6 Poems About Vacation

Oh, how we love our vacations, planning for them and taking them. Let these cute poems about vacation bring a smile to your face. And, may they remind you to relax and enjoy your vacation - don't pack so much in every day that you end up coming back exhausted. A vacation should be a time to unwind and recharge!

Anne Wilson Schaef said it well, "Vacations mean a change of pace, a gentleness with ourselves, a time of rest and renewal, and a time to stretch ourselves and encounter new people, new lands, new ways, and new options."

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  1. Vacation Time
    Poet: David V. Bush

    There’s been an awful grind all year
    At office or the desk,
    You need a rest or you will die
    As again you peel your vest.
    You plan a splendid summer’s trip
    Off in a balmy clime,
    You’re going to have a real good rest
    You’re sprinting all the time.

    You take the ship and “fade away,”
    You’ll rest here sure enough,
    But hardly have you settled down
    When up comes friend McDuff.
    A social game he’ll have with you.
    (No bids above a dime)
    You play until the sun is up
    You’re sprinting all the time.

    But when you reach your camping ground
    Far from the maddening throng
    You’re bound you’ll get that rest you need
    Not even play ping pong
    But pshaw! you bump into some friends;
    A mount they’re going to climb,
    Of course you don’t refuse to go
    You’re sprinting all the time.

    You thought your work - your drudgery
    Was strenuous and tough
    But you awaken, all bunged up
    And feeling mighty rough;
    In fact by far you’re more tired out
    Than at your city grind.
    You left your work to take a rest
    You’re sprinting all the time.

    There’re many things that you forgot
    In making out your trip
    That you would here be on the run,
    No one gave you a tip;
    There’s swimming beach and rowing boats,
    Each one so very fine.
    You’re tempted to indulge in all
    You’re sprinting all the time.

    Your time is up, you go back home
    As tired, as tired can be;
    You call your doctor to consult
    And pay his handsome fee
    You don’t feel well; can he help you?
    “O Yes!” his face doth shine,
    “You really need a rest,” he says
    You’re sprinting all the time.

  2. A Letter In Rhyme
    (The following letter was written to coworkers while the author was vacationing in Oklahoma)
    Poet: Elsie E. Egermeier

    Since I left the office,
    I have often thought of you,
    Often thought perhaps I'd better
    Write you guys a letter
    Which I've planned to do.

    So this morn while I am roaming
    Very near to Nature's heart,
    With the woodlands me surrounding
    And such shady nooks abounding,
    Here I make a start.

    If this letter grows quite lengthy
    Ere at last its close you see,
    Will you patiently pursue it
    Till at last you're really through it?
    Think it's just like me.

    That which I am now enjoying,
    All I shall not try to tell;
    'Possum-hunting, buggy-riding,
    In a boat o'er waters gliding,
    Serve their purpose well.

    Oh, how warm has been the weather!
    Breezes like an oven blow,
    Turning waving corn-fields yellow.
    Summer apples now are mellow
    Nice to eat, you know.

    Peaches, too, taste so delicious
    And I very often wish,
    As I pluck them from the branches
    On these Oklahoma ranches,
    That you had a dish.

    Harvest season now is over;
    Threshers, too, have had their day;
    Papa's grain in bushels numbered
    More than twenty times one hundred
    When 'twas hauled away.

    On the wide and rolling prairie,
    Stretching westward toward the sea,
    There are herds of cattle grazing;
    When upon this scene I'm gazing,
    It is fair to me.

    Oh, my Southern, Western home land
    Ne'er enticed me so before!
    And the thoughts of my soon leaving
    With my loved ones for me grieving
    Make my heart feel sore.

    But the God whom I am serving
    With my heart and soul and strength,
    When the time comes for my starting
    Grace for the sad hours of parting
    Will supply at length.

    Then I shall, with courage, bravely
    Enter in your ranks once more,
    Thankful for my short vacation,
    For this pleasant recreation
    Which shall then be o'er.

    Now, lest you should grow quite weary
    Of these lines I've tried to pen,
    I shall close my friendly letter,
    Promising to do much better
    Should I write again.

  3. Look Forward
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Vacations we all look forward
    To time away
    Where work stops and
    We have time to play.

    Vacations are to be a time
    Where relaxation is found
    A time for us all to rewind
    And recharge our minds.

    Vacations can be to
    Faraway places
    Or to places that are new
    A time that is due.

    Enjoy your vacation time
    It passes by so fast
    Let it be your downtime
    It goes by quickly, oh too fast!

  4. An upcoming vacation gives us something to eagerly anticipate.
    Vacation Quotes

  5. Oh I Can't Wait
    Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

    Oh can't wait until vacation time,
    A break from the usual grind.

    Time to relax, time to play,
    Time to forget work for a few days.

    Time to run off and find some sun,
    And do a bit of sightseeing or just have some fun!

    Time to bond with the ones I love,
    Recharge my batteries and spread those wings like a dove.

    Vacation time will soon be here,
    I always look forward to it each year!

  6. Vacation
    Poet: Unknown

    Say, schoolmates, have you seen Vacation?
    For I think she is somewhere near;
    She is standing outside, with an invitation,
    O, I'm glad enough she's here.

    Of course we all like school in season,
    And the hardest lessons too!
    But I'd like to know if it stands to reason
    We should work the whole year through?

    Say, teacher, have you seen Vacation,
    With a smile upon her face?
    She has come to bring you recreation;
    She is lingering round the place.

    Of course you love the young idea
    To be teaching how to shoot;
    But a look from you when she draws near,
    Says, "That's the idea to suit."

    Say, parents, have you seen Vacation?
    Soon she comes to meet you;
    We've the happiest home in all creation;
    We will make her welcome too.

    Of course we're glad to give you pleasure,
    But our lessons now are done,
    And we hope you'll give us fullest measure
    Of Vacation's sport and fun.

  7. The Vacation Problem
    Poet: Arthur Franklin Fuller

    The summer days again are here,
    And make one glad vacation's near;
    Where best to spend it who can know?
    The list of places seems to grow;
    Attractions varied, promise charms.
    At sea shore points, and inland farms;
    Now better not in haste decide -
    Regrets might then the spirit chide...

  8. Read the complete poem at The Vacation Problem

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We hope you have enjoyed these poems about vacation. Don't be one of those people who work through their vacations. We all need downtime, time away from the daily routine of work and life.  They say change is as good as a rest, just the change of not having to get up each day to go to work can be relaxing. Enjoy your vacation!

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