Poems About Travel

Be inspired by these short poems about travel. May they remind you of what you would like to visit, but also remind you of what you have where you are. All of life is a journey that we travel each day.

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  1. The Home-Town
    Poet: Edgar A. Guest

    Some folks leave home for money
    And some leave home for fame,
    Some seek skies always sunny,
    And some depart in shame.
    I care not what the reason
    Men travel east or west,
    Or what the month or season -
    The home-town is the best.

    Let him who will, go wander
    To distant towns to live,
    Of some things I am fonder
    Than all they have to give.
    The gold of distant places
    Could not repay me quite
    For those familiar faces
    That keep the home-town bright.

  2. poems about home
    Poems About Home

  3. Up-Hill
    Poet: Christina Georgina Rossetti

    Does the road wind up-hill all the way?
    Yes, to the very end.
    Will the day's journey take the whole long day?
    From morn to night, my friend.

    But is there for the night a resting-place?
    A roof for when the slow, dark hours begin.
    May not the darkness hide it from my face?
    You cannot miss that inn.

    Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?
    Those who have gone before.
    Then must I knock or call when just in sight?
    They will not keep you standing at that door.

    Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak?
    Of labor you shall find the sum.
    Will there be beds for me and all who seek?
    Yes, beds for all who come.

  4. Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. Anita Desai
    Life Journey Poems

  5. Travel Hopefully!
    Poet: Robert Louis Stevenson

    O toiling hands of mortals!
    O unwearied feet,
    Traveling we know not whither!
    Soon, soon, it seems to you,
    You must come forth on some conspicuous hilltop,
    And but a little way further, against the setting sun,
    Descry the spires of El Dorado.
    Little do ye know your own blessedness;
    For to travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,
    And the true success is to labor

  6. Travel has a way of stretching the mind Ralph Crawshaw
    Travel Quotes

  7. Hullo!
    Poet: Sam Walter Foss

    When you see a man in woe.
    Walk straight up and say, "Hullo!"
    Say, "Hullo!" and "How d'ye do?
    How's the world been using you?"
    Slap the fellow on his back.
    Bring your hand down with a whack;
    Waltz straight up and don't go slow.
    Shake his hand and say, "Hullo!"

    When big vessels meet, they say.
    They salute and sail away:
    Just the same as you and me.
    Lonely ships upon the sea.
    Each one sailing his own jog
    For a port beyond the fog;
    Let your speaking-trumpet blow.
    Lift your horn and cry, "Hullo!"

    Say "Hullo!" and "How do ye do?"
    Other folks are good as you.
    When you leave your house of clay.
    Wandering in die far away;
    When you travel through the strange
    Country far beyond the range.
    Then the souls you've cheered will know
    Who you be, and say, "Hullo!"

  8. Inspirational Poems
    Inspirational Poems

  9. Stories To Tell
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Traveling I have witnessed the splendor of this world,  
    So vast and varied it can scarcely unfurl;  
    The sights I’ve seen, I will never forget,  
    From lands obscure to bustling cities yet.

    The glory of Nature is divinely grand,    
    And humbles the spirit with its astounding hand.
      With the light and beauty that gives each place form,  
    That forever lingers in my heart’s deep core.

    But something greater than these places overcomes me:  
    The sense of adventure and sharing all I see!  
    I cannot help but return home with stories to tell  
    To share what I’ve seen that I think is swell.

  10. poems on adventure
    Poems On Adventure

  11. Travel
    Poet: Robert Louis Stevenson

    I should like to rise and go
    Where the golden apples grow; -
    Where below another sky
    Parrot islands anchored lie.

    And, watched by cockatoos and goats.
    Lonely Crusoes building boats; -
    Where in sunshine reaching out
    Eastern cities, miles about.

    Are with mosque and minaret
    Among sandy gardens set,
    And the rich goods from near and far
    Hang for sale in the bazaar; -

    Where the Great Wall round China goes.
    And on one side the desert blows.
    And with bell and voice and drum.
    Cities on the other hum;

    Where the knotty crocodile
    Lies and blinks in the Nile,
    And the red flamingo flies
    Hunting fish before his eyes; -

    Where in jungles, near and far.
    Man-devouring tigers are.
    Lying close and giving ear
    Lest the hunt be drawing near.

    Or a comer-by be seen
    Swinging in a palanquin; -
    Where among the desert sands
    Some deserted city stands.

    All its children, sweep and prince.
    Grown to manhood ages since.
    Not a foot in street or house.
    Not a stir of child or mouse,

    And then kindly falls the night.
    In all the town no spark of light.
    There I’ll come when I’m a man
    With a camel caravan;

    Light a fire in the gloom
    Of some dusty dining-room.
    See the pictures on the walls.
    Heroes, fights, and festivals;
    And in a corner find the toys
    Of the old Egyptian boys.

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May these travel poems remind you to enjoy not just your travels, but enjoy the journey of life!

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