Poems About Stars
Stars always amaze children and adults alike. Let these poems about stars be ones you read and share with your children. You will find the verses contain questions that children often wonder about the stars and the moon.
Short Poems For Kids /
Three Little Stars
Poet: Althea Randolph
One little, two little, three little Stars,
Tucked away snugly in bed
Four little, five little, six little Stars,
Shining so brightly o'erhead;
Seven little, eight little, nine little Stars,
Where do you stay all the day?
Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars,
Have you a name each, I pray?
One little, two little, three little Stars,
Do you have pretty sky-flowers?
Four little, five little, six little Stars,
Where do you hide in the showers?
Seven little, eight little, nine little Stars,
Have you rag-dollies to hold?
Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars,
Are all your gowns made of gold?
One little, two little, three little Stars,
What makes you all twinkle so?
Four little, five little, six little Stars,
Is it the way that you grow?
Seven little, eight little, nine little Stars,
Tucked away snug in your beds;
Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars,
Don't tumble down on our heads!

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
The Free Course
Poet: Berton Braley
Not mine the track of a star in space
Which must keep to its course on high,
With never a chance for a swifter pace
Or a romp in the vasty sky;
Though the star be safe and the star hold true
I would rather be wholly free
To run amuck in the heavenly blue,
So — the comet's course for me,
To leap in leaps of a billion miles
'Mid the stars of the milky way,
And to play hop skotch through the stellar aisles
In a boisterous mood of play!
If I were a star I would quickly tire
Of a path that was fixed and tame,
And I'd whoop through space with a tail of fire
And burst in a flare of flame!
The Stars
Poet: Althea Randolph
I like to watch the pretty Stars
Shining in the sky,
They peep out only in the night;
I wish they'd tell me why!
If I could do just as I wish
And have all things my way,
I'd surely make the pretty Stars
To shine, instead, by day!

Poems About Night
Twinkling Stars
Poet: Althea Randolph
Twinkling Stars, oh, tell me why
You live ever in the sky;
Don't you like it here below,
Where the pretty rivers flow?
Some day if I find a way,
I shall climb up where you stay;
Then perhaps I'll like it, too,
Dwelling in the sky of blue!
The Comet-Traveler
Poet: Althea Randolph
Dashing gaily through the sky,
Speeds the Comet with one eye.
Brilliant eye of golden light.
Shining in the dark at night.
'Twixt the Stars he wends his way,
Trails his flaming bright array:
"Ho!" he cries as he sweeps by,
"Was ever Star as grand as I!"
Though he's always on the wing,
He, of all the Stars is King,
And wisely rules his twinkling band,
In his flight through Starry-Land!

Poems About The Sky
The Man In The Moon
Poet: Althea Randolph
Dear old, queer old Mister Man
Dwelling in the Moon.
It is such a funny house,
Like a big balloon!
How do you go in and out
With no door at all?
Does it not seem strange to live
In a shining ball?
Daddy says you always stay
Up there in the sky.
Have you, too, a little child
Quite as small as I?
When the stars peep out each eve
Then I watch for you.
So to-night, dear Mister Man,
Look for me - please do!
Inspirational God Quotes
Shine Brightly
Poet: Kate Summers
The stars that shine brightly at night
We see them twinkle oh, so bright
Stars placed there from God above
To show us even in the darkness His forever love.
Let the stars above remind you
Of a love that is so true
When the stars wink at you
Remember God is watching over you.
Good Night Poems
Playing Bo-Peep With A Star
Poet: Unknown
"Who are you winking at, bright little star?
Hanging alone, ’way up ever so far;
Trembling and flashing aloft in the blue -
Answer my question, and answer me true!"
She stood by the window, all ready for bed,
Yet lingered to hear what the little star said;
But naught would it do but wink its bright eye,
Alone by itself in the depths of the sky.
"I fear you are dumb," said the wee little sprite,
"Or else you would answer my question to-night.
We whisper and talk to each other down here;
I think you could speak, if you chose to, my dear."
What do you think the little star did?
It wilfully slipped out of sight and was hid
By a snip of a cloud that floated close by,
And never vouchsafed her a wink or reply.
But after a while, when she woke in the night,
The first thing she saw was that little star’s light;
It twinkled and twinkled, and roused her from sleep,
"Aha!" laughed the child, "we can both play bo-peep!"
Sea and Sky
Poet: Lucy Larcom
The Sea is wedded to the Sky -
Element unto element:
She spreads above him tenderly
Her blue, transparent tent.
The Sky is mated with the Sea:
In stormy tumult he ascends
Toward her retreating mystery:
Not thus their being blends!
But when her deep, eternal calm
Enters into his restless heart,
Each mirrors back the other's charm;
Nearest when most apart.
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Althea Randolph

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We hope these poems about stars are enjoyed by kids and adults. Looking up at the night sky the stars are always an amazing sight and hold many people in awe!
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