Poems About Daughter
Share these poems about daughter with the special girl in your family. Daughters can bring much joy and happiness to your life.
A daughter brings a new dynamic to a family.
Sometimes it is hard to express
your feelings about her, let the verses in these poems express your feelings. As Alan Beck
said, "Little girls are the nicest things that happen to people. They are born with a little bit of angel shine about them, and though it wears thin sometimes there is always enough left to lasso your heart."
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Poems About Family
Poems about Daughter
A Treasure
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A daughter is a treasure, that's true
When you're down and feeling blue
You look into her smiling eyes
And you will find your spirits rise.
She can give you a smile
That can make life worthwhile
She has a way
That makes your day.
Be thankful for this little one
She will bring into your life lots of fun
She will love and care for you
Because that is what daughters always do.
Mother Daughter Poems
Being A Daughter
Poet: Mary Carolyn Davies
Being a daughter's not an easy thing -
The sort of daughter that I'd like to be:
Unselfish, patient, always quick to bring
The comfort needed; keen enough to see
The longings hard to guess at, and fulfill them,
The lonelinesses and the fears, and still them.
Being a daughter's not an easy thing -
I've always really wanted my own way.
And so it's hard to keep remembering
That what seems right and good to us today,
To older minds brings horror and alarm,
Although it may not have a bit of harm!
Being a daughter's not an easy thing -
Putting aside rebellion, eagerness;
For, though some days I long to have my fling,
I know that the old path of loveliness,
Of quietness and calm, sweet dignity,
Is better than those roads more gay to see.
Being a daughter's not an easy thing -
The sort of daughter that I'd like to be:
To share my rose, keep to myself the sting,
And show a face of calm serenity;
Being a daughter — it's a task severe,
But it's my favorite choice of a career!
The Last Arrival
Poet: George W. Cable
There came to port last Sunday night
The queerest little craft,
Without an inch of rigging on;
I looked and looked and laughed!
It seemed so curious that she
Should cross the unknown water
And moor herself within my room
My daughter! oh, my daughter!
Yet by these presents witness all
She's welcome fifty times,
And comes consigned in hope and love
And common-metre rhymes.
She has no manifest but this;
No flag floats o'er the water;
She's rather new for our marine
My daughter! oh, my daughter!
Ring out, wild bells, and tame ones too!
Ring out the lover's moon!
Ring in the little worsted socks!
Ring in the bib and spoon!
Ring out the muse! Ring in the nurse!
Ring in the milk and water!
Away with paper, pen, and ink!
My daughter! oh, my daughter!

Baby Poems
A Head Of Curls
Poet: Kate Summers
I remember the day
It was special in every way
My darling little girl
Born with a head of curls.
I could see the princess in you
The day you made your debut
So tiny and small
You were like a perfect doll.
We watched you grow
We were so proud we glowed.
Our precious little girl
With that head full of curls.
The years have gone too fast
We realize as we look back to the past
You have made us proud
We say this out loud.
Our daughter, our treasure
Always remember
You are a special girl
And you still have your curls!
more Daughter quotes
Poet: Theodore W. Higginsworth
D is for
darling and sweet
A is for the
apple of our eye
U is for the
unique girl that you are
G is for the
goodness you brought into our life.
H is for the
happiness you bring
T is for the
thoughtful person you have become
E is for the
energy you have.
R is for the
realization of how much we love YOU!!
A Daughter Is
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
A daughter is a friend
one who sticks with you to the end.
A daughter is thoughtful and kind
one who helps when you are in a bind.
A daughter is an inspiration
one who has a sunny disposition.
A daughter is a gift from above
one whom we will always love.
poems for kids
Sons and Daughters
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
We always love our sons,
But a daughter brings lots of fun.
From tea parties and lots of dolls
And many tears when they fall.
A son is rough and tough
But a daughter can be a puff
Pretending and dressing up
Washing dishes with only a rub.
A son does not care about looks
But a daughter fusses and reads all the books.
They paint their nails
And scream at snails.
A son will play with Dad's tools
But a daughter thinks they are a fool.
They don't like dirt or mud
And cry at the sight of blood.
Sons are special in all they do
But our daughters are loved too.
Differences you will see
But loving them both is so easy!
Son Poems
If It Be A Daughter
Poet: J. B. Cohan
If it be a daughter,
Teach her to be as gentle as the dew at dawn
Settling on a blade of grass;
Show her the grandeur in a ragged leaf.
And in a winding road,
And in a single star.
Teach her to be forgiving, tolerant and kind;
For kindness is lovelier than any glittering gown
Or any silver slipper.
Show her the greatness of all simple things,
And the majesty of the roaring, foaming sea;
Place in her hands the shining threads
With which to weave ideals, with which
To bind securely the love of life
Given to her by you.
Teach her that if she would be great.
She must make fine use of common things:
A tiny house with curtains,
A kitchen, a man and a child.
Give her the knowledge you have gained
From singing winds and bending trees
And wistful smiles.
Give her belief in books.
Though they be but of paper and worn;
For if she would know peace in spirit and in heart,
She would read, with all the eagerness
Of a flower, forcing its bloom above the earth.
And, lastly, teach her to live as quietly
As the magic passing of the moon
Over a smooth, clear space of sky.
This I ask, O Lord,
If it be a daughter.
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