18 Poems For Women
Be encouraged and inspired by these poems for women. Verses to give women thoughts to consider regarding their lives and ambitions. In today's culture women play a role in the success of the family, and the success of the corporations they work for.
Women must ensure a balance in their lives as there are many expectations put on them. And, sometimes the best thing a woman can do is to say no. While many women try and take on the superwoman role, to achieve success they must take care of themselves. We hope these poems inspire the women in your life.
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Poems For Women
Beautiful Thoughts
Poet: Unknown
Beautiful thoughts do not arise,
In the mind of their own volition;
You must choose your thoughts just as carefully
As you choose a friend, or physician.
It is only by thinking and living each day
On planes that are lofty and true,
That beautiful thoughts and a noble soul
Will come and abide with you.
Good thoughts are like flowers that grew from the seeds
Which you planted one day in the spring;
And since you selected the seeds which you sowed,
You knew just what flowers they'd bring.
And so are thoughts which will live in your mind,
If you will permit their admission;
The good ones will lead you to heaven and God,
While the others pave roads to perdition.
So choose well the thoughts which shall guide you each day,
Since you know what results they will bring;
Then yours will be truly a beautiful life
Which will cause you to smile and to sing.
Do Not Look For Wrong & Evil
Poet: Alice Carey
Do not look for wrong and evil,
You will find them if you do;
As you measure for your neighbor,
He will measure back to you.
Look for goodness, look for gladness,
You will meet them all the while,
If you bring a smiling visage
To the glass, you meet a smile.
Inspirational Quotes by Women
Poet: Ida Mingus Clay
I know not what tomorrow may unfold,
Or where the roads, as yet untrod, may lead;
While time and tide move onward, ever bold,
With no cessation in their daily speed.
The yesterdays I cannot readorn,
Or bygone years I never can relive,
And future happenings are yet unborn,
But Now is ever here with much to give.
I have Today — a gracious gift — ornate
With four and twenty golden hours that shine,
Reflecting joyous moments that await
Beneath the skies divine. And this is mine
To use and cherish as I wend my way,
With thanks to God, for giving me Today.

A New Day Poem
I Did My Best
Poet: Blanche Tromble Evans
I'm tired but happy, now that day is done,
I did my best.
Through commonplace things and vexing problems.
I stood the test.
I didn't with knowledge hurt a living thing
Or stoop to lie;
My impulse to add to scandal made me blush,
I passed it by.
I'm weary but happy, now that day is done,
I lived it well.
I'm glad that I spoke a cheering word,
the wrong I didn't tell;
I'm glad that I did a kindly act to him
Who did me wrong:
I wish I might always live each day like this
And be as strong.
Success Poem
Our Troubles
Poet: Unknown
They are the grime that comes from fear,
From fretting and from worry,
From what we do or do not hear —
We'll lose them in a hurry.
May happiness come as a soap
To make the laughter — bubbles,
And wash away with cheer and hope
Each one of all our troubles.
Too Content
by Helen Gilbert
Lord, let me not be too content
With life in trifling service spent —
Make me aspire!
When days with petty cares are filled.
Let me with fleeting thoughts be thrilled,
Of something higher.
Help me to long for mental grace,
To struggle with the commonplace
I daily find;
May little deeds not bring to fruit
A crop of little thoughts to suit
A shriveled mind.

Poems about Contentment
When To Be Happy
Poet: Nixon Waterman
Why do we cling to the skirts of sorrow
Why do we cloud with tare the brow?
Why do we wait for a glad tomorrow —
Why not gladden the precious now?
Eden is yours! Would you dwell within it?
Change a person's grief to a gracious smile,
And thus have heaven here this minute
And not far off in the afterwhile.
Life, at most, is a fleeting bubble.
Gone with the puff of an angel's breath.
Why should the dim hereafter trouble
Souls this side of the gates of death?
The crown is yours ! Would you care to win it?
Plant a song in the hearts that sigh.
And thus have heaven here this minute
And not far-off in the by-and-by.
Find the soul's high place of beauty.
Not in a man-made book of creeds,
But where desire ennobles duty
And life is full of your kindly deeds.
The bliss is yours! Would you fain begin it?
Pave with love each golden mile.
And thus have heaven here this minute
And not far-off in the afterwhile.
Poems about Strength
Super Woman
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
We sometimes think we are super-woman
We work and live our passion
But many times we take on too much
And then we wonder why we feel crushed.
Women need more life balance
Be less concerned about appearance
So what if the house has some dust
A spotless house is not a must.
We work, we clean, and cook
We fuss about the way things look
But no one really cares
Oh, the pressure woman do bear.
We need to step back and say
It will be done another day
Don't miss life's important things
Your relationships and feelings.
Don't be pressured to do more
Stick to your values, to your core
Life goes by way too fast
Enjoy each day before it is passed.

Enjoy Life Poems
Poet: Ann Searoone
Did you see the sun smile over the hill,
At the break of day;
Stop to kiss the dew from the grass,
And melt the mists away?
I did!
Did you hear the whisper of a breeze
Midst the poplars along the wall;
And the music of tumbling water
Like a silver bugle call?
I did!
Did you dash for shelter when a sudden shower
Burst on a hilltop high.
Then breathlessly watch a rainbow sweep
The clouds from out the sky?
I did!
Did you ever take a thought? Hear Nature's voice
In marvels everywhere?
And from the rainbow in the sky —
Did you read a solace there?
I did!
Poet: Charlotte Bronte
Life, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,
But these are transient all;
If the shower will make the roses bloom,
Oh! why lament its fall?
Poems About Life
A Woman's Work
Poet: Kate Summers
They say a woman's work is never done
She always seems to be on the run.
She possesses many skills
And many jobs she does fill.
She cooks, she cleans, she does the dishes
She loves her children and grants their wishes
She dusts, and mops, and does the wash
She keeps the house looking posh.
She fixes the broken things
And to many a smile, she brings
She is unselfish in her ways
Helping others have a good day.
Poems about Time
My Sisters
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
My sisters, in yourself, have confidence
You really do make a difference
Don't let others put you down
Don't let them take your joy and make you frown.
My sisters, follow your dreams
Don't let others take away what you believe
As long as to yourself you stay true
It is amazing what you can do!
My sisters, you are unique in every way
Thank God for the gifts He gives you every day
Your life is full of blessings if stop and look
Life is easier when you have a positive outlook!

Attitude Poems
Give Your Old Clothes Away
Poet: Lillian E. Curtis
You wonder at that and think it is wrong.
Wait, and I'll explain what I say.
On what conditions it seems to be right.
To give your old clothes away.
You, wealthy and blessed with abundant stores,
Come in contact with those every day,
On whom you could confer untold good,
By giving your old clothes away.
Then if you don't frequent the dry good's shops.
Who'll purchase their contents so gay?
Surely not the poor class of people.
To whom you should give old clothes away.
By giving merchants your custom, clothes to the needy,
Buying a fresh suit for yourself, displeasing to none,
Behold how much at one time you'd do,
Kill three birds with only one stone.
It teaches your daughters economy, you say,
But it's a tendency toward miserly doing,
From which bad habits might eventually rise.
Nor hardly the path for young feet's pursuing.
A story goes of one woman who economized,
And planned sedulously, work upon her lap,
And when the day drew to a close.
She'd made from out a sheet, a whole night-cap.
Yet economy, how highly we prize it,
Economy of a kind that will pay.
But true economy on the whole, 'twould seem,
Would it not? to give old clothes away!
Wise Words
Author Unknown
If your efforts are criticized,
you must have done something worthwhile.
If someone calls you a fool,
go into silence and meditate because he may be right.
If a dull day comes along,
it gives you time to think out plans to make the next one brighter.
If someone has put something over on you,
remember there are more than a hundred and twenty million people in America who
have never played you a single nasty trick.
If you have tried to do something and failed,
you are vastly better than if you had tried to do nothing and succeeded.
Poems about Failure
We All Might Do Good
Poet: G. L. Banks
We all might do good
Where we often do ill -
There is always the way
If there be but the will;
Though it be but a word
Kindly breathed or suppressed,
It may guard off some pain,
Or give peace to some breast.
We all might do good
In a thousand small ways -
In forbearing to flatter,
Yet yielding due praise;
In spurning ill rumor,
Reproving wrong done,
And treating but kindly
The heart we have won.
We all might do good
Whether lowly or great,
For the deed is not gauged
By the purse or estate;
If it be but a cup
Of cold water that's given;
Like the widow's two mites,
It is something for heaven.
It Is Not
Poet: Geikie
After all, it is not what is around us,
but what is in us;
not what we have,
but what we are,
that makes us really happy.

Poems about Happiness
Poet: Emily Huntington Miller
Sometimes the storm is dark above.
Sometimes the rain is chilling;
And not a bird in all the tree
His merry note is trilling;
Yet in spite of dreary weather,
Sing my heart and I together:
"Clouds may hide the radiant skies,
Yet the sunshine never dies! "
Don't Be In A Hurry
Poet: Josephine Pollard
Don’t be in a hurry to answer yes or no;
Nothing’s lost by being reasonably slow.
In a hasty moment you may give consent,
And through years of torment leisurely repent.
Should one ask forgiveness for a grave offense,
Honest tears betraying earnest penitence,
Pity and console him, all his fears allay,
And don’t be in a hurry to drive the child away.
Hurry brings us worry; worry wears us out,
Easy-going people know what they’re about.
Heedless haste will bring us surely to the ditch,
And trouble overwhelm us if we hurry to be rich.
Don’t be in a hurry to throw yourself away,
By the side of wisdom for a while delay.
Make your life worth living; nobly act your part,
And don’t be in a hurry to, spoil it at the start.
Don’t be in a hurry to speak the angry word;
Don't be in a hurry to spread the tale you’ve heard;
Don’t be in a hurry with evil ones to go;
And don’t be in a hurry to answer yes or no.
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