Fun and Playful Moon Poems
These poems bring a sense of fun and joy as they explore the moon through playful and imaginative eyes.
The Moon Is Shy!
Poet: Althea Randolph
The Moon looks down and smiles on me.
When I'm in bed;
I throw a good-night kiss to her.
She hides her face behind a cloud on high, —
I think the Moon is shy, so very shy!
She comes out only in the dark, —
I wonder why?
She never shines when it is day.
Up in the sky!
Perhaps she does not like the Sun, and
She stays away until she sees him go!
She seems quite friendly with the Stars,
As they pass by;
For I have seen her beam on them
When they are nigh;
So I am sure if she just once would try.
She'd learn to love the Sun as much as I!
The Crescent Moon
Poet: Amy Lowell
Supping softly through the sky
Little homed, happy moon.
Can you hear me up so high?
Will you come down soon?
On my nursery window-sill
Will you stay your steady flight?
And then float away with me
Through the summer night?
Brushing over tops of trees.
Playing hide and seek with stars.
Peeping up through shiny clouds
At Jupiter or Mars.
I shall fill my lap with roses
Gathered in the milky way.
All to carry home to mother.
Oh! what will she say!
Little rocking, sailing moon.
Do you hear me shout - Ahoy!
Just a little nearer, moon.
To please a little boy.
Baby Moon
Poet: Althea Randolph
The Moon rocks gently to and fro.
Safe in her silvery bed;
And every night the Stars keep watch
Above her pretty head.
In day-time when their lights go out,
The Stars have shut their eyes;
Does little Baby Moon go then
To sleep in other skies?
Moon Quotes
The Funny Moon
Poet: Althea Randolph
The Man in the Moon
Comes up from the sea.
He winks, and he blinks.
And smiles down on me!
He's jolly, and big.
And rosy, and fat,
The funniest thing
I ever looked at!
And as on his way
The higher he goes,
The paler he gets
And the smaller he grows!
Related: Poems About The Sky
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Moon and Nature
Discover poems that reflect on the moon's beauty as part of the natural world, highlighting its relationship with stars, seasons, and landscapes.
A Special Moon
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
In the autumn sky, a special moon does rise,
The Harvest Moon, a sight that fills our eyes.
Its golden beams illuminate the land,
As farmers work with harvest tools in hand.
With its early rise, it lends a helping light,
Extending time for crops, a helpful sight.
The fields are bathed in its soft, gentle glow,
As nature's bounty begins to overflow.
The Harvest Moon brings joy and cheer,
A symbol of abundance, oh so clear.
It reminds us to be grateful for what we sow,
And appreciate the harvest's overflow.
So, let's dance and sing beneath this moon so bright,
Embrace the season with all our might.
For the Harvest Moon brings blessings untold,
A time of harvest, a season of gold.
The Moon Has A Face
Poet: Robert Louis Stevenson
The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbour quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.
The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog by the door of the house,
The bat that lies in bed at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.
But all of the things that belong to the day
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way;
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.
Sky Quotes
Evening Moon
Poet: Paul Laurence Dunbar
The moon begins her stately ride
Across the summer sky;
The happy wavelets lash the shore,
The tide is rising high.
Beneath some friendly blade of grass
The lazy beetle cowers;
The coffers of the air are filled
With offerings from the flowers.
And slowly buzzing o’er my head
A swallow wings her flight;
I hear the weary plowman sing
As falls the restful night.
Smiles On The Night
William Blake
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star doth shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And I must seek for mine.
The moon like a flower
In heaven’s high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.
Related: Harvest Moon Poems
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The Moon and Imagination
Let your imagination soar with these whimsical poems that take children on moonlit adventures through the sky and beyond.
Look At The Moon
Poet: Phoebee Cary
And who knows how a life at the last may show!
Why look at the moon from where we stand!
Opaque — uneven, you say: yet it shines,
A luminous sphere, complete and grand!
So let my past stand, just as it stands.
And let me now, as I may, grow old;
I am what I am, and my life for me
Is the best, or it had not been, I hold.
Lady Moon
Poet: Unknown
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving
Over the sea.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving
All that love me.
Are you not tired with rolling, and never
Resting to sleep?
Why look so pale, and so sad, as forever
Wishing to weep?
Ask me not this, little child, if you love me:
You are too bold.
I must obey the dear Father above me,
And do as I’m told.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, where are you roving
Over the sea.
Lady Moon, Lady Moon, whom are you loving
All that love me.

Ocean Poems
The Bridge
Poet: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I stood on the bridge at midnight
As the clocks were striking the hour,
And the moon rose o'er the city.
Behind the dark church-tower.
I saw her bright reflection
In the waters under me,
Like a golden goblet falling
And sinking into the sea.
And far in the hazy distance
Of that lovely night in June,
The blaze of the flaming furnace
Gleamed redder than the moon.
The moon and its broken reflection
And its shadows shall appear,
As the symbol of love in heaven,
And its wavering image here.
Same Dear Moon
by Emilie Poulsson
The moon, whose light
Makes beautiful the silent night:
Sometimes a crescent, thin and clear,
Sometimes a big, round, silver sphere;
But whether round, or like a bow,
It is the same dear moon, we know.
Related: Poems About Stars
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Reflective Moon Poems
These thoughtful poems encourage readers to pause and reflect on the moon's deeper meanings and its symbolic presence in the night sky.
O Moon
Poet: Jean Ingelow
O moon, in the night I've seen you sailing,
And shining so round and low;
You were bright, ah bright, but your light is failing;
You are nothing now but a bow.
You moon! have you done something wrong in heaven,
That God has hidden your face?
I hope if you have, you will be forgiven,
And shine again in your place.
Oh, Look At The Moon
Poet: Unknown
Oh, look at the moon!
She is shining up there;
Oh mother, she looks
Like a lamp in the air.
Last week she was smaller,
And shaped like a bow;
But now she’s grown bigger,
And round as an O.
Pretty moon, pretty moon,
How you shine on the door,
And make it all bright
On my nursery floor.
You shine on my playthings,
And show me their place,
And I love to look up
At your bright pretty face.

Sunshine Poems
The Moon Was A-Waning
Poet: James Hogg
The moon was a-waning;
The tempest was over;
Fair was the maiden,
And fond was the lover;
But the snow was so deep
That his heart it grew weary;
And he sunk down to sleep,
In the moorland so dreary.
Soft was the bed
She had made for her lover,
White were the sheets
And embroidered the cover;
But his sheets are more white,
And his canopy grander;
And sounder he sleeps
Where the hill foxes wander.
Alas, pretty maiden.
What sorrows attend you!
I see you sit shivering,
With lights at your window;
But long may you wait
Ere your arms shall enclose him;
For still, still he lies,
With a wreath on his bosom!
Related: Poems About Night
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Lessons from the Moon
Poems that share lessons about the moon, teaching children through playful comparisons and stories.
There's More To Learn
Poet: Althea Randolph
Oh, moon up high, so bright and round,
You teach us lessons all around.
When you’re a crescent, thin and small,
You show us how to stand up tall.
Like the moon that shines both night and day,
We learn to light up in our own way.
In shadows deep, you still stay near,
Reminding us not to live in fear.
When you change your face from dark to bright,
You show us change is part of the night.
So let’s embrace each twist and turn,
From every phase, there’s more to learn!

Good Night Poems
The Selfish Moon
Poet: Althea Randolph
Sleeping, sleeping, all the day,
Never watching children play;
Opening your eyes to peep,
When it's time to go to sleep;
Naughty Moon, you are so bad.
No wonder that your face is sad.
Only giving out your light,
In the middle of the night.
Now, it's diff'rent with the Sun,
He seems to have a lot of fun.
Getting up on every day.
Just to make the world look gay.
He's not selfish, like you. Moon,
Sleeping all the time at noon;
Just suppose he did that, too.
What would everybody do?
Related: Poems About Stars
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Key Reflections in these Poems About The Moon:
The Moon’s Gentle and Mysterious Presence - The moon is portrayed as a quiet, almost elusive figure, often appearing shy or distant, yet maintaining a captivating presence in the night sky.
A Symbol of Companionship and Comfort - The moon provides a sense of connection with the stars and the night, serving as a constant companion that offers light, guidance, and a soothing presence in the darkness.
A Representation of Change and Growth - The moon’s phases reflect the inevitability of change, teaching lessons about embracing life's transitions, with each phase offering a new perspective and experience.