11 Brother Poems From Sister
Let these brother poems from sister be ones that you share with your sibling. Poetry that expresses your feelings for your brother. A Sister and a Brother share a unique bond, one that goes up and down over the years.
But, as the years pass by many times you will find best friends between them.
The bond of growing up together brings them closer as they get older.
We hope the verses in these poems are ones that reflect your thoughts for your Brother!
Short Poems & Quotes
Poems About Family
Brother Poems From Sister
- You Are The Best Brother
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My brother is a true friend of mine
He is always loyal and true
He always is so kind
No matter what the situation he always comes through
My brother is a confidant
I share with him all my wants.
I can tell him anything
He keeps it to himself and never sings.
So from me your sister I do say
You are the best in every way.
Thank you, brother, for being you
I appreciate all you do.
Brother Poems
A Sisters Rant
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
I used to rat you out so much
At times you felt like a crutch.
Oh, you were such a pest
I used to think I got the worst not the best.
You broke my stuff and hid it too
I could have hit you with my shoe.
You laughed and made fun of me
Made me wish you lived in a tree.
Am not sure when it happened but
you stopped breaking and hiding my stuff.
You seemed to grow up overnight
And no longer did we spat and fight.
I laugh when I think back to the day
When the most important thing was play.
How life has changed over the years
You, my brother, I do hold dear!
Sister Poems
Her Awful Brother
Poet: Edgar A. Guest
Who teaches little Janet slang,
And trains those lips to say: "Gol Dang!"?
Her awful brother!
Who whispers wise cracks in her ear
When none to stop his pranks is near?
Her awful brother!
Who thinks up things for her to say
To shock her grandma day by day?
Her awful brother!
Who laughs to hear her cry: "Oh, heck!"
Or "by your age!" And "wash your neck!"
Her awful brother!
When friends have happened in for tea,
Who knows she'll mutter loud: "Oh gee!"
Her awful brother!
Who likes to have his sister rough,
And fills her head with dreadful stuff?
Her awful brother!
And yet, despite his love of mirth,
Who thinks that child the best on earth?
That awful brother!
And who is it of whom she'll boast
And tell you that she loves the most?
That awful brother!
Thinking of You Poems
Words Can't Express
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
Words can't express my thoughts
Letters can't connect the dots
To express how special you are
You, my brother, are a star.
You are always there for me
You are as special as a brother can be
We have our share of disagreements
But also we have had many achievements.
You are like a best friend
With you, I don't pretend.
About anything, I can talk with you
And you also give good advice that's true.
When I'm feeling down
You act like such a clown
You always could make me smile
Even when we were juveniles.
A helping hand you always give
You put things in perspective.
I just want to say, I look up to you
And count my blessings every day!
Poems For My Brother
My Brother, My Friend
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
Growing up we didn't see
How challenging life could be
As brother and sister, we have a bond
And you, my brother, I am more than fond.
Life has given us many laughs
Together we have seen giraffes
We shared many smiles
As we have traveled life's miles.
We have seen potholes and roadblocks
And faced a few of life's knocks
But I could always count on your support
You always were a positive sort!
No matter what life does send
You, my brother, have proven to be a friend.
An encourager and inspiring man
I'm so glad we belong to the same clan!
Short Family Quotes
An Awesome Brother
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
When you were a boy
And use to steal my toys
I couldn't imagine you as a friend
It was all I could do to contend
With you as a brother
I would complain to Mother.
But the years past by
And you stopped making me cry
With age, a man you became
Things changed and you were not the same.
It's hard to believe the friend you become
You my brother, you are awesome!
My Big Brother
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2020
I watch everything you do
You're my hero that is true
I love your laughter and your smile
You always make me feel worthwhile.
Sure, you teased me but I always knew
I could always count on you.
You always watched out for me
Together we could be so silly.
If everyone had a brother like you
The world would be a better place too
Thank you for being there for me
I love you big brother, you are extraordinary!
Friendship Poems
A Brother Is
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
A brother is cars and trucks
Some would say he is a roughneck.
A brother is snakes and bugs
But one who always gives a hug.
A brother is a big tease
But also likes to please.
A brother is a best friend
And will stand by you until the end
You, my brother, are one of a kind
You are the best, that I remind!
Love you always, no matter what
I send you this message from my heart.
Lifelong Sister and Brother
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
Sisters and brothers are together for life
Growing up, there is at times, strife.
But, no matter what there is always a bond
One of friendship and beyond.
At times, they can drift apart
But the bond between them never departs.
As the years go by they may find
That their sibling is one of a kind.
God gives us sisters and brothers
A relationship like no other.
Give thanks for that sibling sent
It truly is no accident!

Sister Poems from Brother
Have Patience
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
You will find life is just not the same
If you don't have a sister or brother to blame.
Growing up a brother can be
To his sister a bully.
He takes her stuff
And he can be so rough
You would think
He didn't give a blink.
But a brother may act so tough
As a sister, you may say that is enough.
But deep down a brother does care
His love is one that is rare.
His feelings he will show
When life gives us a blow.
So remember to have patience
When you need him, he will be there in an instance.
Brother Quotes
I Wanted A Sister
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2021
I wanted a sister but
With you I got stuck.
A baby boy
That steals my toys.
A brother, no way, it couldn't be
I wanted a sister can't you see.
I asked why a brother?
Oh Mother, oh Mother!
Boys like weird things like bugs
They bring home frogs and slugs
Oh why a brother I had to have
I was not very glad!
But when I saw your little baby face
You my brother I did embrace.
You were so tiny and cute
I stopped with my dispute.
And as you grew I loved you so
I no longer want a sister I want you to know
As brother happiness you bring
I wouldn't trade you for anything.
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A sister can be like a second mom, she can be like a child, or a sister can be
like a best friend to her brother. And brothers usually look out for their
sister and are there for encouragement and support throughout the sister's
life! Send one of our poems to your brother to let him know you are thinking of him!
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