14 Poems About Luck
A collection of poems exploring luck through effort, symbols, faith, and resilience.
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Poems About Luck
Updated February 5, 2025, by Catherine Pulsifer
What is luck? Is it something that just happens, or do we create it through the choices we make and the actions we take? In this collection of poems, we explore both sides of luck—those unexpected lucky moments and the kind of luck we build through hard work and faith.
Throughout life, symbols like four-leaf clovers and horseshoes have represented good fortune. But real luck often hides in the simple things—kind gestures, a rainbow after a storm, or a lucky break that comes when we least expect it.
These poems remind us that luck isn’t just about chance. It’s also about how we respond to life’s challenges. When we persevere, take action, and trust in the journey, luck often follows. May these verses inspire you to see luck all around you and, most importantly, within you.
Luck And Success
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Luck cannot be bought,
The journey to success must be fought.
Years of dedication and sheer might,
Focus is a necessary sight.
No wasting time or time to stray,
Determination will help along the way.
Luck doesn’t just happen, that’s a fact,
Hard work and focus have a lucky impact!
A Lucky Day
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The Irish have a special day, Saint Patrick's day,
A day of green and fun and play.
Luck appears, that we firmly believe
Though it might be all but naive
Gold coins in the river, or a four-leaf clover
May your luck on this day give you hope it is not over.
Leprechauns and their special pots of gold
All these tales make us feel bold!
St. Patrick's Day Poems
Luck An Invisible Thing
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Is luck an invisible thing, that just happens by?
Is it true that it just falls from the sky?
No, it takes effort, action, and a plan,
Setting goals, and believing you can.
Focus on what you want in life,
Learn to be efficient and strive.
Taking risks with perseverance and persistence,
Luck comes to those who work against resistance.
God Has A Plan
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
God has a plan for us,
And we each have a purpose.
It's been in place since we were born,
Just waiting for the right time to surface.
We mustn't forget the gifts
He bestows upon us every day,
Filling our paths with possibilities
Along the way.
Jesus is the light that helps us see the way,
Each step taken leads to fulfilling His plan
Forget about luck because it's not a factor here,
God has a purpose for each woman and man.
Christian Poems
It Is Not Luck
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
It's not luck when success arrives,
Achievement means you worked and strived
You could explain away your highs,
But no amount of words can disguise
The truth is that it was all your choice,
No more waiting, you used your voice!
Nothing just happens on its own
Take action, find that stepping stone.
Success Poem
Luck Controls Success
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Believing that luck controls success,
Will guarantee your own defeat.
If you cannot influence the course,
Then your fate is incomplete.
Though we may be dealt a poor hand,
It's what we do after that wields power.
If you take all steps to advance,
Success will not hide in its tower.
Luck is not part of the game,
It will not grant greatness on its own.
For your attitude and how you view,
Will determine if success is shown.
Nature’s Lucky Signs
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A rainbow arches after the rain,
A promise that sunshine follows pain.
A shooting star lights up the night,
A lucky wish within its flight.
The first bloom in spring’s embrace,
A reminder that luck finds its place.
Nature’s signs, both big and small,
Show us that hope can conquer all.
Everyday Luck
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A stranger’s smile on a crowded street,
A kind word shared that feels so sweet.
Catching the bus with seconds to spare,
Or finding sunshine in morning air.
These moments of luck, though often small,
Are the treasures that uplift us all.
Appreciate them, let gratitude stay,
For small blessings brighten the day.
Irish Blessings
Luck Is What We Make It
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Luck is what we make it
and not what is thrust upon us,
Our successes lie in how we test
Our mettle and what we trust.
What you do, initiative, action, and hard work,
Are the paths to success no matter how dark.
We must embrace resilience and stick with our plan,
Then luck will come from our effort that we understand.
Hard Work Not Luck
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
We look upon them longingly,
Allured by their favor,
Their joy and luck we envy,
As if done with no labor.
But we don't see the struggles,
The feats barely seen,
The road that it took
To get where they've been.
Let's remember their journey
And recognize the trend,
From their efforts, we can learn
That hard work, not luck pays in the end.
Poems About Work
Luck or Fate’s Purpose
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Is luck the force that guides our way,
Or does fate decide the role we play?
A sudden break, a twist of chance,
Or destiny’s hand in life’s great dance?
Luck may shine like the morning light,
A moment of grace that feels just right.
But fate, they say, is steady and true,
Shaping the course for me and you.
Perhaps they’re partners, hand in hand—
Luck opens the door, fate makes the plan.
But it’s up to us, with courage and might,
To walk the path and claim our light.
So trust that luck will come and go,
And fate will guide the seeds we sow.
With effort, faith, and hearts sincere,
We’ll find success—no need to fear.
Symbols of Luck
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A four-leaf clover in the grass so green,
A sign of luck that’s often seen.
A horseshoe hung to catch good cheer,
A symbol to ward off doubt and fear.
A rabbit’s foot tucked in a pocket tight,
Some say it brings good fortune’s light.
A wishbone snapped with hope in mind,
Where luck and dreams are intertwined.
Yet beyond these charms, what we must know—
It’s action and effort that make luck grow.
Believe in symbols, but don’t forget,
Success is found when goals are set.
So carry your charm, but work your plan,
For luck will follow the efforts of man.
It’s not the clover or the horseshoe’s grace,
But persistence and hope that win the race.
Turning Bad Luck Around
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
When luck turns sour and skies are gray,
Don’t let the setbacks make you stray.
For every fall, there’s strength to gain,
Every storm will pass its rain.
Bad luck’s a teacher, not the end,
A chance to grow, to rise, to mend.
With effort, faith, and courage near,
You’ll turn the tide and persevere.
Poems About Perseverance
A Lucky Turn
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Just when the path seemed hard to see,
A lucky break set my spirit free.
An open door, a chance unknown,
A moment where my strength had grown.
Luck, they say, comes when it’s right,
A turning point that sparks new light.
But it’s what we do with that surprise—
That leads to growth and brighter skies.
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