cold with dropping rain,
Bring the lilacs back again.
Whistle of returning buds
Trumpet lowing of the herds!
Newer life and fuller love.
Bring it, April, from above.
I wish it were summer
With roses a-bloom -
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-hey! -
That lilies would open
Their cups of perfume.
And drink me a health to-day.
Health Quotes
Good Health
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Good health is best found in healthy habits -
A diet of nourishment and plenty of rest.
Grow your own garden, cook meals from scratch,
Take a walk or do some yoga or just stretch.
Fuel both your body and mind with positivity,
With self-care and reflection to lead the way.
Learn new coping mechanisms to get through life’s challenges,
So you can live in peace every single day.

Positive Poems
Life's Bill Of Fare
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Enough to eat, a time for play,
And clothes to keep the wind away;
At night a place to go to rest,
And health and strength for every test.
What more than these doth life contain?
Then why this constant strife for gain?
What more has king or prince today,
Or he, three times a millionaire,
Than food to eat and hours for play,
A place to sleep and clothes to wear?
Sum up life's favors as you will,
It is for these we fight and kill.
And he three times a millionaire,
And he upon the heights sublime,
Like you and me, can only wear
One suit of clothing at a time,
Once satisfy his appetite,
Then richest foods mean no delight.
And so, if you have these, I say,
Envy no man his hoarded store;
Contented, journey on your way,
You will not happier be with more.
Enough to eat, some clothes to wear,
A place to sleep - life's bill of fare.
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Your health is one of the most important aspects of life. Take care of
it!! We hope these poems remind you of this.
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