12 Poems About Miracles
Be uplifted by these poems about miracles, may they strengthen your faith and help you see miracles that are happening today.
Miracles are not something that happened years ago, they do happen every day. May the verses in these poems give you examples of miracles today!
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Poems About Miracles
A Miracle Is
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A miracle is an event spoken of,
A blessing found to be so divine.
A moment that cannot be quite explained,
As it needs belief in a higher power to remain.
The hand of a loving God is beyond our reach,
His love revealed by an act that's sublime.
His presence felt when a miracle occurs,
Illuminating hope and life anew.
A pain transformed
And eased on wings of grace,
A beautiful reminder
Of His preeminent place.
A Light In A World Of Darkness
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
He was a light in a world of darkness,
A beacon of mercy and love so grand.
He walked on water, healing the sick,
Performing miracles with His mighty hand.
Most chose to believe, their faith unshaken.
Eyes wide open, witnessing His great might.
The love they felt so strong and true,
Moved mountains; transforming day to night.
His ministry on earth complete,
Though His works still remain true.
Jesus' faithful followers now are charged to testify
To the world of who He is and what He could do.
Miracles Exist Today
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Miracles exist today
Old tales of legend speak,
Though we may not notice them,
Vast beauties at their peak.
Set your eyes to wander,
From the skies and to the earth,
Look a little closer
And you'll fully understand the worth.
Searching for miraculous proof
Doesn't have so far to go,
These miracles can be seen all around us
If we only open up our souls.
Many wonderful occurrences
Can happen in one single day,
But it's up to us as individuals
To notice them on our way.
In our world filled with noises
Let peace lead the way,
Take note of these surprises,
They're with us every day!
The Miracle Of Life
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Blessed be those that witnessed this divine
A bundle of joy, a miracle so fine
The miracle of life, with love at first sight
Parents and grandparents overwhelmed in delight.
The wonderful gifts a baby brings indeed
Hearts filled with love that exceeds
Every newborn brings joy to one’s home
All the glory to God is bestowed!
When Doubt Appears
Poet: John Kendrick Bangs
When Doubt comes over you and Faith grows dim,
And Miracles are needed to retrieve
Your Spirit from misgivings dark and grim,
And give new strength to that which you believe,
Gaze anywhere - North, South, or East or West -
On leafy trees, or on some lofty height;
On solitudes where all things speak of rest,
Or on the noisy marts by day or night.
Look on the Rose, or on the winter skies;
On harvests sprung from the minutest seed;
Look deep into some loving mortal's eyes -
And Miracles you'll find to serve your need.
The Miracle of Christmas
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
At this time of the year, there is a mighty door,
Its hinges are opened and offer us all something more.
No more arguments or hard-fought wars,
Just love and peace reaches beyond all shores.
It's a miracle, unlike any other time of year,
Peace and harmony from all living things draws near.
Christmas grants compassion and understanding so rare,
It’s a miracle and a blessing beyond compare!
The Choice Of The Cross
Poet: Dorothy L. Sayers
Hard it is, very hard,
To travel up the slow and stony road
To Calvary, to redeem mankind; far better
To make but one resplendent miracle,
Lean through the cloud, lift the right hand of power
And with a sudden lightning smite the world perfect.
Yet this was not God's way, Who had the power,
But set it by, choosing the cross, the thorn,
The sorrowful wounds. Something there is, perhaps,
That power destroys in passing, something supreme,
To whose great value in the eyes of God
That cross, that thorn, and those five wounds bear witness.
Blessed Are We
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Blessed are we with such a miracle,
The beauty of the rising sun,
A child’s glee, a rose in bloom,
Thank God for the grace of love.
In all its forms sparkles abound,
Illuminating our changing scenes,
In the dark to light profound,
We offer gratitude for daily miracles.
Easter Miracle
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
The sky grew dark and silent,
And the curtain was ripped in two.
On this sorrowful day,
Our Lord was crucified anew.
Weeping, we trudged on
With heavy hearts and aching souls.
Crystals of despair from our eyes
Fell to the coarse ground below.
Without hope, what is left for us
But forlorn grief and mourning?
But hark! The miracle of Easter rings loud,
Bringing joy to all revering
Poet: Edith Daley
We muse on miracles who look
But lightly on a rose!
Who gives it fragrance or the glint
Of glory that it shows?
Who holds it here between the sky
And earth's rain-softened sod?
The miracle of one pale rose
Is proof enough of God!
The Miracle of Love
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Love, a thing that cannot be denied,
Reflecting sunshine in God's summer sky.
From His love, He did not hide,
A miracle that passes each trial and test given.
He knew what our lives required,
Bringing us blessings to keep us inspired.
No matter the trials we've endured,
Thank God for the miracle of love!
Miracles And Blessings
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In every heart where faith resides,
Miracles and blessings do arise,
As Christians mend their broken ties,
Encouraged by grace that never denies.
Through trials faced, we find our way,
With strengthened faith, day after day.
So let us hold onto this truth's sway,
And in gratitude, to Him we pray.
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We hope these poems have reminded you of the miracles surrounding each one of us each and every day!
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